Style dudes: how to create an image?

This style appeared in the 50s of the last century in the Soviet Union in the difficult post-war years for the state, when the population had to work tirelessly to rebuild the country, heal the wounds caused by the war. State policy, moreover, at that time was aimed at equalizing all citizens. To look like everyone, not stand out, be modest - these are the main theses of this policy, which were almost unanimously approved by the people who survived the terrible tragedy in their history. Therefore, everything was gray then - the clothes of people and their interior.

Fashion as a youth protest

modern dudes

Boys and girls wanted colors and something new. As a reflection of their striving for brightness and protest against accepted stereotypes of behavior, a youth subculture of dudes appeared. The word "dude" in the Soviet media was used with a touch of condemnation. People supporting this new fashion were criticized, and their behavior was discussed at Komsomol meetings. But the representatives of this movement themselves liked the term, since it came from the word “stylish”, which means “fashionable”.

Signs of style

The first to join this subculture were representatives of the so-called “golden youth” who had information about foreign fashion and music. Boys and girls, eagerly absorbing everything new, tried on the style of dudes. The guys put on tight trousers and wide-shouldered jackets, and a herring tie was a mandatory attribute of the outfit. The girls, however, put on wide skirts with petticoats, trouser suits, tight-fitting blouse on the bodice and girdled a waist with a bow-belt. A fashionable hairstyle for guys was considered to be a coc, Elvis Presley's hairstyle, and for girls, high hairstyles for babette and cockleshell.

Men's shoes were made on thick white soles, and in the summer heat, style devotees wore colorful Hawaiian shirts. The girls wore narrow heeled pumps and used bright makeup.

By modern standards, there was nothing provocative in this way. But at that time such an outfit was perceived as a riot. In addition, the style of dudes included a passion for jazz. Young people liked the music of Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry. Many dudes themselves played musical instruments, and some of them later became famous musicians.

Modern style dudes

Being the successor to the fashion of the 50s, this trend returned at the beginning of the 21st century, focusing on some elements. For example, it is difficult to imagine in our time clothes of this style for everyday wear by adults due to its elegance. But in the festive image, both the whole style and its individual parts can be successfully applied. And women's hairstyles, based on hairstyles of the dudes style and modified in accordance with the spirit of the times, can decorate any celebration.

Baby clothes

Bright and solemn, elegant and mischievous, such clothes are perfect for our children. This is now the most fashionable style in children's clothing. Even a lot of clothing stores for children with the name "Hipster" appeared.

Style dudes for girls

In children's stores a large selection of outfits in this direction. I must admit that the holiday dresses for girls "Malvina" and "Princess" no longer look as modern as a dress in the style of dudes in the photo below.

fashionable image

Here there is chic, and coquetry, and taste, and the fact that girls like it so much - brightness. For such a dress, a petticoat is provided, the color of which differs from the color of the dress, and white socks are worn under the shoes, which is fully consistent with the style of the dude for girls. The waist is indicated by a belt. A well-styled hairstyle emphasizes the subculture of the styles, and a bright hoop and neck scarf are important additions.

Outfits for boys

little tomboy

Clothing in the style of dudes is more suitable for little tomboys than for anyone else. They feel comfortable and organic in it, it seems that this style was created specifically for them. It is in such clothes that you can be mischievous and look businesslike, be fashionable, bright and unusual.

In this image, one of the main details is trousers, for the sewing of which fabrics of the most daring and bright colors are used. A jacket and shirt of contrasting shades are selected for them.

A jacket is another important detail of the image. Shortened jackets are currently preferred. They can be plain and with a pattern. Used fabric in a cage and stripes of various colors. And the outfit is complemented by a long tie or bow tie. When using moderate colors, these outfits are suitable for everyday wear. Finishing the image, you need to make a fashionable hairstyle. Iroquois is a good fit here, but the individual taste of the child cannot be ruled out either.

Men's clothing

Men also love to be naughty. After a hard week, when you need to dress in a business style, they can afford to be a dude at some party. In this case, their appearance is similar to the image of a playful boy in bright trousers and a jacket for outgrowth, in boots on a white rubber sole, the so-called "semolina", and certainly with a colorful tie.

Consider a modern set of men's clothing, made in moderate colors, but possessing all the signs of the style of duffel, as in the photo.

casual wear

Bright and cropped trousers are a typical representative of the dude subculture, which can be said about a checkered jacket. But the colors of the shirt, socks and tie are calmer. Thanks to such small changes, this kit can be used as everyday.

Women's clothing

To apply the style of duffel for women, currently it is necessary to modify it somewhat. The bright colors can be replaced with a moderate one, and the emphasis is on one particular detail. To use this style in full is possible only at events dedicated to relevant topics. In kindergartens, when conducting matinees, the style of dudes is often assigned as a dress code. Dressing their babies in accordance with the requirements of style, mothers and fathers also dress in this way, and there is complete harmony between all participants in the celebration. Consider the style of dudes in the photo.

style dress

The girl’s clothes are a vivid representative of this fashion trend. In this kit, you can go to the prom or themed party. The skirt has a petticoat, and the entire set is complemented by gloves, a belt and white pumps. The presence of a bow is fully consistent with the subculture of dudes, but there are also differences from the fashion of the 50s. For the fashion of the 20th century, deliberate incomparability of shades was characteristic, and the colors of the kit in the photo are harmoniously combined together. It can be said that modern sets in the style of stilag look more elegant than their predecessors.

The dignity subculture in women's clothing prefers dresses, but does not refuse trousers completely. Usually they have a shortened appearance, exposing the ankles, and a high waist. Girls wear them with tight blouses and pumps, and accessories remain the same.

Accessories and makeup

babette option

This trendy trend is characterized by the use of a large number of accessories, such as gloves, hairpins, handbags, bows, ribbons, beads and belts. Their presence creates a certain impression, and makeup only emphasizes it. In this case, the lipstick is selected in red, and when eyeliner, arrows are necessarily drawn.

Women's hairstyles

Returning from the last century in our time, the style of dudes has become more perfect. Women's hairstyles have become particularly sophisticated. They became the highlight of this style in the 21st century, its hallmark. Let's consider it in more detail.

The film “Babetta Goes to War” with Brigitte Bardot, starring in the 50s of the last century, was remembered by the audience and influenced the fashion of the dude. Especially popular in this subculture was the hairstyle of the heroine of the film, who began to be called her name - babette. This is a high hairstyle that allows you to make the figure of its owner more graceful. Therefore, hairdressers began to create hairstyles for special occasions based on it.

Currently, such varieties of babette are very popular: with a pigtail, with plaits, with a tail and a hair bow, as well as the classic model of babette. You can learn how to make this hairstyle yourself. To do this, the article provides photo instructions.

hairstyle babette

A well-known law says that everything develops in a spiral, that is, it repeats itself, but at a higher level. You can observe the effect of this law on the example of the style dude. He returned to the 21st century fashion from the 50s of the last century, improved, and his appearance and development path proved to everyone that fashion does not remain aloof from society. She reacts to all changes in her own way, using methods known to her alone, while emphasizing the main postulate - freedom of choice is very important for a person.


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