Modular origami. Dragon or Serpent Gorynych?

This year, everyone is simply obliged to have a dragon figure. This is a symbol of the year, which can bring success, prosperity and prosperity to all residents of the housing. The dragon is a very interesting animal, the appearance of which depends on what part of the world it is described in. We know beautiful horned and winged dragons, which are customary to depict on New Year's Eve in the East in street performances, and whose figures are exhibited on the festive table. They are single-headed, have a bright color, often red or yellow. This is a mythical creature, but it is not scary. There is another version of the Serpent of Gorynych about three heads - also a dragon, but already a western one. He breathes fire, but can also look quite harmless and attractive.

Whatever you choose as a symbol of the year, you can depict it using modular origami. The dragon turns out to be voluminous, very attractive and pretty. It is feasible even for a child to create an origami figure. The dragon from the modules can become both an independent craft and a funny gift on the occasion of a holiday for family and friends. In addition, it is quite possible to organize leisure for the whole family - this is the plus of origami art. A dragon for beginners from modules will require only hundreds of folded leaves, but the pleasure will bring quite real. The technique for manufacturing modules is known and described on sites specializing in master classes. The main thing here is compliance with the proportions, the size can be selected by yourself. That is a well modular origami - a dragon can turn out up to a meter in size, all at the request of the creators! And it’s much easier for children to twist large triangles.

So, the most important thing to start is to learn what modular origami is. A dragon of any kind consists of small triangles of the same size, fastened together without glue. The module itself allows you to connect it with others of the same. By and large, it is not at all difficult to study the tricks that modular origami uses. The dragon, however, as a creature of a complex structure, requires a fairly decent amount of these same modules - about 1000 for one beast. The chains of modules due to the friction force remain securely fastened - they can be bent, closed, and the basis of any figure can be obtained - a circle of modules. Next, second-round modules are strung onto the workpiece, and so on. In order for the figure to acquire the desired shape, you can increase or decrease the number of modules in each circle. To do this, the next module is either planted on two belonging to the previous circle, or, conversely, two new plants are planted on one module. Everything is extremely simple, but it is necessary to clearly count the number of elements in each chain, like loops when knitting. It is especially important to take the connection of modules of various colors seriously - in the finished figure, flaws of incorrect following the scheme are seen especially clearly.

By and large, the modules themselves hold the figure and do not allow it to crumble. However, details such as wings, paws and heads will need to be glued to the body. There is one more secret: it is necessary to choose the right place for attaching the limbs in order to balance the center of gravity of the finished figure. If everything is chosen correctly, then the origami dragon will be quite stable on its own. Of course, it is best to use PVA glue - and reliably, and there will be no trace.

Here, in fact, all the tricks of the art of origami. Do not be afraid to undertake the execution of even seemingly complex figures - in fact, with a sufficient share of attention and patience, it is completely possible to implement even a beginner. Origami is akin to any needlework: it’s hard to string beads for the first time, it’s difficult to create the first cross-stitch, and how difficult it is to knit without tightening or loosening the item when the knitting needles just fell into your hands! But literally two days will pass - and the skill will form remarkably. Origami modules are much simpler than knitting loops!


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