Italian mastiff: breed description, photo

Italian Mastiff (Cane Corso) is a national pride. This smart and strong dog can be not only a good protector, but also a true true friend. The breed has its own interesting history. Although it has long existed, it received official recognition only a couple of decades ago.

Breed history

The ancestors of the mastiff are Molossian dogs, which were once raised in ancient Rome. They accompanied the legionnaires on campaigns, defended their homes from robbers. This breed was used in gladiatorial battles, because the Cane Corso is very strong animals.

italian mastiff

And at the same time, since ancient times, dogs played with children, helped the owner on the hunt. Even ancient statuettes of such a breed of dogs have been found. The Italian mastiff became widely known after the publication of the researcher Breber. He studied Italian villages, where Cane Corso was simply an indispensable assistant.

Mastiff character

The formidable appearance of the dog evokes all respect. She is wholly devoted to her family. If necessary, the animal will not hesitate to sacrifice its life for the sake of the owners. Such exceptional devotion can be infrequently encountered. The Italian mastiff lends itself well to training. But still, his main task is to protect. And at the same time, such a strong dog has a gentle soul, she is very worried about separation from her master.

Cane Corso is a large animal, so it will be more comfortable for him to live in a private house. For an apartment, it is better to take smaller breeds.

The Italian mastiff, whose character is very calm, sometimes likes to fool around. For example, a little spoil the flowers in the flowerbed or dig a hole in the middle of the garden. And of course, like all dogs, a mastiff loves to gnaw all kinds of objects. Therefore, you need to ensure that he has a sufficient number of different toys, otherwise he will go looking for new, interesting objects for fun.

italian mastiff character

The Italian mastiff (photo is given in the article) is a calm and balanced dog. She is friendly with people she knows. But to strangers is very wary. But at the same time, she will never show without compelling reasons for aggression.

Mastiff Behavioral Characteristics

Cane Corso is a guard. Therefore, if a stranger invades the territory protected by him, he will fulfill his duty. The Italian mastiff is a powerful breed with a strong character, and therefore the dog can test the owner for strength. You must be able to become the main thing. Each family member must be able to control the animal.

Regular early workouts will help you prioritize and show who is in charge of the family.

The rest of the Italian mastiff is a calm, loyal dog, loving his loved ones. An animal everywhere follows its master and even sometimes can be afraid of separation if left for a long time.

The Italian mastiff Cane Corso (photo presented) usually dominates his relatives. May even behave aggressively with other dogs. On foreign territory, they, as a rule, will not run into a fight, but will not leave it during a provocation. In order for the dog to socialize, it is necessary that even at the age of the puppy she communicate with other dogs and people. This will help to properly shape her character.

Italian mastiff: breed description

Cane Corso is a large, athletically built dog with short hair. She has an almost square skull. The dogโ€™s eyes are smart and expressive, ears hanging and set high. The animal has a muscular neck. The tail is usually stopped on the fourth vertebra. However, in a number of countries (Germany, Finland, Sweden, and others), stopping has long been abandoned.

italian mastiff photo

The color of mastiffs can be very different: gray, black, all shades of tiger colors, fawn. A white tie may be present on the neck.

The color of the eyes of the animal depends on the color of its coat. The height of the dog at the withers does not exceed seventy centimeters, and the weight ranges from forty-three to fifty kilograms. Females have more modest parameters (growth - up to 58 cm, and weight - up to 45 kg).

Unfortunately, the Italian mastiff cannot be attributed to centenarians. Their average life expectancy ranges from five to ten years. Of course, this is not enough for such a strong and beautiful animal.

Mastiff Care

An indisputable advantage in caring for the Italian mastiff is the presence of short hair and thin undercoat. The pet should be combed with a massage mitten or a rubber brush a couple of times a week. This procedure will help remove excess hair from the animal and activates blood circulation.

Cane Corso does not have a characteristic unpleasant smell of a dog. But as for saliva, some people are worried about this moment. In this case, you can only advise to always have a towel on hand.

