Dog parainfluenza: symptoms, pathogens and treatment

Parainfluenza is a fairly common disease in dogs. This is due to its high transmittance. Once one dog in the group gets sick, everyone else gets infected right away. And although the disease is usually not very dangerous and in healthy animals it passes quite quickly, in some cases it can cause very serious complications. In this article, we look at the symptoms and treatment of parainfluenza in dogs. Let's see which animals are at risk.

General information

Dog parainfluenza is a viral disease that affects the dog’s upper respiratory tract: nose, larynx, bronchi, and trachea. This is a problem infection transmitted by airborne droplets. In a sense, the parainfluenza in dogs is very similar to human viral damage. In the same way, it is extremely contagious; it can be picked up only from a single contact with the carrier of the disease. In addition, it is in the cold seasons that the greatest number of cases is recorded.

Parainfluenza in dogs symptoms

The virus is not dangerous for people, because it is not able to withstand the immune system of the human body. Is parainfluenza transmitted from dog to cat? In veterinary practice, cases of a similar disease have been recorded in furry creatures, but they are extremely rare.

Parainfluenza is not life threatening, but it can develop into pneumonia, or have even more serious complications. That is why it is important to immediately consult a doctor with the first symptoms of a pet's disease.


Parainfluenza in dogs is a very unpleasant phenomenon. It spreads by airborne droplets almost instantly. As soon as a sick animal approaches healthy, infection immediately occurs. A pet can easily catch parainfluenza in a place of a large concentration of dogs: at an exhibition, on a walk, in a shelter. Even if the animal is vaccinated and does not get sick by itself, it can be a carrier of the disease.

The virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the dog. Parainfluenza is not considered a particularly dangerous disease, but it can cause serious complications in individuals with reduced immunity.

Animals at risk

Parainfluenza in dogs (pathogen)

Dogs of all breeds are affected by parainfluenza. At risk of infection are:

  • puppies under the age of one year;
  • malnourished dogs suffering from malnutrition;
  • animals with other diseases with weakened immunity;
  • pregnant and lactating dogs;
  • injured or recently operated pets.

Factors that increase the likelihood of infection:

  • frequent stressful situations;
  • lack of vaccination;
  • poor nutrition that does not contain enough vitamins and minerals;
  • infection with parasites and fungus;
  • “Sedentary lifestyle”: lack of sufficient loads and fresh air;
  • content on the street.


The main symptoms of parainfluenza in dogs can be distinguished:

  • after active exercise, the dog begins a strong dry cough;
  • the animal eats well, but begins to drink water more often;
  • the pet becomes lethargic and lethargic;
  • mucous discharge from the nose can be observed;
  • the dog has vomiting;
  • conjunctivitis and discharge from the eyes;
  • body temperature rises.

When listening to the cavity of the respiratory system, whistles and wheezing are observed. When the veterinarian feels his throat and chest, the dog may feel uncomfortable and cough.

Dog parainfluenza treatment

The most severe symptoms usually occur in puppies and elderly dogs, because their immunity is weak and not able to cope with the disease effectively. Often, signs that are uncharacteristic of the disease can be noted.

Course of the disease

The incubation period of the disease lasts from 2 to 30 days. At this time, the dog seems healthy, the symptoms do not appear, but she is already a carrier of the virus.

At the beginning of the disease as a result of physical exertion, the dog begins to cough. The animal's activity drops, it becomes apathetic. It may be noted a loss of appetite, unwillingness to go out, tearing of the eyes. Possible increase in temperature to 40-40.5 degrees.

If no other diseases join the parainfluenza due to reduced immunity, then recovery should occur in 1-2 weeks. The body produces antibodies that resist the virus.

However, it is worth noting that often other viral and bacterial diseases join the parainfluenza: herpevirus, adenoviruses. In this case, the course of the disease is complicated, there may be symptoms that are not characteristic of this ailment. Perhaps the occurrence of a very high temperature, a serious decline in the activity of the animal, the appearance of pneumonia, purulent discharge from the eyes, severe shortness of breath, great thirst.

