How to feed a Scottish fold kitten in 2 months and how to care for it

Scottish fold (Scottish fold) kitten has a good appearance, has a friendly character, unpretentious in the care and feeding. He is adored for these qualities, and he often becomes a favorite in many families. Little fluffy fidget brings not only joy, but also chores. Often the owners are worried about how to feed a Scottish fold kitten for 2 months?

Breed description

Scottish cats have very developed muscles, the body is powerful and squat, their hair is short. This cute creature with a plush coat has short strong legs, a mighty neck, a large round head with a shaped chin and pronounced cheeks. In Scottish fold, a characteristic sign of pedigree are small triangular ears, strongly pressed to the skull, the tips of which are directed forward and bent down due to a special crease of the cartilage.

The large and round eyes of a Scottish fold kitten of 2 months, the photo of which is presented in the article, often have an amber-yellow color, and sometimes correspond to the color of the coat. The long tail of the animal to the tip tapers slightly. The color of the coat with a thick undercoat can be very diverse: cream, black, white, blue, chinchilla, silver. All kittens are born with straight ears and only in some, after three weeks of age they acquire a characteristic appearance. In one litter there may be straight and fold scots.

cat food

Selection of the type of food

The owners who purchased a small pet immediately encounter a problem: how to feed a Scottish fold kitten for 2 months. First you need to choose the main type of food, and then give preference to one of the following types:

  • Natural - consists of a large list of foods that pet owners eat.
  • Artificial - prepared dry and canned food and special additives.
  • Combined - the most balanced, allowing you to provide a growing pet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Kitten with mom

The choice of type of feeding is a crucial moment for the owner of the animal. For a balanced diet, the lop-eared must receive a sufficient amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

A must-have set of natural products

To ensure health and active growth, Scottish people need to choose the right food. Pets have a good appetite and are not picky about food. How to feed a Scottish fold kitten for 2 months? When choosing natural food, you will need the following products:

  • Meat - low-fat varieties of beef, chicken, rabbit or turkey contain a large amount of protein. Previously, it is boiled or poured with boiling water, finely cut or passed through a meat grinder.
  • Fish is a source of vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, and calcium. Give only boiled.
  • Sour-milk products - rich in calcium: kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, fermented baked milk, fat content not higher than 10%.
  • Offal - contains phosphorus: heart, brain, liver.
  • Porridge - you can cook in milk using rice, buckwheat and wheat groats.
  • Vegetables and greens - a source of vitamins, use in boiled form, add crushed to porridge or meat. Use cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, beets.
  • Egg yolk - in boiled form is added to porridge and vegetables.

Near the food, it is necessary to put a bowl with clean filtered drinking water to normalize digestion. Water is recommended to be changed twice a day.

Ready-made feed factory

The easiest way to organize the nutrition of a Scottish fold kitten for 2 months with ready-made factory feed. In this case, cooking time is saved, and the pet receives all the necessary nutrients according to age for healthy development and growth. You can use both dry and canned food. It is recommended that you select only quality products marked Premium or Superpremium class.

Kittens eating

Such goodies are expensive, but the savings are due to additional feeding and good condition of your pet. For kittens on sale there are products with three flavors: game, birds and fish with the addition of various components. Do not use cheap feeds Katinka, Kitty Kat, Whiskas and Friskas. They have insufficient quality, contain a large amount of mineral salts. Instead of meat and offal they use bones, skin and feathers. When used, kittens develop some diseases, including urolithiasis.

Secrets to feeding for a good character

Much depends directly on how to feed the Scottish fold in 2 months. It is recommended to give the kitten food not from a bowl, but from the owner's hands. This helps to form the best contact with the person and the friendly nature of the pet. Animals like to follow the rules while eating. A Scottish kitten should be invited on a โ€œcome hereโ€ command so that it sits opposite the owner and only then begins to eat.

Two kittens in a basket

In the future, the cat will wait for special permission to start eating and will never steal food from the table. It is necessary to strictly monitor the daily rate of consumption of the kitten and not exceed it. Scots are naturally prone to fullness, diseases of the genitourinary system and heart, so it is imperative to follow the regimen.

How to choose the right food for a Scottish fold kitten 2 months

Breeders advise feeding the pet the same food that his mother consumed. But if the new owners do not have the opportunity to buy expensive food, then the producer of feed and the type of product are selected individually. Cautiously, giving a small amount of food, observe the condition of the Scot. In the absence of negative phenomena, feed is introduced for continuous use. It is especially necessary to monitor the compliance of all trace elements and vitamins in it. When eating natural products, the daily diet is varied. The pet should receive lean meat, freshwater fish, vegetables, cereals, dairy products. You should not feed the Scots potatoes, legumes, onions, pork and lamb.

Kitten Care Rules

The following activities are included in the basic care of Scottish fold kittens for 2 months:

  • Hair care. Depending on the density, use a comb with rare or frequent teeth. If the hair is tangled, use a special lotion, cut the tangles with scissors.
  • Examination and cleaning of the eyes. They are cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in water. Special drops are used after washing the eyes.
  • Bathing. Accustom gradually from an early age, wash the cat every three months.
  • Ear cleaning. The procedure is done monthly two to three times. With a cotton swab dipped in a special liquid, gently wipe the auricle.
  • Claw trimming. If necessary, perform on the front legs, cutting off the tip itself, not more than 2 mm.
  • Teeth cleaning. To do this, use special toothpastes and brushes. Regular brushing avoids plaque.
Kitten with a toy

In addition, the kitten should be given preventive treatment for helminths and vaccinated against dangerous diseases.

When and how to bathe a Scottish fold kitten for 2 months?

A small pet begins to bathe only from the age of two months and then with severe pollution or with the appearance of fleas. Wash in warm water about 36 degrees with a special shampoo. It is better to pour water in advance, because the Scotsman is very scared of her noise. It is advisable to put a rubber toy in the bathtub and water the animal from the bucket. Wash off the soap solution thoroughly so that when licking, the product does not cause irritation.

Kitten after swimming

Before bathing, drops of oil are instilled into the petโ€™s eyes, preventing the occurrence of mucosal irritation. Cotton swabs are inserted into the ears. After the water procedure, the baby's hair is dried with a towel and a hairdryer at a distance of half a meter. Make sure that the kitten does not catch a cold. The shampoo used by the owners is not suitable for the kitten, it will cause severe allergies.

Feeding recommendations

What to feed a Scottish fold kitten in 2 months, we examined. Those who recently purchased a furry pet, experts advise:

  • Do not put the daily portion of food in a bowl immediately. A kid at this age is not able to control appetite.
  • Do not give food without preheating from the refrigerator.
  • Shelf life of food is a day at a temperature of +4 degrees, and wet food - 48 hours.
  • Do not forget to add trace elements and vitamins for cats to natural food.
  • Fresh water is poured into a separate bowl for the Scotsman, otherwise the kitten will varnish it wherever it finds it.
Sad kitten

Specialists are constantly arguing about combination nutrition. Some argue that it is impossible to combine natural food and prepared food, while others welcome such food. Moreover, it is noted that the diet of a two-month Scottish fold must be constant.


Scottish fold who have reached the age of 2 months, photos of which are in the article, are still very tender and fragile. They are prone to infections and parasite infections. The owner needs to carefully monitor the health of the kids: do vaccinations on time, conducts prevention of helminths. The pet should be full-bodied, active, cheerful, have a shiny coat. If you encounter any problems with the behavior or nutrition of the kitten, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Do not forget about his education. You can not shout at him and be aggressive. The kitten will respond to the love and care of the owner with affection and playfulness.


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