What are Zeland pendulums?

Each person has their own perception of the world. Each of us looks at life from his individual perspective. But, nevertheless, there are some views on the world that are shared by large groups of people who have chosen one or another philosophical trend.

The article below will describe the essence of the philosophy of the pendulums of Vadim Zeland.

Books Zeland

Among the many philosophical books that exist in our time, the works of this author stand out especially. Vadim Zeland created a unique system of perception of reality and described it in the book "Transerfing of reality." Several more popular books were created on the basis of transerfing - “Apocryphal transerfing”, “Hacking of the technogenic system”, “Klibe. End of the illusion of herdness” and others.

Reality transerfing

All these books are aimed at conveying the main idea to the reader - people need to realize the existence of a space of variants of their destinies, which already contains all the scenarios and events of both the past and the future. The implementation of a particular scenario depends only on the energy that a person radiates.

Speaking of energy, one cannot fail to mention one more area of ​​Zeland's work. The author also conveys to his audience the need to eat live foods, since life in a man-made system contributes to clogging of energy channels, including through synthetic food. Several books have also been written on this subject - Living Kitchen and Clean Food. A book about clean, simple and strong food.

What are pendulums?

From the point of view of transference of reality, any structure of society is a pendulum whose purpose is to receive the energy of adherents and opponents. Examples of pendulums can be any self-regulating system - a commercial organization, a political party, etc.

Space options

Pendulums, according to Zeland, are destructive, as they pump out energy from people, thereby swaying and developing more and more. Even negative energy feeds the pendulum, for example, criticism or rejection.

People are influenced by the system through a loss of emotional balance. The pendulum needs to touch a person with something in order to gain access to his energy. The most popular emotions caused by pendulums are guilt, fear and anxiety.

Interaction with pendulums

Man is influenced by the pendulum without realizing it. He is sure that he himself has made such a decision and is voluntarily participating in the functioning of the pendulum. So, it turns out that a person gives his energy to the system, and it actively absorbs it and becomes stronger. This is one of the options for interacting with pendulums in Zeland.

Based on the author’s idea that you can find your own pendulum, which will be the least destructive, it follows that a person is able to radiate energy at the same frequency as the pendulum. Under these conditions, the pendulum is also able to share its energy and make its adherent happy.

If a particular pendulum only sucks out energy from a person and imposes alien goals on him, then such a situation is fraught with submission and inability to choose his fate for this person.

In this case, it is possible to cope with the pendulum. Zeland recommends either failing it or paying it off. You can fail the pendulum by quietly ignoring the situation. That is, one must not succumb to emotions, but manifest the so-called "emptiness". For example, by showing fear to a dog barking at you, you are more likely to provoke it to even greater anger, and even attack. If you simply ignore it, then the dog’s energy of aggression will fail, and the situation will be resolved in your favor.

The pendulum is quenched by an unexpected reaction to the situation. The habit of reacting negatively and with irritation to unpleasant circumstances gives the pendulums the opportunity to hook you and take your energy. In the case when it is impossible to ignore the situation, behavior that does not fit into the pendulum scenario will help. Try to meet an annoying situation with simulated joy and enthusiasm. So you do not join the game of the pendulum and repay it.

Mindfulness practice


The Zeland pendulum theory is both simple and complex for perception and practical application. Humans are emotional creatures, and it can be difficult for them to control themselves in some life circumstances.

The key to solving problems is awareness - you must always remember the principles of pendulums and the mechanisms of interaction with them. Then you will get the opportunity to choose your destiny and achieve your goals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17672/

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