How to sew an envelope for a newborn with your own hands

If soon you are expecting the birth of a baby, then it is time to think about formal clothes for discharge from the hospital. For this purpose, an envelope for a newborn, hand-sewn and decorated with decorative details, is perfect. A little imagination, patience and initial sewing skills will be enough.

First you need to decide what this thing will be intended for. It will be required only for a solemn meeting from the hospital, or you will begin to use it for daily walks. A great role is played by the time of year and the climatic conditions of your area at the time of the birth of the baby. If you are discharged in the summer, then sew an envelope for the newborn with your own hands, using openwork and light fabrics (satin, sewing, lace fabric). At birth in winter, be sure to insulate the product with synthetic winterizer or fur. And if in your area precipitation often occurs in the form of wet snow and rain, then take care of water-repellent fabric for the top.

Consider a variant of this product, which is closed with a detachable zipper on one edge. Pattern envelope for a newborn is very simple. For its construction, we use only two quantities: the envelope will be 130 centimeters long and 80 wide. Take a sheet of paper and draw a rectangle with dimensions 130x40 centimeters on it. Now divide it into three parts, starting at the top. 30 cm are enough for a pillow. On the mattress and the upper blanket will go 50 centimeters. In the middle part (to the mattress), on the right side we draw another rectangle of 50x40 centimeters. This will be the topmost decorative detail. We leave the pillow with right angles or make a semicircle, if desired.

We will sew the envelope for the newborn with our own hands from satin and cotton sewing, with lace trim, a satin ribbon of the desired color and a padding of synthetic winterizer. We cut one piece from satin, sewing and synthetic winterizer. Sewing and sintepon we connect and quilted in random order. We put lace on the front side of sewing, equalizing the sections, and attach, laying beautiful folds, along the cushion and side part. Now we fold the front parts from the inside out of satin and sewing. We connect them along the contour, retreating from the edge by one centimeter, leaving a small area open.

We turn the envelope on the front side and sew the unclosed segment manually. We lay out the finished base on the table with sewing up. We got the letter "T" turned on its side. Flip up the bottom blanket. Close the side part from above. We sew a detachable zipper on the side of the envelope. With it, we will fix the side part.

It remains only to decorate the envelope for the newborn with their own hands. For this, we use satin ribbons, lace embroidery or beautiful decals. A ribbon looks beautifully, skipped diagonally and tied up and down in lush bows. In this case, we decorate the free corners with decorative elements from lace or embroidery.

If you prefer the option with bows in the middle, then when designing a pattern, consider not one large side part, but two, smaller ones. In this case, you will first cover the baby with a lower blanket, and then smell the side parts and fix them with satin ribbons, tying three bows at the same distance from each other. In this embodiment, decorative lace is sewn along the entire contour of the envelope, except for the lower blanket. Using a white satin for sewing, decorate it with a red or blue ribbon. If you prefer a color envelope, then use white ribbons for decorative decoration. A sewn envelope for discharge with your own hands will be the first gift for a baby from a loving mother.


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