Italian Mastiff Cane Corso

Bathing a dog too often is not worth it. Itโ€™s enough a couple of times a month, itโ€™s better to do it as it gets dirty. Alternatively, you can consider dry cleaning with special shampoos. Pet stores now have a very large selection of such products.

For dry cleaning after treatment, the wool should be wiped with a terry towel. It is very important to monitor the dogโ€™s ears. Make it a rule to look at them every week, checking for inflammation.

Healthy ears should not have brown discharge with an unpleasant odor. Dirt must be removed with cotton pads, but do not go deep into the ear canal. You need to be very attentive to the ears. If you notice that the dog is shaking its head, there is an unpleasant odor from it, or there is purulent discharge, then you urgently need to contact a veterinarian.

Mastiff teeth also require care (for the prevention of tartar). For this, solid food and tomatoes must be present in the diet. There is even a treat for brushing your teeth. But only a veterinarian can remove stones and plaque.

Claws once a month, you can grind yourself at home using a special clipper.

Mastiff eyes should be inspected regularly. In a healthy dog, they are brilliant and without any secretions. Sour eyes washed with chamomile broth.

How to feed Cane Corso?

Italian mastiff can be fed with natural food or dry food, but you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. The diet should contain absolutely all the necessary substances for the healthy development of the dog (fats, proteins, carbohydrates, mineral components and necessarily vitamins).
  2. The dog must always have access to water.
  3. An active mastiff should not be fed earlier than two hours after a walk.
  4. When using natural food, mineral supplements should also be given to the dog.

Power should be such that the following parameters are maintained:

italian mastiff cane corso photo

  1. The daily norm of proteins is 220-270 grams.
  2. Fats - 50-70 grams.
  3. Carbohydrates - 450-470 grams.
  4. Fiber - 40 grams.
  5. At least one liter of water per day.

Dog disease

Having an Italian mastiff, you should be aware of the diseases to which the breed is susceptible in order to catch on time when any symptoms appear:

  1. Epilepsy.
  2. Allergy.
  3. Bloating.
  4. Hypothyroidism
  5. Inversion of the century.
  6. Cherry eye.
  7. Hip dysplasia.
  8. Inversion of the century.

Some nuances of care

If you decide to have an Italian mastiff, then you should remember that this is a very active sports dog. Therefore, do not count on the fact that, having acquired a puppy, you will lie on the couch. A mastiff will require you to take regular walks and upbringing. Such an animal can not be kept only in the courtyard of a private house. The dog must have access to the house, because it will be cold, this is due to its short hair.

How to choose a puppy?

Itโ€™s hard to find a good quality dog. When purchasing a puppy, carefully study the pedigree. Be sure to look at the parents of the baby.

Italian mastiff in St. Petersburg

The Italian mastiff in St. Petersburg, for example, can cost from thirty-five thousand rubles and above. It all depends on the pedigree. A good puppy will cost much more.

As a watchman and guard, you will not find a better breed than the Italian mastiff. The characteristics of the breed nevertheless have a very general character. It must be understood that each animal has its own temperament. To get a good dog, you need to regularly engage in training and training with him. Then your pet will unconditionally listen to you and love you. Do not forget to show him affection.

Before acquiring a puppy, you need to decide for what purpose you need it: for home and comfort or for exhibitions. In the first case, you can buy a cheaper animal by ad.

But show class dogs are quite expensive. And this must be understood. The puppy must have all the necessary documents about the pedigree, they are provided by the breeder or nursery.

The price of a show-class animal in some regions reaches seventy thousand. Much depends on the puppy's parents. If they have champion titles, then, of course, the kid also has valuable genes. Therefore, the price will be appropriate.

Italian mastiff breed characteristic

If you just want to have a good friend and a guard, then you should not chase titles and family tree. Whatever animal you choose, it will require a lot of attention and care from you, but in return you and your family members will receive unlimited love and devotion from the dog.


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