Rostov reserve. State Steppe Reserve "Rostov"

In the south of the Rostov region, on the territory of the Repairnensky and Oryol regions, as well as on the shores of the picturesque Manych-Gudilo Lake, is the Rostov Museum-Reserve.

Rostov reserve

The wide steppe makes a huge impression on all guests. In spring, it blooms with carpets of bright wildflowers. In the summertime - with delicate silky feather grass and noisy bird bazaars. In the autumn, it’s sad to say goodbye to birds, who, having gathered in flocks, leave their native places and fly away to the south. In winter, wild mustang horses sweep across the snowy steppes .

Rostov Reserve has the status of a federal. It is located on 9.5 hectares of Don land. It can be divided into four sections:

  • Gypsy hack.
  • Starikovsky.
  • Krasnopartizansky.
  • Island.

The desire to preserve the amazing flora and fauna forced the local authorities to create a reserve in these places. Wild tulips that fascinate with their beauty are especially valuable. And the wild feather grass growing here is listed in the Red Book. Wild animals that live in the Don steppes also need protection.

reserves of the Rostov region


Reserves of the Rostov region have been a long-standing dream of many scientists and researchers. Great work in studying the landscape and natural conditions of the Don steppes was done at the end of the 19th century by the great soil scientist V.V. Dokuchaev. He was the first to analyze the ecological situation that developed in the region as a result of human activity. Already in those days, the scientist insisted on creating protected areas in the Don steppes. Scientists raised the same issue throughout the 20th century. Finally, in December 1995, an order of the Government of the Russian Federation on the creation of a steppe reserve was published.

Protected Areas

Such zones (OOTP) are very important for the conservation and restoration of natural resources. There are quite a lot of natural complexes that need special care on the Don. Among them:

  • Rostov Biosphere Reserve;
  • Gornensky Nature Reserve;
  • nature reserve "Tsimlyansky"
  • Natural park "Donskoy".


The vegetation of the steppes formed on Manych's terraces has characteristic features and is defined as valley steppes. This is due to the features of these lands, which have preserved traces of meadow origin, while the process of greening is not completed. These lands are characterized by dryness, expressed complexity and existing salt tolerant communities in the complexes.

Rostov Museum Reserve


A large variety of vegetation is distinguished by the Rostov Reserve. On its territory 410 species are registered. The main families are cereals, Asteraceae, legumes, Hazelnuts, cruciferous, cloves and Labiaceae. Representatives of asteraceae such as dandelion or yarrow are well acquainted with everyone.

The cereal family is represented by the feather grass (Lessing, hairy, Sarepta, Ukrainian).

Legumes - peas (olbian, four-seeded, shaggy), camel thorn.

The shepherd’s bag, as well as the common colza belong to the cruciferous family. Six species of quinoa and three species of sage are representatives of cocks and cocks.

Not all nature reserves in the Rostov Region have rare species that are protected in Russia. And there are six such species in Rostov:

  • tulip Shrenka;
  • feather grass:
  • Bellevalia is Sarmatian;
  • Maykaragan Volga;
  • killer whale dwarf;
  • Feathering Lessing.
    reserves and parks of Russia


By the number of animals living in the Rostov reserve, not inferior to plants. Three amphibian species are registered in this territory - the garlic, the frog, the frog, and the green toad. In addition, in the reserve there are eight species of reptiles - the fast-moving lizard, the marsh turtle, the common one, the four-lane snake, the watery one, and the steppe viper.

The largest group in terms of quantity and species found in the reserve area are birds. It should be noted that birds feel very subtly all the processes that occur in the environment. This is characterized by a decrease or increase in the distribution area, fertility, nesting density, etc. Birds often become indicators of the general state of the environment. According to the latest data, about 217 species of birds are registered in the reserve and the lands adjacent to it. 127 of them nest in these areas, 61 species appear here during flights, 16 species of birds winter in these parts.

tour of the reserve

Rostov Museum-Reserve has more than fifty species of mammals. They are divided into seven groups:

  • insectivores - hedgehogs (eared, ordinary);
  • bats (Mediterranean, evening ginger bats);
  • predators (raccoon dog, ferret-ligation, fox, wolf);
  • artiodactyls (roe deer, elk, saiga);
  • artiodactyls (feral domestic horses live on Vodny Island);
  • rodents (big jerboa, small ground squirrel, wood mouse);
  • hare-like (hare-hare).

Rare animals

Traveling through the reserve will allow you to see quite rare animals. To date, invertebrates are still poorly understood. The insects included in the Red Book of Russia are represented by the steppe hawk, Armenian and steppe bumblebee, Hungarian ground beetle, etc. In addition, here you can see the Bolivaria bats, motley ascalaf.

map of the Rostov region

In the Red Book of the Russian Federation, birds are widely represented, living in the reserve area.

The organization of the reserve allowed a positive impact on the restoration of natural ecosystems. Significantly increased the number of migratory and migratory individuals (Demoiselle Crane, Gray Goose, White -faced and Red-breasted Goose, and others). Scientists believe that this is due to the creation of a rest zone in these places.

What to see

Reserves and parks of Russia provide a great opportunity to enjoy the nature of their native places, to see rare and sometimes endangered animals.

It is better to start exploring the Rostov Reserve from one of the prepared routes - "Riddles of Manych Valley" or "Azure Flower".

During a fascinating tour you will learn the history of the reserve, get acquainted with its fauna and flora, see the beautiful Manych-Gudilo lake, learn about the herd of feral horses, learn about the features of afforestation.

Reserves of the Rostov region

In the Don land, much attention is paid to the protection and protection of the environment. The map of the Rostov Region that we posted in this article will help you find the shortest route to the Tsimlyansky nature reserve.

It is located in the tract Kuchugury, in the Tsimlyansk reservoir zone. Forest plantations comprise trees characteristic of this region - poplar, pine, birch, acacia, willow.

Wildlife is represented by wild boar, roe deer, elk, fox, hare.

Donskoy park

A map of the Rostov Region will help you find where another very interesting place is located. It is located in the Small bend of the Don. It consists of two sections - “Island” and “Delta Don”. Total area - 44.12 thousand ha.

The steppe expanses are changing coniferous-deciduous forests and wetlands.

reserves of the Rostov region


This museum is located 35 km southwest of Rostov. It was created on the basis of excavations of the ancient settlement and the Tanais necropolis - the center of ancient civilization. Sites of the ancient city, which have already been studied by archaeologists, are an open-air exposition.


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