Scissor lift: description, advantages and disadvantages

The scissor lift is a technique that ensures the delivery of employees and cargo to a height. The system is driven by levers and a hydraulic drive. The working platform moves strictly vertically, which allows the unit to be operated in confined spaces.

Scissor lift photo


The main advantages of scissor lifts:

  • compact dimensions;
  • ease of use;
  • universality;
  • high reliability parameter;
  • good carrying capacity.

The equipment under consideration allows us to solve various construction and repair tasks. In the assortment there are universal models oriented to work on the street and indoors. For warehouse or small spaces, the mini version is suitable, which has good maneuverability and noiselessness.

The electric scissor lift replaces several standard tools and devices (stepladder, ladder, scaffolding, jack). The specified modification does not require installation of additional and auxiliary devices. In addition, the speed of delivery of brigades or cargo to the required height is significantly increased.


The equipment under consideration is mainly used in the construction and automotive industries. The lifting height of the site is adjustable by 10-20 meters, some modifications have a load capacity of about 10 tons. Depending on the size of the platform, one person or a group of workers can simultaneously work on it. Scissor lifts are used in the construction of bridges, buildings, other high-altitude objects, assembly and repair of machines.

In addition, these installations are used by companies engaged in the advertising business, installation of windows, air conditioners and other installation and finishing work at heights. Compact installations allow to solve various problems indoors. The advantages of the equipment include noiselessness, small size, tires that do not leave marks on the floor, the absence of harmful exhausts.

Scissor lift

Design features

The devices received their name due to the original appearance and the principle of operation of folding levers similar to scissors. The working elements are driven hydraulically, powered by the mains or battery. The construction is controlled by the remote control, the mechanism is mounted on the platform.

The cost of construction and a car scissor lift is determined by the level of safety of the installation. On modern versions, the frame immediately deactivates the drive in the event of an emergency. Optional installations can be supplemented by motor protection, smooth braking, emergency descent, platform speed adjustment.

Car scissor lift


Distinguish between mobile and self-propelled scissor lifts. In the first case, the equipment is delivered to the workplace by trailer or by towing. Some models are equipped with wheels, while they cannot move independently, due to the lack of a traction motor. They are attached to a tractor or other transport of the required power. For short distances, the unit can be moved manually, due to its small weight and compactness.

Self-propelled versions are equipped with a wheeled or tracked drive. The second option is not very popular, it is used where a high cross-country ability on heavy soils is needed. In the premises of the machine are equipped with special tires. For internal use, a technique with electric motors is suitable, the operation of diesel analogues is allowed on the street.

Car service lifts

The types of lifting equipment under consideration are actively used in automotive services and service stations. Despite the fact that the scissor versions are somewhat more expensive than the classic two-rack versions, they significantly save usable space and have a large working resource. Using this technique, it is easy to diagnose or repair a vehicle, perform tire fitting or adjusting the alignment.

Before purchasing lifts for car service, you need to pay attention to a number of points:

  • capacity indicator;
  • lifting height;
  • working speed;
  • consumed energy;
  • work platform size;
  • type and weight of the unit.
    Scissor Lift Scheme for Cars

Safety and accessories

Outriggers guarantee good stability of these devices in the working position. It happens that the working surface on which the installation is placed is uneven. In this case, special pillows are used. They are quite affordable, significantly expand the capabilities of the device.

Despite the wide range of scissor lifts on the market, some customers have individual proposals for the configuration and functionality of the unit. The equipment can be obtained by special order. The price in this case will be higher, but practicality and efficiency is such as is necessary in a particular case. Taking into account additional functionality and safety factors, the unit can be equipped with the following equipment:

  • sides of a folding configuration;
  • roller shutters or doors;
  • elevator control;
  • sliding type platform;
  • light indication elements;
  • fence net.
    Electric scissor lift

Criterias of choice

The cost of scissor lifts directly depends on the rated load capacity indicated in the technical passport. In addition to the maximum weight that the unit can lift, its working height should be considered. 3-5 meters is enough in the rooms, and on the street this indicator is desirable to select from 10 meters and above. The performance of the procedure depends on the high-speed mode of raising and lowering the platform. This parameter is calculated by the number of lifts for a certain time period or in the total mass of movements in one hour. The weight of the lift is important for mobile modifications, since its relatively low price will not play a profitable role if constant costs for the rental of transportation equipment are required.


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