How to make a statement about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: sample, requirements and recommendations

Every person living in Russia must have a passport, and sanctions are provided for his absence. The article will examine the form and sample application for the loss of a passport.

In this regard, if a citizen has lost his identity card, then he should contact a state organization in a short time in order to notify authorized employees about this incident, as well as restore the lost document.

In order to do this, you must first understand how to write a statement on the model of the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and how the procedure for restoring an identity card is generally carried out.

how to make a statement about the loss of a passport sample

What problems await a citizen with the loss of a document?

Losing a passport or stealing it entails serious troubles. First of all, it is necessary to understand the fact that the law imposes administrative fines, which are provided in case of damage or loss of identity card.

Despite the fact that the administrative responsibility assumed for the loss of the document is not considered too severe, a person, except for the state duty, will have to pay a fine in the amount of from 100 to 300 rubles. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that in any situation it is an offense that involves the imposition of a certain responsibility.


But in accordance with this Code of Administrative Responsibility, an obligation can be imposed on a person only in that situation if authorized employees of the migration service can prove the guilt of a citizen.

The problem can be complicated if a citizen does not understand the seriousness and responsibility that would be assumed in case of loss of a passport, or if he did not contact the Office of the Federal Migration Service for a long time to restore his identity card.

An example of a statement about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

How to write a passport loss application (sample)

A written appeal about the loss of an identity card is a document with which a person notifies the relevant state authorities that he had lost his passport.

The main difference between the application and the complaint is that the written request does not indicate the request for certain actions, but only provides a notification to the appropriate authority about the fact that the identity card was lost.

Therefore, immediately after the loss of a passport, a citizen should visit the FMS as soon as possible to submit a written appeal.

As a rule, in most cases, people do not encounter any difficulties in the process of filling out an application, and the event itself takes little time. In this case, you should familiarize yourself with the list of documents that are provided for by the legislation for renewal.

Such a procedure is necessary in that situation if the passport has been damaged and its use in the future is not possible for one reason or another. The migration officer will have to thoroughly examine the status of the official document and report whether there is a possibility of its replacement.

How to apply to the FMS?

The document is executed in free form, taking into account certain requirements for the content of this appeal. How to make a statement about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation? In the sample, you can see that the citizen must provide the following information:

  • personal information of the applicant;
  • full name of the public authority to which the application is submitted;
  • exact date and time of loss of the document;
  • circumstances.

Before proceeding with the registration of this document, it is best to consult with the employees of the migration service, in which an application is submitted, since it can always be that in such a unit certain rules are established for the execution of a written appeal.

Statement on the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Shape and pattern

How to make a statement about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation? A sample design can be provided to the FMS. If the identity card is lost, the citizen will have to visit the state body, certifying the papers with his own signature.

When drawing up such a written appeal, it is necessary to describe in detail the event in which such a situation occurred. Moreover, it must be noted that the identity card is definitely lost, and not stolen by other people.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that when filling out an application, only reliable information must be indicated. After all, every citizen is liable under the current law for false information. The written appeal itself should look like this:

  • the name and title of the employee of the FMS, to whom the written appeal is sent;
  • personal information of a citizen;
  • an indication that the person is aware of all the responsibility that is provided for giving false evidence;
  • A description of the situation in which the document was lost.

After registering the application, the citizen will need to receive a certificate from the employees that confirms the fact of the loss of the document. Below is an example of a statement about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

application for the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation sample

What documents need to be attached?

In addition to the statement about the loss of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the basis of a sample filled out by an authorized employee of the civil service, it will also be necessary to present the following documents:

  1. Four photos that are taken in accordance with the established format.
  2. Receipts confirming the payment of state duty.
  3. Military ID (for men).
  4. Certificate of registration.
  5. Birth certificate of children, which at the time of treatment is not yet fourteen years old.
  6. Certificate of divorce or marriage.

If a citizen needs a passport when issuing it, he should inform the authorized officers of the Federal Migration Service in order to make a temporary document.

passport loss application form and sample

Where to file a written appeal?

The law establishes that any issues related to the restoration of an identity card should be resolved by the FMS; it is this department that should be contacted if a passport is lost. An application for the loss of a document is submitted to the Federal Migration Service.

how to write a passport loss application sample

If a person is sure that the document was stolen, then in such a situation, it is first of all important to visit the Ministry of the Interior. It is recommended to confirm the loss of an official document to place an ad in a magazine or newspaper, and then come to submit an appeal with a fresh number. When confirming the application, it is necessary to indicate in detail as soon as possible in it where and under what circumstances the loss of identity card occurred.


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