The technology of building houses from SIP panels: step-by-step instructions, the pros and cons of the material, the advice of the masters

Construction on the principles of frame-modular assembly has long established itself in the Russian market. And if in the early years back in the 1990s, the technique was far from simple, not even perfect, but even from classical analogue techniques, today the situation is completely different. In many ways, SIP panels helped to raise its level. Canadian technology for the construction of houses using this material allows you to build durable, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly structures. However, it also does not do without flaws, but first things first.

Features of SIP panels

This material formed the basis of modern frame construction as a practical structural element manufactured in the factory. Of course, not only prefabricated SIP components are built on prefabricated houses on a lightweight basis, but this technology is most widely used.

SIP panels for frame houses

The principal feature of the SIP panel is the combination of traditional wood materials with a heat insulator, as well as innovative synthetic additives. On the same load-bearing ability to influence OSB-plates that enclose the functional core on both sides, as the construction of houses from SIP-panels suggests. Production involves careful gluing under the press of oriented particle boards and polystyrene foam, which is used as an insulator. However, to get a truly high-quality result already at the installation stage, it is important to think over the technique of pairing the panels with each other. For this, massive structural elements such as timber, and ordinary hardware can be used. The most modern is the technology of the so-called frameless installation - through splines and thermal inserts, which practically do not deform the panel structure, but at the same time create reliable couplings.

Preparation for work

Frame houses do not require much space for the production of work events. At least initially, a platform for the foundation base, a place for storing building materials and special equipment with additional equipment will be required. The area is cleared and leveled, after which land operations are carried out. They are often performed separately from the direct construction of the house kit. As for the type of foundation, they often use a screw pile. It is available for construction without special costs and large-scale concreting. Next, an audit of the material with the tool and consumables is carried out, after which you can begin the basic work. Below will be presented the step-by-step construction of a house from SIP panels using the classic Canadian assembly technology.

Preparation of SIP panels for construction

Mounting crowns

When the grillage is installed on a foundation basis, you can start the so-called zero level of the frame. The first layer of overlap will be laid on it in the future. The bearing base of the crowns is mounted using a beam of standard size 150x50 mm. Direct fastening is carried out by the expansion bolt shield or an anchor bolt. The choice of a specific fixation method depends on the type of grillage, but it is desirable that the base allows the introduction of long hardware. Between themselves the planks and timber are connected by self-tapping screws. It is important to emphasize that the phased technology of building a house from SIP panels at almost every level of the frame structure provides for the installation of insulators. At this stage, you can do with film waterproofing or a layer of bitumen mastic, which will separate the grillage with the foundation from the crowns.

Assembly of floor panels

This is the operation of laying out or stitching the rough basis of the future flooring. Assembly can also be carried out using conventional beams followed by laying logs and boards, or by means of the same SIP panels, but in this case the technology is complicated. So, in the first version, mounting on the previously laid crowns of the bearing beams will be required - they can be placed across or along, but most importantly, a step that is sufficient to hold the load is maintained. Further, on the resulting crate, it is made by lining with small lags and a board. All fasteners are made either with self-tapping screws, or mounting brackets with metal clamps. For the frame house, special requirements for power supply are still not presented.

As for the installation of SIP panels on the first level of overlap, the technology for building houses of this type requires the master to delicately integrate bars of the appropriate format into the side openings of the plates. That is, between the two layers of the OSB, logs are created, which are fixed at the edges to the crowns and hold the plates. Of course, in this case it is not complete without safety nets and a perpendicular counter-lattice is made through a selection in the bars to give greater reliability. What justifies the advantage of using SIP-plates as the basis of overlap? The material allows for sufficient heat and sound insulation in the critical assembly joining the foundation and the subfloor.

Wall frame assembly

Building a house from SIP panels

The walls are mounted on the finished lower harness assembled from the board. Actually, the board will become a permanent intermediate element of the joint, through which SIP panels will be connected to each other. A combination of self-tapping screws of the appropriate format and mounting foam should be used as consumables for fixing. First, the design of the boards is set according to the type of door frame. It is treated on the back with polyurethane foam, and then SIP panels are already installed. The technology of building houses from a combined multilayer slab may seem to be losing precisely because of the delamination and deformation of the material in the walls, but the correct layout of the prefabricated board completely eliminates such processes. It is especially important to carefully approach the design of corner joints for greater confidence in the design and in shrinkage with movements.

