Animals listed in the Red Book of Perm Territory: photos, list

The Red Book of the Perm Territory is a special document, which is a list of living organisms that are found in the Perm Region and are on the verge of extinction, or with a reduced number. She saw the light in 2008, and before that in 2007 a Government Decree of the region was issued, in which a list of living organisms in need of special protection was recorded.

Animals listed in the Red Book of the Perm Territory are divided into several categories: those on the verge of extinction, whose numbers are declining, and rare organisms. Also a supplement to the document is a list of organisms that live in the region, but are included in the Russian Red Book.

Consider which animals from the Perm region are listed in the Red Book, we list those whose threat of extinction is very high.

Crustaceans and spiders

The first inhabitant of the Perm region caves is endemic, i.e. found only in this territory. Krangoniks Khlebnikov has no eyes and is immune to light; its color ranges from dirty white to milky. It is named after the guide, cave keeper. This crustacean swims sideways, it is adapted to the cold water of the caves. The maximum acceptable water temperature for him is +5 degrees. Among the animals listed in the Red Book of the Perm Territory, Khlebnikov's krangoniks has one of the most disturbing indices - disappearing. For researchers, the body is interested in its unique adaptability to life in a cave lake.

South Russian tarantula is a very large representative of its species, preferring to settle in the steppe and forest-steppe stands.

animals listed in the Perm region red book
As for the Perm Territory, it lives here only in the south of Spasskaya Mountain. This insect lives in earthen burrows dug in dry earth. The bottom is covered with cobwebs. The main factors affecting the reduction in numbers (it is marked as rare in the Red Book) are changes in the level of groundwater (flooding of holes), as well as trampling of the places of settlement of these insects.

Kungur alopecosis is another endemic of Perm land. Encounters with this small spider are very rare, so it has not been studied enough. Very little is known about him: this is a small spider in size, not weaving a net. Discovered in 1996.


In the Perm Territory, once there lived fish listed in the Red Book of Russia: whitefin gudgeon, beluga, Volga herring, Russian sturgeon. There are those who are in rare status, for example, an ordinary sculpin.

However, there are others whose population is declining, for example, ordinary taimen. This large salmon family fish feels great in cool water, prefers fast currents. It does not go into the sea - it lives only in fresh water. Taimen is very sensitive to the purity of water, which is why he is a rare guest not only in the rivers of the Perm Territory, but also in many others. The fish is very similar to a pike, the differences are red and the body is covered with specks.

listed in the Red Book of Perm Krai

Another small fish, the number of which is declining, is the Russian hodgepodge. It is very similar to bleak, only the shape of the body is more prone to roach. Prefers rivers with a slow, calm course. In the Perm Territory, the range is limited to three regions. This factor and the short life span of the gimlet threatened its existence.

Sazan is another fish unique to the Perm Territory. Its exclusiveness is that the status disappearing to it is assigned only in this region. In all the rest, carp is caught without restrictions. On Perm land, the main limiting factor is the difference in water in reservoirs. Carp can not quickly adapt to such conditions and freezes in winter. Water pollution and lowering average daily temperatures also have a place to be.

Amphibians and reptiles

Animals listed in the Red Book of Perm Territory need protection and protection. Among amphibians and reptiles can be called the common garlic and common copperwort.

The first is a tailless reptile (frog) with a different eye structure. Her pupil is located vertically. Of interest is the color of this frog: gray-brown back with a regular spotted pattern. The explanation of the small number of populations is pollution of water bodies, their drainage, and construction of various facilities on the shores.

among the animals of the Perm region you can also find predators

The ordinary copperfish is known because of the characteristic shade, which ranges from yellow to red, against this background rows of spots go along the entire ridge. This snake is not large in size - a maximum of 70 cm in length. Reptile thermophilic, prefers to settle under stones, in well-warmed areas of forests. The population of copperfish in the Perm Territory has been little studied, but it is obvious that it is very small. It's all about the economic activity of a person destroying the habitats of a snake.


Animals listed in the Red Book of the Perm Territory are also birds. Let us examine only those marked with a status of extinction.

Whooper Swan is a very large bird. It got its name for the characteristic scream during the flight. It is very easy to confuse it with a congener - a mute swan, but the latter has a characteristic outgrowth on its beak. It lives exclusively in remote, inaccessible areas of the region. The main factor affecting the size of a population is human extermination.

Golden eagle is another very rare bird, whose number is catastrophically reduced. This large golden chestnut eagle is under the constant eye of poachers; deforestation where individuals nest also plays a role in the reduction of individuals. These birds often die from traps.

Peregrine Falcons are another animals listed in the Red Book of the Perm Territory. These proud nomadic birds suffer from the destruction of the landscape, because they settle on the rocks. In different years, only 13-15 pairs of these individuals inhabited this territory.


Mammal animals listed in the Red Book of Perm Territory are muskrat, European mink and ushanka.

The first is a small animal, which can be identified by a long nose similar to a trunk. Lives in stagnant water, digs minks along the banks. The main reason for extinction is the destruction of habitats.

which animals from the Perm region are listed in the Red Book

Among the animals of the Perm Territory, you can also find predators. European mink is a small animal that lives in the mink of rodents on the banks of water bodies. Since the animal has high-quality fur, the population has declined very much. Of great importance is the economic activity of man along the banks of water bodies (pollution, construction, drainage).


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