Often with complications of parainfluenza, the infection spreads to the stomach. The dog does not eat, she begins severe diarrhea. In this case, you must urgently consult a doctor, otherwise the animal may die from exhaustion.

dog parainfluenza vaccine


The causative agent of parainfluenza in dogs is a pathogen from the paramyxovirus family. In 1967, in the United States, as a result of a study, viruses of this family were found in a large number of sick dogs. Later paramyxoviruses began to be observed in other sick animals around the world. However, the exact source of this disease has not yet been determined. During the progression of the infection, the dog’s body attacks a huge number of harmful microbes, and it’s almost impossible to identify the main culprit of the disease. The virus multiplies on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and in the lymph nodes. Sometimes it passes to the lungs, intestines and spleen.

At room temperature in the environment, the virus dies within four hours. Instantly he perishes at a rate of 55 degrees.

As a result of exposure to the virus and bacterial infection, infectious tracheobranchitis may occur. This disease is quite severe, and it is much more difficult to treat than regular parainfluenza.


Even if the dog has all of the above symptoms, you should not independently diagnose the animal. Many diseases have similar manifestations, therefore only a specialist can identify the kind of infection, taking tests and conducting the necessary studies. Since the exact causative agent of the disease is unknown, the doctor prescribes treatment based on the most likely causes.

The veterinarian must conduct an external examination, get the results of the anamnesis, and make laboratory tests. For the purpose of diagnosis, an ultrasound of the respiratory tract is done, biological material is taken from the pharynx, nose and trachea, and a general blood test is performed. Due to the similarity of parainfluenza with many other diseases, the doctor must conduct a differential diagnosis. In case of acute course from the list of possible diseases, it is necessary to exclude pneumonia, bronchitis, plague, heart failure.

Is parainfluenza transmitted from dogs to cats


If the parainfluenza has not yet managed to completely capture the dog's body, and the symptoms do not appear much, the vaccine is quite capable of killing the disease in the early stages.

With a mild course of the disease, it is enough for the dog to drink pills that increase immunity. To treat an acute ailment, the doctor usually prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics to avoid the appearance of undesirable complications. Anti-cough drugs are rarely prescribed - only if the animal has a strong and painful cough.

If the pet has a high temperature - they give him antipyretics, they recommend drinking a lot of water. Sometimes drugs are administered intravenously.

During illness, excessive dog activity should be avoided. It is worth giving her a balanced, full vitamin food.

If the animal is sick, you should refrain from communicating with your pet other dogs in order to avoid infection. Parainfluenza virus is most active within 4-9 days. It is worth knowing: if proper treatment has not been carried out, even if all the symptoms of the parainfluenza in the dog have disappeared, this does not mean that the body completely defeated the disease. Perhaps the infection entered into symbiosis with the body, and the dog is dangerous to others, the carrier of the virus.

pass analysis for parainfluenza, dogs


Only vaccination can help avoid the appearance of this disease in a dog. The first of them, puppies do at 5-6 months of life. Next, certain doses are administered every month. Upon completion of the course, an injection of the vaccine against parainfluenza is given to dogs annually. This manipulation is not particularly necessary if the pet has no contact with other dogs. Although it is worth considering here that this disease is easily tolerated on human clothing.

It is necessary to pay close attention to the hygiene of the animal and the place of its keeping. The dog needs to live clean. Her enclosure, booth, room should be constantly cleaned and disinfected. Your pet's menu should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

It is dangerous for the animal to hypothermia. Do not let a wet pet go outside. If the dog is exposed to rain, it is necessary to dry and warm it as soon as possible. Drafts are also highly undesirable.

Parainfluenza in dogs, symptoms and treatment

Parainfluenza is most dangerous for animals with weakened immunity. It is worth remembering that stress is the cause of a decrease in the body's resistance to the disease. It is necessary to provide the animal with the most comfortable living conditions.

Although parainfluenza is not dangerous for the person himself, the owner of the furry creature can carry it on his skin, clothes and shoes. That is why it is important to adhere to all the rules of personal hygiene when dealing with a pet.

So, we found that parainfluenza in dogs is not the most dangerous disease, and in most cases it is easily treatable. However, it is worth remembering that even its lightest form can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, do not take it lightly. At the first symptoms of the disease, you must urgently take your dog to the veterinarian and take tests for parainfluenza ..


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