Physical education in the middle group of kindergarten

In all kindergartens at various times of the year, games, competitions, children's parties and fun activities are held. This contributes to the physical and mental development of the child.

Preparation for a physical education event for children in the middle group

It is best to carry out physical education in the middle group in a specially equipped room. You can engage in it at any time of the year, if it is heated. But keep in mind that there is limited space in the room. Therefore, it is not necessary to bring several large groups to the lesson at once. Otherwise, it will be crowded, and you will not be able to pay due attention to each child. The scenario of physical culture entertainment in the middle group is compiled by educators in advance. There should not be any departures during the game from the drawn up plan.

physical education in the middle group

Exciting game "Fun Starts"

In the hall, children often play such an exciting game as Fun Starts. Such physical education in the middle group solves the following tasks:

  • arouses interest in children in physical education;
  • develops physical qualities;
  • forms musculoskeletal skills.

For this physical entertainment you will need two stumps, two balls, two arcs, a tape recorder for playing music and prizes to the winners. To carry out "Fun Starts" children need to be divided into two teams. For each of them, you can come up with a beautiful name like "The Sun" and "Luchiki". After that, it's time to start the competition. Kids most like the following types of relay races:

  1. Bear Cubs. Children should crawl up to the stumps like a bear, and return back running. The distance from the start line to the barrels should be at least 20 meters.
  2. Rolling the ball with your foot or even your head. The guys must roll the ball to the goal. After that, you need to pick it up and run to the start line. There the ball will be handed over to his teammate.
  3. "Hare." Each child jumps on two legs to the stumps, and then returns running to the start line.
  4. Passing the ball overhead or between the legs of a team mate. After each child passes the ball, the latter raises it up.

The winner is the team that first completed the task. After the game, a solemn rewarding takes place, and the children go to change clothes in the locker rooms.

scenario of physical education in the middle group

It is especially important to carry out physical education in the middle group. Children at this age are very active and capable of learning many games. Physical education for the middle group of the kindergarten prepares the pupils of the Kindergarten for the school load, which will be waiting for them in a couple of years. Games can be held in the hall and outdoors.

Conducting autumn classes

With the advent of autumn, most kindergartens host various sports activities. The main task of teachers is to consolidate the provision of autumn for children. The teacher should think in advance of physical education in the middle group. Autumn is the time of year, about which many poems, puzzles and songs have been invented. For the success of the event, their study will be required. Before you start active actions, you can come up with various tasks. For example, children should name autumn signs, migratory birds, tell how trees prepare for winter, and so on.

sports activities in the middle group autumn

Sports activities on the theme of "Autumn"

And then you can start the game, which is associated with this time of year. For example, the game "Sun and Rain." It is quite fascinating, plus everything, it develops speed and spatial orientation in children. For such a game, you will need umbrellas for each child.

Process: girls hide behind dark umbrellas, and boys hide behind bright umbrellas. At the signal of the educator, they should quickly change places. The team that hides behind the umbrella faster will win.

Winter holidays for children

In every kindergarten, everyone with great expectations awaits the winter holidays. The guys have fun on them, learn a lot of new things and receive gifts. Any teacher in stock has many different games, funs, contests and holiday scripts. In winter, the kids are very fond of playing outdoors. The main children's holidays in the winter are:

  1. The meeting of winter.
  2. Christmas.
  3. New Year.
  4. Epiphany.
  5. Seeing off the winter.

In addition to the main holidays, educators often arrange all kinds of interesting events and physical activities for children.

Winter sports activities

At this time of year, educators need to very carefully think out physical education in the middle group. Winter is the time of year when the temperature sometimes drops in our country to 30 degrees with a minus sign. Naturally, in such weather, children cannot be taken outside. If weather conditions allow, it is quite possible to hold a fun event on the street. For children of the middle group, the following physical activities can be organized in winter:

  1. Construction of a snow fortress. For this, children need to be divided into two teams. After a signal from the educator, each team begins to make snowballs, from which the fortress will then be formed. The team whose fortress will be bigger will win.
  2. Relay race with snowballs. Each team must shift all the snowballs from the heap into its own bucket. The one with the most snowballs in the bucket will win.

physical activity in the middle group winter

Sports activities with parents

Physical education in the middle group with parents makes the child happier and more confident. After all, he will understand that his mom and dad are nearby. In each kindergarten, it is recommended to carry out joint sports activities. They form the concept of “family” in children, influence the development of creative abilities, strengthen family traditions and foster a culture of family behavior. Parents will also be pleased to attend this event. First, the educator needs to make a plan and only then invite such important guests. It is advisable to come up with activities in which children and parents will be involved at the same time. For example, the joint collection of certain items at the time. The winner is the family that collected all the items faster than the rest. Various fun starts as well as intellectual competitions are also suitable.

physical education in the middle group with parents

Carrying out activities for children in accordance with GEF

For clarity, you need to understand what the abbreviation GEF is. It means Federal state general educational standards that must be followed by all educational institutions. Based on these standards, in the physical education corner, the following should be mandatory:

  • The necessary materials and equipment for all types of children's activities. Material should be available to them before starting classes.
  • Game space.

Sometimes it happens that the kindergarten does not have the necessary materials and equipment for such events. Physical education in the middle group (according to GEF) must fully comply with the requirements specified in the mentioned document. If the gym is not suitable, it needs to be expanded.

Rules for conducting sports

All physical activities in the middle group should take place in the presence of adults. Where the game will take place, there should not be extra items that could harm the health of the child. If you decide to carry out physical education in the middle group on the street, you should definitely check that each child is dressed in accordance with the time of year.

physical education for the middle group of kindergarten

Every year for children you need to come up with new exciting games. Since the old they quickly get bored, the pupils will not receive pleasure from them.


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