The device of the upper binding and overlapping

After the installation of SIP panels in the wall frame is completed, they switch to its upper reinforcement. But before that, it is necessary to check the correctness of the geometric position of the plates. It is advisable to electronically evaluate the verticality of the structure and, if necessary, correct it until closing installation operations have been performed. Further, the technology of building houses from SIP panels provides for the installation of a bar along the upper edges of the walls. Also, bars of the appropriate thickness are first laid on the mounting foam, and then self-tapping screws are also used. An attic floor is installed on the prepared base . It is not enough to fix it with mounting foam - large-format anchor joints and metal clamps are used for reliable fixation.

Installation of SIP panels

Roof mounting

The rafter system and the attic are formed by ready-made sets of SIP panels with beams for the bearing parts of the roofs. According to the same principles, panels with gable cuts and dormers are installed on the ceiling with the strapping, and the bearing part is formed by a system of beams and Mauerlat. They will take on the crate, on which the roof covering will be laid. In addition, the instruction for building a house from SIP panels allows the formation of slopes from the same wood chipboards with a heat insulator. It is necessary to use narrow panels for such purposes. Glue them with waterproof compounds with interlayers in the form of small-format boards. After the operation is completed, internal and external waterproofing and mastic laying on top of the coating are performed.

Recommendations of specialists in the course of work

Walls of the house from SIP panels

There are several common mistakes made by inexperienced builders on ignorance of technology. Below are some recommendations that will prevent some of these miscalculations:

  • Do not abuse oblique and vertical columns and supports indoors. As practice shows, partitions also cope with the design loads of standard house kits.
  • When attaching to the mounting foam, it is important to tightly pass the entire working area, which will positively affect the overall quality of construction of the house from sip panels. Do-it-yourself styling of mixtures is done using guns for squeezing out viscous solutions - these can be pneumatic, compressor or electric models.
  • If the necessary openings were not provided for at the factory, they should be done before installing the panels, but not after.
  • Do not overload the structure with metal supporting inserts and beams. This is especially true for rafter systems.

The advantages of SIP panels

Among the most pronounced advantages of this building material are the following:

  • Heat saving. About 1.5 times frame houses on SIP panels are warmer than brick, gas silicate and wooden buildings.
  • High speed construction. At a professional level, the technology of building houses from SIP panels is implemented in 1-2 weeks.
  • Save space. Thin walls allow you to save up to 30% of the space compared to the same brick houses.
  • The ease of construction. Professional special equipment is almost not required.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Price availability and aesthetic appearance.
House of SIP panels

Disadvantages of SIP panels

It is not yet possible to combine all the best qualities in one building material, so you will have to prepare for the following weaknesses of the technology in question:

  • Combustibility The presence of adhesives increases the requirements for fire safety.
  • Biological processes of destruction.
  • Low level of circulation. Sufficiently effective thermal insulation and high tightness minimize the ventilation ability of SIP panels for building houses. Reviews note that it is necessary to equip special air ventilation channels for each room with a connection to the central shaft or directly outside.
  • Local strength. The design accepts pressure at the nodal joints, but is not designed for continuous compressive and tensile loads.


Indoor room from SIP panels

Frame houses gradually moved from the category of temporary and farm buildings to full-fledged long-term dwellings. Despite all the disadvantages, such facilities are successfully operated in many regions of the country, providing the proper level of security and comfort. One of the key factors in choosing this technology is the low price. On average, the construction of houses from turnkey SIP panels is estimated at 10-12 thousand rubles. per 1 sq. m. Although precast slabs have been preserved for many years by the most expensive article in the estimate, these figures are not much higher than the prices for the construction of other frame buildings. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the even texture of the internal surfaces allows saving on work activities when performing finishing work after construction.


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