Is lamprey dangerous to humans or only to fish?

Lampreys are a parasitic species of fish found in fresh and salty water bodies. The literal translation from the Latin language means "licking stone", this is due to the ability of creatures to stick to hard surfaces, although they stick not only to stones, but also to other fish and even people. After viewing the awesome pictures of the open mouth of this animal, many people ask: is lamprey dangerous to humans or does it pose a threat only to fish?

lamprey is dangerous to humans
These creatures live in almost all bodies of water in the Southern and Northern Hemisphere, and are found even in the Arctic Ocean basin. There are about 40 species of lampreys, which are divided into three types: sea, river and brook. The size of the fish depends on the habitat. Brooks are the smallest, reach a length of about 10 cm, and marine ones are the largest, grow to one meter. Thanks to the latter, information has spread that the lamprey is dangerous to humans, as fish have repeatedly attacked swimming people.

In appearance, this inhabitant of the depths is more like an eel: there are no scales, pectoral and ventral paired fins are also not observed. Lamprey is famous for its unusual respiratory system, an annular mouth with many horny teeth and a predilection for eating the muscles and blood of dead and living fish. Since lampreys do not have paired fins and a swimming bladder, they live mostly on the bottom of lakes, rivers and seas.

lamprey fish
Lamprey gathers in large colonies before spawning. Fish can lay about 10 thousand eggs, most of which are buried under stones. After this lamprey dies. Larvae appear after three weeks, they look like small worms burrowing in the sand. Young animals are very different from their parents, so they were even singled out in a separate form, calling them quickhairs. For 5 years, they look like ordinary fish, and only then acquire an adult appearance.

The lamprey creature has been known to mankind since ancient times. The oldest specimen discovered by archaeologists lived about 360 million years ago. For thousands of years, many peoples have consumed this fish as its meat is very nutritious and tasty. The ancient Romans lamprey and eels were considered a delicacy. In Europe, only wealthy citizens could afford such a fish. Lamprey is dangerous for humans if you eat it constantly. The death of King Henry I of England is directly related to her, because he loved fish dishes and ate them in large quantities, and the lamprey meat is quite fat.

lamprey creature
You can’t say for sure that lamprey is dangerous for humans, it can bite, but it will not lead to death. In addition, specially fish does not attack people. There is a known case when Julius Caesar, as an execution of a delinquent slave, threw him into a pond with huge sea lampreys. They initially attacked the unfortunate, but, realizing that this was a man, not a fish, they retreated. These creatures spoil the fish, because they are absorbed into it and cause mortal wounds, gnawing pieces of meat. But they themselves become the prey of burbot, catfish, eels and other large marine inhabitants. There are cases when the lampreys attacked a person, but this, apparently, by negligence.


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