Summary of "Maxim Maksimych". What is the head of the poem "Hero of Our Time"?

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is an outstanding classic of the 19th century, who wrote many famous works. One of his most successful creations is the poem "Hero of Our Time". The whole work is divided into chapters, each of which is called upon to reveal in more detail the character of the protagonist. This article presents a brief retelling of the chapter "Maxim Maksimych".

summary of maxim maximich

The narration is conducted on behalf of the itinerant officer. Assessment of what is happening is given from outside, and not from a direct participant in the events, which is a hallmark of the chapter "Maxim Maksimych". β€œThe Hero of Our Time” is a work in which several points of view, completely dissimilar to each other, are united.


The narrator, after a short trip through the Caucasus Mountains, stops at a hotel run by three disabled people. Circumstances are such that he is forced to spend several days here. The officer is waiting for the so-called "opportunity" (a cover consisting of a cannon and a half of an infantry company, which guards the convoys), and she, as luck would have it, is delayed.

On the second day of his dull stay at the hotel, a wagon from which the acquaintance of the narrator, Maxim Maksimych, appears on the horizon. β€œA hero of our time” is a work in which a place was found for a truly positive hero. This is a retired staff captain, a simple and kind person. On his behalf, a narrative was conducted in the first chapter of the poem ("Bela").

Maxim Maksimych

The officer suggests Maxim Maksimych to settle down in his room, but that he without hesitation agrees.

The narrator notes that he was very lucky, as the staff captain knew how to cook well, and after the meager food that was served at the hotel, the pheasant Maxim Maksimych seemed especially tasty. The rest of the time after dinner, the men spent in complete silence, since they had absolutely nothing to talk about.

The full work gives a detailed description of each hero, however, such details do not include a brief summary.

Maxim Maksimych is distinguished from other characters by such qualities as friendliness and sociability. They will be trampled by the protagonist of the poem.

Good old friend Pechorin

A prolonged silence interrupts the sound of bells. A cart with people appears in the yard, followed by an empty stroller, similar to a foreign one. Behind her is a well-dressed footman who has the habits of a spoiled servant. The officer and Maxim Maksimych question him. From the conversation it becomes clear that the opportunity has finally come, and this stroller belongs to Mr. Pechorin.

The headquarters captain, with surprise and joy, recognizes in a visit his friend, with whom they had to go through a lot. Maxim Maksimych is impatient to see him as soon as possible, but the servant says that Pechorin stayed overnight with a friend of the colonel. The old captain is unable to hide his frustration and displeasure. He asks the footman to tell the owner that the captain is waiting for him at the hotel.

Waiting (summary)

Maxim Maksimych overcomes an unbearable desire to see a friend. Throughout the evening, the old captain finds no place for himself. Every minute he waits for a cart to appear on the horizon, from which Pechorin will leave. However, his expectations were not destined to be fulfilled so soon. The narrator hardly manages to persuade Maxim Maksimych to go into the room and go to bed. He spends all night in undisguised uneasiness.

Long awaited guest

In the morning, the staff captain is forced to go to the commandant for business, but urges the narrator to call him at the first appearance of Pechorin. After a while, he finally appears and immediately gives the order to prepare for departure.

Portrait of Pechorin

The narrator describes the appearance of the main character to readers. It turns out that this is a man of strong physique and average height. Very neat, with aristocratic manners. The officer notes some features of Pechorin's gait: he does not wave his arms when walking, which indicates the secrecy of his character. Sitting down, Pechorin is very slouching, it seems that he does not have a single vertebra in his back. The skin of the hero is white and delicate, like that of a woman, which indicates a noble origin. In addition, the narrator notes fair hair and black as tar, eyebrows and mustaches, which indicates the breed. In a word, Pechorin has an attractive appearance and women undoubtedly like it. He has a high forehead with traces of wrinkles that do not spoil his attractiveness. In conclusion, the narrator notes snow-white teeth, deep brown eyes that never smile, even if their master laughs, and curly hair. Pechorin's gaze may seem sad to one, and evil to others.

Maxim Maksimych the hero of our time

The narrator presents to the reader just such a portrait. You will find only a summary of the article. The officer does not describe Maxim Maksimych in such detail.

A meeting

Everything is ready for departure, when suddenly the breathless staff captain comes running. Pechorin meets him rather coldly, which causes some bewilderment of the old man. It turns out that he is on his way to Persia and does not intend to stay here. Maxim Maksimych is trying to bring an old friend into conversation, but he does not make contact and gets off with only general phrases. When asked about what to do with the records that the captain carefully kept all this time, Pechorin waved his hand casually and left.

head maxim maksimych


The narrator asks Maxim Maksimych to give him the notes of Pechorin. An annoyed staff captain angrily throws papers to the ground, and the officer quickly collects everything and carries it away, without waiting for the old man to change his mind.

To convey all the bitterness and sadness experienced by the old captain, not a single brief content is in power. Maxim Maximych is stifled by anger and a sense of uselessness.

a brief retelling of the chapter maxim maksimych

After some time, it is time to leave, but the staff captain does not go with the officer. When asked why he remains, he answers that it is necessary to settle some affairs with the commandant. It is evident that the old captain is angry, and the officer sympathizes with him to some extent. He understands that the dropped curtain, which covered the eyes of the head-captain, cannot be replaced by anything in his year.

The officer leaves alone. In conclusion, I would like to note that the chapter "Maxim Maksimych" is very interesting in its full content, in more detail you can find out about many events taking place in the poem.


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