What is the best jumpsuit for the winter? Children's question - an adult solution

Every mother in the world dreams that her child will grow up strong and healthy, that diseases will bypass him. For this, it is very important that he is always dressed for the season. Quite often, young mothers (and even more often grandmothers) tend to wrap up the child in an amazing winter day with an air temperature of at least -5 degrees so that he, poor fellow, cannot play or run, it is hard for him to breathe.

jumpsuit for winter children's
Today we will try to figure out what kind of clothes your baby needs in winter, so that every walk brings him joy and new pleasant experiences. There is no doubt that the best option is a jumpsuit for the winter for children. The range of these products is so large these days that it can be very difficult to make the right choice.

Currently, the most popular products in Russia are the products of such well-known companies as Kerry, Kiko, Monclair, Reima, Lessi, Chico. Clothing for babies from these manufacturers has earned the respect and trust of millions of parents around the world, thanks to the excellent quality of products, a thorough and thoughtful approach to the development of new collections. At the same time, the products of all these companies have their own characteristics, which we have to meet today.

Overalls "Kerry": winter

The most popular Finnish company Kerry in Russia

overalls 2013 children's winter
produces clothes and goods for children that meet the highest requirements. It should be noted that in the assortment of the company there are models of overalls-transformers for newborns (this is a separate line in the production of the company). If necessary, they can easily turn into a convenient and warm envelope for the baby. All production is carried out taking into account the physiological characteristics of the development of the child and his age. The designers of the company pay increased attention to the materials used. All of them are thoroughly tested for environmental cleanliness, allergenicity, etc. Overalls for children’s winter "Kerry" is of high quality, it does not allow wind and moisture, it retains heat well. Such clothes are very attractive in appearance; they are produced for girls and boys, but their cost is somewhat high - approximately 5000-6000 rubles.

Overalls 2013 for children, winter: Monclair

jumpsuits kerry winter
This clothing belongs to the "luxury" class and is most likely suitable for children from high-income families. On average, such a jumpsuit can cost 25,000 rubles. True, it costs this money - a natural goose or eiderdown is used as a heater. All materials are hypoallergenic.

Overalls for the winter children's "Kiko"

This is a more democratic option. The price of such products is from 1800 to 3000 thousand rubles. This is due to the fact that the models of this company do not have moisture protective properties, and a cheaper material - synthetic winterizer - is used as insulation. The lineup is not too large and is designed for children from birth to 1.5 years.

Overalls for the winter children's "Lassie"

This is a product of a Finnish company, which is part of the Reima Corporation and has a long history. Possessing all the advantages of high-quality Finnish clothing, it is sold at a more attractive price (2000-4500 rubles). This jumpsuit is ideal for those who value quality, but do not chase a loud brand name.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17671/

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