Where, how and how much does crucian carp live?

Breeding and fishing is a fairly popular activity. Someone is ready to sit for hours with a fishing rod in the hope of a successful hunt, while someone wants to be sure of the catch and raise fish in their own pond. Crucian fish fits perfectly into the conditions of the Russian climate and is available for independent breeding. How old is crucian carp? Let's figure it out.

Who is the crucian?

Crucian carp is a truly unique fish that can survive in very harsh conditions. Modern realities are such that any inhabitant of water bodies must be prepared for harsh living conditions: temperature changes, lack of food, harmful discharges, the presence of natural enemies.

Not all fish can be said to live until a successful fisherman catches it. Having suitable fish in accessible bodies of water is luck rather than rule. Crucian carp in the described conditions is able to survive for a long time. This raises the reasonable question: how long does crucian carp live in the wild and with artificial breeding?

how old is crucian

To begin with, it is important to find out that he is able to fall into suspended animation under adverse conditions, dig into the sludge and not show signs of life for a long time. Most often this is not an hour or two, the time period stretches for months, sometimes years. This behavior allows adult carp to survive all sorts of hardships, but first you need to survive and grow to the right size.

Where and how much do crucians live?

In the wild, crucian carp can be found in rivers, lakes and ponds of the Far Eastern region and Siberia. So, it is considered the most popular commercial fish, despite the general diversity of the inhabitants of water bodies. Wild species of crucians have become excellent prototypes for ornamental fish, which are so often launched into aquariums. Over time, crucian carp has become very popular in terms of commerce, it is an excellent raw material for business.

Today it is not difficult to meet the reservoirs in which crucian is artificially settled, for this it is absolutely not necessary to go to Siberia or the Far East. In the European part of Russia, fish are successfully bred in tributaries of rivers, factories or specialized reservoirs, many make it an inhabitant of country ponds.

Breeding crucian carp in a pond

How and how much does crucian carp live? The question is relevant and no less interesting. The female is capable of laying from 50 to 300 thousand eggs at a time, but not all of them will survive and reach adulthood, which occurs for crucian carp in 3-4 years. If you are lucky, and the egg will escape death in the first periods of life, and there will be enough food in the pond, then in a couple of years the fish will grow, gain the necessary weight and not be afraid of most predators.

Experts believe that fish live on average from 10 to 15 years. Different factors influence how much crucian carp lives:

  • habitat conditions;
  • type of crucian carp;
  • the availability of the necessary feed.

How to breed crucian carp in a pond?

Before starting crucian carp in its own reservoir, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some conditions that must be observed for the successful growth of fish.

Interesting Facts:

  1. For breeding own crucian carp any freshwater reservoir is required; the region of residence does not matter.
  2. The presence in the artificial reservoir of a sufficient amount of food, which will allow the fish to grow stably.
  3. Selection of the right neighborhood, especially when instituting several types of fish in one pond.

Experts say that crucian carp gets along well with carps and carp. In matters of crossbreeding, it is important to observe the uniform size of males and females.


It is interesting to clarify how many crucians live in a pond with artificial breeding. It is believed that the fish will exist for a long time, up to 15 years, but on condition that it is not caught and eaten at dinner.

For breeding in Russia, two types of crucian carp are used:

  • Gold.
  • Silver.

These species are distinguished by the color of the scales and the weight of adults, which will be discussed below.

Silver and Gold Crucian

Professionals are ready to share knowledge in the field of breeding silver and gold crucian carp. It is proved that the silver species reproduces faster. He is more unpretentious and able to survive even in the most severe conditions. The weight of an adult reaches 1.5 kg, and under favorable conditions even more.


Gold or red carp is less common, although it is also considered unpretentious and affordable for breeding fish. A distinctive feature of this species is the preference for stagnant water for life. However, this species is more difficult to catch, although amateurs say it's worth it. The taste of goldfish is much more interesting and refined than its silver counterpart. This species strongly resists when caught, but the excitement of fishermen does not decrease from this, because the weight of an adult fish can reach 5 kg.

So, how long the crucian fish lives, is now clear. Which species to choose for breeding is a matter of personal preference. For lovers of fishing, such a fish will be a great gift.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17647/

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