When feeding is introduced with mixed feeding: features and recommendations

For a baby up to a year, breast milk is the best food. It supplies all the necessary nutrients, provides enzymes and beneficial bacteria for the formation of the digestive system, and also contributes to the formation of immunity in the baby. But not always the mother has the opportunity to breastfeed. If this is impossible for some reason, they switch to mixed feeding. In this case, it is believed that the child receives less nutrients. Therefore, the question of when the feeding is introduced with mixed feeding is very important. There are several different points of view on this problem, so each mother needs to study them all and be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

Mixed-fed baby

When to introduce complementary foods, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, it depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, the speed of weight gain and the state of his health. Mixed feeding, compared with natural, does not fully provide the baby with all the necessary nutrients.

A feature of this type of nutrition is that breast milk makes up at least a fifth of the total amount of food. Moreover, the milk mixture in this case is called "supplementary feeding." Most often adapted mixtures are used. Manufacturers saturate them with viamins and nutrients, but still they are worse than breast milk. Therefore, feeding is recommended only after application to the breast, when the baby sucks more actively. For the same reason, doctors advise feeding a baby from a spoon, since it is easier to suck from a bottle and the baby may completely refuse to breast.

If, for some reason, the mother cannot breastfeed each time, it is advisable to leave breast milk at least 2-3 times a day, at the rest of the time giving the baby a mixture from the bottle. It is important to keep the baby able to get breast milk as long as possible, which provides all his needs.

when supplemented with mixed feeding

The need for complementary foods

If the baby is on mixed feeding, he receives less nutrients. Even the best mix does not provide all the needs of a growing organism. For this, complementary foods are used. This is an additional food in liquid or semi-liquid form. Western doctors consider only solid food that is given to the baby from a spoon as complementary foods. Therefore, they introduce it from an age when the child’s gastrointestinal tract is ready to absorb it. This happens after about six months.

And when is complementary feeding administered in the opinion of domestic pediatricians? There is also a mixed opinion. Most Russian doctors attribute any food other than milk to complementary foods. Such food is needed for the baby on mixed feeding after 4-5 months. It provides his body with the missing nutrients. But even if the baby has enough, lure should be introduced before the age of seven months. After that, it will be very difficult to accustom him to new food.

when to introduce the first complementary feeding when mixed feeding

When to introduce complementary feeding when mixed feeding

Komarovsky, like many foreign doctors, believes that a child who receives breast milk even in minimal quantities does not need additional food for up to six months. In his opinion, it is better to buy a baby a good quality milk mixture than to load his fragile gastrointestinal tract with unfamiliar food. Only by the age of 6 months, enzymes in the body begin to function fully and the intestinal microflora is formed.

And how long does it take to introduce complementary feeding according to other doctors? Previously, it was generally recommended to do this from a month old. But recent studies have proven that up to 4 months the baby’s digestive system is still imperfect and not ready for any food other than milk. Therefore, complementary foods earlier than this age cause intestinal upset, allergic reactions and a large burden on the kidneys.

But you should not be guided by when other parents are introducing complementary foods during mixed feeding. Each child is individual and it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of his development. Some people do not need complementary foods up to 6 months, while others are better to enter it at 4 months. And according to the doctor’s testimony, for example, with rickets or anemia, it is possible earlier.

what time to introduce mixed-feeding complementary foods

How to understand that a child is ready for feeding

The timing of the first feeding can vary from 4 to 6 months in different children. It depends on the speed of weight gain, the physical activity of the baby and the readiness of the digestive system to absorb new food. To understand when it is possible to introduce complementary foods for feeding, mother should take into account several factors:

  • the child is already teething;
  • its weight increased by 2-2.5 times;
  • the baby can sit, turn his head;
  • he is interested in adult food;
  • his innate reflex of pushing food out with his tongue disappeared.

