Indoor flowers Alocasia: beautiful, but dangerous

They say that at home this flower knows how to predict rain: if it "cried" - wait for bad weather ...

Alocasia flowers
Flowers Alocasia is a tropical plant rarely grown indoors. It comes from the aroid family. There are more than fifty different species that differ in plant height, size, shape and color. A common characteristic feature of all varieties is dense thyroid large leaves, oval, with a pointed end and well-visible veins. There is stomata on the leaf surface, through which Alocasia discharges excess moisture.

The plant was brought from the rainforests of Malaysia and Ceylon, where it grows in the wild. As an indoor flower, Alocasia is considered one of the most ornamental deciduous plants, and rightly so. Its magnificent foliage looks very picturesque in almost any interior, especially near artificial ponds of winter gardens. The plant is quite large, reaches a height of 1 m.

Alocasia flower care

Alocasia blooms very rarely, its small odorous flowers are collected on the cob, partially wrapped in a leaf, like a coverlet. If you pollinate an inflorescence, then with the formation of berries with seeds. Inflorescences are best removed, since during their appearance, the growth of magnificent leaves stops, due to which the flowers of Alocasia, in fact, are grown.

You should know that the whole plant is completely poisonous, the juice irritates the mucous membranes and the skin, so the tropical beauty should be kept away from children and animals.

It is simply amazing how unpretentious the overseas flower of Alocasia is unpretentious. Caring for him, despite the tropical origin, is simple, you only need to provide the conditions to which he is accustomed to in the wild. It quietly grows in a humid warm microclimate, spreading its exotic leaves. Periodically, some of them turn yellow and fall, but in their place new ones immediately grow. Alocasia flowers are very fond of light, however, from the direct rays of the sun they need to be shaded.

Indoor Flower Alocasia

Heat and humidity are indispensable conditions for well-being for plants, it is advisable not to allow sudden changes in temperature. Pots are conveniently placed on a pallet with shallow wet pebbles to maintain constant humidity. In summer, the plant should be abundantly watered with settled soft water, and make sure that the soil in the pot is always moist. In winter, on the contrary, watering should be moderate and careful so that root decay does not occur.

In the spring-summer period, Alokazia flowers need to be fed every 2-3 weeks CMU for indoor plants. The soil should be easily permeable to moisture and air, with good drainage. The transplant is done in the spring - for young plants as necessary, and for adults - every two to three years. Pots for plants should be tall.

It should be borne in mind that in dry air, plants can be affected by pests, these are most often aphids, scale insects, spider mites. If the infection is small, the leaves and stems can be wiped with a soapy sponge. With severe infection, you will have to use a suitable insecticide. Remembering the toxicity of the plant, all work on caring for it must be done with gloves.

Important! The plant is used in folk medicine, but because of its toxicity, self-medication is very dangerous!


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