Gypsum plaster by machine

The machine method is the application of plaster using specialized equipment. Such a technology significantly reduces the operating time, allows you to save materials and finances. This is mainly due to the fact that all work is done with minimal use of human labor. However, even the machine method of applying plaster requires the development of special technology.

Machine-assisted plastering equipment

For efficient and most economical plastering of walls , use a specialized plastering machine. It allows you to prepare and apply the mixture for plastering with high efficiency. Work on this type of equipment requires 1-2 workers.

For the correct plastering of the walls, modern mechanized devices should be used.

machine plastering

Currently, there are various equipment on the building materials market that plaster walls by machine. It differs in dimensions, quality and technical characteristics.

Description of equipment models

Let's consider some models. An excellent manufacturer is Knauf. This equipment has miniature models and can be used in addition to plastering walls and for painting them.

applying gypsum plaster by machine

Another type of equipment - Bottlenose Dolphin ShM-30 has rather impressive dimensions. Its area of ​​use includes puttying and plastering work, and mortars from dry building mixtures can be prepared in this apparatus. It is an indispensable assistant in the arrangement of bulk floors.

PFT Ritmo M is the smallest of the considered types of equipment that plaster walls by machine. It, in addition, is used to create and apply mortars, putty, various paints and leveling compounds. There are similar devices on the market - PFT G4 and PFT G5 SUPER. Their technical characteristics are close to the equipment discussed above.

plastering walls by machine

UShM-150 is a fairly versatile machine for applying plaster. Using this equipment, you can level the walls and paint them. It is technically reliable and very easy to manage. Even a novice builder can cope with it.

The technology of applying plaster on the walls by machine

Nowadays, the most common way to decorate exterior surfaces is by stuccoing the façade by machine. This application of plaster is much faster than manually. However, equipment for this type of work has a fairly high price and there is no point in buying it for your own needs if you are not a professional builder. For such a task, it is best to contact special firms that perform these types of work.

Manual Wall Plastering

Let's look at a guide on how to apply gypsum plaster by machine.

First of all, you need to measure the curvature of the walls. For this purpose it is necessary to use a level. On external corners, special beacons should be fixed, which will serve as guides. The surface should be carefully prepared, then you can start working with the equipment.

In order to obtain a material such as gypsum plaster by machine, the use of water and electricity is necessary. Therefore, the equipment is connected to power sources and water supply. Dry mortar is placed in the machine. The mixture of plaster is moved to a special chamber for mixing, where it is combined with water. During the entire operation of the equipment, mixing of the mixture occurs continuously, it does not thicken and does not change its consistency. The resulting solution through a special hose gets to the place of finishing work and is evenly distributed on the surface. Thus, the plaster obtained by the machine method does not contain lumps and other irregularities, which is a great advantage compared to manual plastering.

stucco machine

In order to wipe the mortar on the walls, you should use the rules, spatulas and trowels. Grouting should be done until the walls become completely smooth and without the slightest bumps.

Next, wait until the stucco solution applied to the walls dries. And the final stage is the mashing of the dried plaster with a specialized sponge. This is done to eliminate the smallest scratches and bumps. Thus, the plaster obtained by a machine method still requires some additional processing.

The cost of plaster obtained by machine

Usually, the cost of work on plastering walls in large cities includes priming surfaces, gluing with a mesh of joints of various materials, installing beacons, plastering the walls itself, removing beacons, and performing surface glossy works. The maximum price for such work is at the level of four hundred fifty - five hundred rubles.

Types of plaster obtained by machine

If we take into account the features of the room (for example, its dimensions), then the type of material such as plaster (machine-applied) will vary - gypsum, heat insulation and cement. One of the most popular types of work is the application of gypsum plaster. Moreover, it will be useful to get acquainted with the type of decorative plaster for interior and exterior decoration.

gypsum plaster by machine

Gypsum plaster is made using only natural materials. Scientific research has also confirmed the environmental cleanliness of gypsum. Cement is used as material in cases where the scope of work is so large that gypsum cannot be used. This is the work of plastering facades, buildings for production, basements. The heat-insulating type of plaster will be indispensable in such a situation, when the basic building materials cannot provide a sufficient level of thermal insulation and protection against moisture.

Features of gypsum plaster in machine application

The great popularity in the use of gypsum mixtures for plaster is explained by their advantages in comparison with cement:

  • excellent level of whiteness;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • maintaining a favorable microclimate in the room;
  • one-layer alignment up to fifty millimeters thick can be used;
  • there is no need for an additional type of treatment, such as putty.

Machine stucco reviews

As you can see, it is very economical and effective to use such material as plaster (machine-made) for wall treatment. Reviews about it for the most part are positive. When plastering walls manually, about sixteen kilograms of mortar per square meter of surface is spent, while in machine processing this figure is equal to thirteen kilograms. As you can see, the savings are quite significant.

stucco machine reviews

There are a large number of reviews on specialized forums and blogs on construction topics that describe the fact that when choosing manual work, the most difficult is the process of preparing the plaster solution, and the machine method completely eliminates these problems. There is a considerable number of reviews also about the quality of plastered surfaces obtained using special equipment.

The walls are smooth and with a smooth surface, which is an indisputable fact in favor of surface machining. Of course, this is only a small part of all the reviews that describe such material as plaster, machine-applied. You can safely recommend mechanized surface treatment to your friends and acquaintances and resort to it yourself.

facade plastering

As a tip - to improve the quality of the plaster, you can use special additives - plasticizers. They greatly facilitate the process of work, improve the texture on the walls. This will reduce various additional operations, such as puttying, or eliminate them altogether.


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