But at the same time, you should not drastically delay the introduction of complementary foods. If the baby by 7 months does not get acquainted with the new food, later it will be much more difficult.

mixed-fed baby when feeding

What can not be done

When complementary feeding is introduced, it is stressful for the baby’s body. Even a slight change in diet can cause allergic reactions and an upset bowel. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right time for the first feeding and follow all the doctor's recommendations. There are several restrictions that are recommended to be considered when feeding the baby:

  • complementary foods can be administered only to an absolutely healthy child, any malaise is a contraindication to this;
  • new food can be given no earlier than a week after vaccination;
  • the risk of allergic reactions in hot weather increases;
  • in a stressful situation for a child, for example, when changing living conditions, feeding is not recommended;
  • You can not give the baby food that has remained from the last time, yesterday or cooked a few hours ago;
  • You cannot force-feed a child if he turns away and spits out food.
    when to introduce complementary foods when mixed feeding Komarovsky

Where to start lure

Previously, all doctors recommended feeding children juices. But now, due to frequent allergic reactions, the approach has changed. It is better to start giving juices not earlier than 8-9 months. Recommended foods for first feeding are zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. This food does not cause allergies, is well absorbed and contains many nutrients. A little later, you can start giving carrots, pumpkins. Other vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, peas - it is better to introduce after 8-9 months.

For premature babies, as well as those who are very poorly gaining weight, it is recommended to start complementary foods with porridge. Buckwheat or rice is very nutritious and high-calorie.

There is another opinion about the first feeding. Dr. Komarovsky believes that it is better to use dairy products for this. They are closest to the milk mixture and help to establish the intestinal microflora.

how to introduce complementary feeding on mixed feeding

How to introduce complementary foods

To make the child easier to adapt to new food, you need not only to carefully choose what to give him. It is also very important how food is prepared to feed the baby. In no case should you add salt or sugar. You can not give your child fried as well. All foods for feeding are boiled or steamed, and then wiped through a sieve or crushed in a blender. Such food is more healthy than canned food. The child needs to be given only freshly prepared dishes, so it is better to cook in small portions.

Moms do not always know how to properly administer complementary foods for mixed feeding. Because of this, there are digestive disorders in the child or allergic reactions. It is recommended to introduce the baby with a new meal gradually. Start with half a teaspoon, slowly increasing the amount. You can enter only one product at a time. New food is given when the child is accustomed to the previous feeding. This is after about 1-2 weeks. All food should be mashed, and for better absorption it can be diluted with breast milk or the usual mixture.

Feed the baby immediately start with a spoon. This will help him better adapt to adult food. When administering complementary foods, the child on mixed feeding should gradually reduce the amount of the milk mixture, and try to leave breast milk as long as possible.

It is also important for mothers to know when it is better to introduce complementary foods with mixed feeding. The ideal time for exploring new foods is morning. It is best to do this during the second feeding - at 9-10 hours. It is not recommended to introduce a new product in the evening, as it will be difficult to follow the baby’s reaction to it.

when it is better to introduce complementary foods when mixed feeding

When to enter porridge

Now it is not recommended to start feeding the baby with cereals. It is better to accustom a child to such food after 7-8 months, when he is already accustomed to vegetable puree. For the first feeding, porridges on water are best suited. Start with buckwheat or rice. You can introduce the baby sheep and millet after 8 months.

But there are situations when it is recommended to introduce the first complementary foods with mixed feeding with porridge. This is done if the child is gaining weight poorly. After all, cereals are more nutritious and nutritious than milk formula, will be able to provide his body with the missing calories and nutrients.

When to introduce meat products

After the child gets used to mashed vegetables, cereals and juices, he can start giving meat. Moms are often interested in how much to introduce mixed-feeding complementary foods for meat products. It is recommended to do this no earlier than 2 months after he met another meal. Usually it is 7-8 months. You should also start with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the dosage. The total amount of meat by 9 months should not exceed 50 g. Veal, rabbit or turkey is best suited for the first feeding.

You should not force a child if he does not want to eat any product. You can offer it in a week. In the process of introducing complementary foods, you need to focus only on the reaction of the child himself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17645/

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