Statica: seed cultivation

Statica, growing from seeds of which often does not bring the desired results, is still a rather rare plant in our flower gardens. Some sources mention another name for this flower - kermek. Unlike many European countries, where this plant has been used for many years not only to decorate flower beds, but also to create beautiful bouquets of dried flowers, in the CIS countries, statice flowers began to be planted relatively recently.

Statica (seed cultivation)

The distribution of kermek is most likely restrained by one of its features: this herbaceous perennial plant is most often grown as an annual. Statica, growing from seeds of which annually presents certain difficulties, is a wonderful plant that deserves our attention. Its height reaches 50-90 cm. Very strong stems are ribbed and slender. Its leaves are collected in a large, very decorative basal rosette. Small flowers of kermek are collected in 3-4-flower spikelets, forming large corymbose inflorescences. Often their diameter is 8-12 cm. The corolla itself is light in color, and all the elegance of the inflorescences is given to the flower cups, painted in various shades.

Statice flowers
This plant is photophilous, thermophilic, drought tolerant. Kermek is undemanding to the soil, but prefers light, loose, calcareous soils. This plant does not like waterlogging, so do not be zealous with its watering. It differs from many other ornamental plants with its inflorescences, which simply amaze with an abundance of flowers. There are varieties with blue, white, yellow, lilac, pink, red, blue, apricot and carmine shades. Kermek flowering lasts from July to September. Striking is its ability in a cut form to maintain its rich color for a long time.

statice seeds
That is why this plant has long been used as a dried flower. Its dry branches look great both in bouquets of fresh flowers, as well as in flower arrangements and dry bouquets. To preserve the juicy color of the inflorescences, the stems are cut immediately after flowering and dried in a cool shaded place. There are several undersized varieties, the height of which is 25-40 cm. They look great in group plantings in mixborders and discounts.

How is statice cultivated? Growing from seeds in open ground often ends in failure, as they do not germinate. What is the reason for this? Statice seeds are very small, under adverse conditions they simply cannot germinate in open soil.

Statice seeds
It is best to sow them in March in a warm greenhouse or boxes that are at home. After 11-14 days, the seeds germinate. 3 months after sowing, statice blooms lushly. Growing seedlings of kermek seedlings makes it possible to plant strong seedlings in open ground in June. The distance between seedlings should be at least 30 cm, since a strong planting density leads to grinding of inflorescences. Kermek is watered in dry weather. The plant is responsive to mineral fertilizing (3-4 per season).


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