Greenland National Park - the northernmost and largest park of the planet

Our planet is very beautiful, but requires protection. Many countries follow this path and create national parks, reserves and other protected natural areas on their territories. One of these places is the Northeast Greenland National Park.

Short description

This is the only such institution in the territory of Greenland. It was founded in 1974, but the current borders were formed only by 1988. This zone does not belong to any municipality, but is directly subordinate to the state (Department of Nature Department). The nearest large settlement is the city of Daneborg.

The area of ​​Greenland National Park is 972,000 square kilometers. This is the largest protected area in the whole world. By the way, the total area of ​​the park exceeds the total area of ​​163 countries.

The relief is characterized as mountainous and plateau. Almost all mountain peaks are covered with glaciers.

Greenland National Park is washed by the waters of the Greenland Sea. The sea line is very rugged, there is a huge number of fjords.

The beauty of the park

Climatic features

This part of Greenland has a continental arctic climate. The weather is characterized by rather severe winters, atmospheric temperature can reach -50 degrees, but on average it is kept at –30 degrees. In winter, the earth is enveloped by high snow cover, which has been kept on the ground for about 8 months, huge icebergs appear in the sea, and the coast is icebound for most of the year.

Summer temperature is not very high, on average +2.8 degrees. However, in the southern part of the protected area the temperature reaches +6 degrees.

The average annual temperature varies between –9.8 and -16.7 degrees.

On average, from 100 to 430 mm of precipitation falls during the whole year.


There are no permanent residents in this part of the world. The park only employs scientists. Constantly - only 27 people. Among them: employees of the patrol, military base and post, employees of the weather station and scientific station.

In summer, the number of people increases, up to about 40 people or a little more; researchers of flora and fauna arrive in the park.

But in the Greenland National Park there are pets, more precisely, dogs that help facilitate the movement of people across the territory. According to the latest data, there are 110 dogs in dogs.

Dog cart


Greenland National Park cannot boast of a variety of flora and fauna. Of the animals there is a large herd of musk oxen or they are also called musk bulls. It is in the park that 40% of the entire world population of these animals lives.

There are polar bears, but it is very difficult to see them, only in the summer and near the coastline. A small amount of ermine and blue fox are represented. There are ungulates, lemmings and arctic hares on the territory .

The southern fjords can boast of interesting inhabitants: ringed seals, beluga whales, bald seals, narwhals and crested animals (a species of seal). And off the coast you can often see whales.

Reindeers did not withstand the harsh climate and left protected areas as early as 1900.

After 34 years, wolves also arrived, but now they are gradually returning.

The newest inhabitant of these lands is Wolverine. Animals moved to the park from the Canadian islands.

Musk oxen of Greenland


With the onset of summer, the park comes to life, a huge number of birds fly here. With the onset of heat, migratory species nest here.

Some birds live permanently, this is polar oatmeal and partridge. Also here the Icelandic gerbil, polar owl, crow, gaga-comb, white-chested geese and several others breed.


The park’s land is represented by glaciers and completely barren lands, however, where there is no ice, a lot of Arctic vegetation grows. First of all, it is arctic heather, lichens and mosses. Summer is a beautiful sight when flowers among mosses bloom among stones and icebergs.

In total, about 300 endemic species of vegetation grow in the park. Even small trees grow: dropsy, arctic willow and even dwarf birch.

Greenland Vegetation

Amazing facts

In the Greenland National Park, despite the harsh climatic conditions, five varieties of orchids are growing.

An interesting fact is that representatives of the European flora grow better in the park, although geographically Greenland refers to North America.

The rocks present on the island are about 3,700 million years old and are the oldest on the planet. And the southern fjord, called Victoria, is attributed to the Precambrian period. The Mesterswig area appeared due to the attenuation of the volcano of the Tertiary period.

Throughout the year, a unique phenomenon can be observed in the park - the northern lights. In this area, a similar phenomenon is called arsanerite. Translated from the local language, the name translates as "those who play the ball." According to legend, children's lost souls during the northern lights play a ball, which is a walrus skull. If the person observing the phenomenon begins to whistle, then the play of colors only intensifies, and if it takes a long time to whistle, then such souls will be taken away by dead souls.


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