Fallout 4: Gatling Laser. Description of the weapon and its location.

In Fallout 4, the gatling laser is one of the rarest representatives of its class, since it is almost impossible to find it in the Commonwealth. To get it, you need to either grow to a certain level, or perform tasks for which this weapon can give.

Weapon description

Weapon description

In Fallout 4, the gatling laser is a representative of the Heavy Weapon class, that is, a kind of laser machine gun. At first, its damage is minimal - only five units. You can increase it only in two ways - it is to modify this sample on the machine or to improve the skill, which is called "Heavy guns".

Unlike the third part, in Fallout 4 you can use a gatling laser regardless of what level of Heavy Weapon skill the character currently has.

This miracle weapon weighs nearly twenty kilograms, so it’s worth clearing your inventory before taking this gun into service. As for the gatling laser cartridges in Fallout 4, nuclear units are used as ammunition. It works this way: one nuclear unit gives the store 500 shots, and then you have to look for a new one, since they themselves are rarely found in the vastness of the Commonwealth.

Laser related tasks

Gatling Laser Jobs

In Fallout 4, you can still get a gatling laser by completing some of the tasks that the Brotherhood of Steel storyline provides. Also, if a player has already reached level 20, then Proctor Tigan will gladly part with a sample of the gatling laser for several covers.

Pay attention to the mission "Shipwreck". For its implementation, you can also get a gatling laser as a reward. This task is feasible only if the player passes the storyline, supporting the side of the Institute. After the liquidation of the Podzemka fraction, the father, the leader of the Institute, proposes to liquidate the BS as well, because it is dangerous to leave them alive, and this will have consequences.

Where to find a gatling laser

Where to find a gatling laser

There are several ways to search for a gatling laser in the Commonwealth, in addition to completing tasks.

The first way is to accidentally drop a given weapon from enemies. The fact is that when a player reaches level 37, the chance of falling rare items increases.

The second option is to proceed west of the Corvega plant and find the character of Reggie Blattaria there. He and his flock of radtarakans, including legendary ones, will attack everything that moves, so you can’t count on a peaceful conversation. It will appear only if the player has reached level 37. You can pick up a minigun or a gatling laser from Reggie’s corpse.

The next method is not completely humane, but it will allow you to get the legendary gatling laser in Fallout 4. This method involves the murder of Elder Maxton - the leader of the Brotherhood of Steel. A legendary example of this weapon can be found if you meet legendary opponents, but the chance is small.

In order not to confuse the legendary enemy with the ordinary, you need to pay attention to the name of the enemy. If a star is shown next to it, then you have met the right opponent.

If you modify the legendary model on the machine, then its unique properties will not disappear.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17641/

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