Rosa Astrid Carafe Von Hardenberg: description and photo

Astrid Graffin von Hardenberg is said to be a flower of astonishing appearance. Juicy, bright burgundy with terry petals flowers, complemented by a persistent pleasant aroma, attract eyes, attract gardeners, causing them genuine interest.

Rose astrid decanter von hardenberg reviews

Roses bloom on tall, sophisticated stems, so they are often used for cutting. The flowering period lasts a long time and is characterized by scale: the bush is almost always in flowers, which, wave after wave, replace each other, delighting with beauty for many months, sometimes until the frosts themselves. Astrid Carafe von Hardenberg - roses, characterized by frost resistance, resistance to disease and high temperatures.

Many questions arise for gardeners regarding the cultivation of roses. Gardeners, breeders and scientists have gathered plenty of information about Astrid Countess von Hardenberg. The encyclopedia of roses contains complete sheets on how to grow and care for flowers, but studying dozens of pages of the description does not always have enough time, therefore, especially for rose lovers, this article contains the basic rules for the care and maintenance of flowers on a flower bed.

Rose variety Astrid decanter von Hardenberg

Selection of a place for planting roses

First, they select a place for a bush or their group. Since roses perform a decorative function, the choice of place depends not only on the location of the flower bed, but also on the view from the window, because this plant was created in order to enjoy it.

Roses are photophilous plants, therefore, having decided on the place, place the bush in the most unshaded zone. Flowers love to bathe in the morning and evening rays of the sun, so keep this fact in mind.

Rose astrid decanter von hardenberg scrub reviews

If your garden is located on the south side, then a fully open sunny area is not too favorable for a rose, since the petals of these delicate flowers can fade or get burns under heavy lighting.

Choose a well-ventilated area, warmed by the sun. In no case do not plant roses where cold air and groundwater accumulate, as the bushes will often get sick, and eventually may stop blooming.

What type of soil is preferred for planting bushes

Black soil is best suited. When growing on loamy soil, take care of organic fertilizer on a piece of land. The acidity of the soil does not have a special effect on the condition of roses, therefore this indicator does not matter, but the level of groundwater should be at least 1 meter above ground level. Sometimes the soil is acidified using manure or a peat mixture.

Planting roses in the ground

Dig a hole with a depth of about 60 cm, the bottom of which is covered with drainage material: small pebbles, large gravel or crushed stone. The thickness of the drainage layer should be at least 10 cm. From above lay a natural fertilizer (layer from 10 cm), which can be used as rotted manure or compost. Garden dressing is poured at least 10 cm in height in the form of a dome.

It is important before placing the roses in the hole to make a talker out of clay soil and water and dip the root system of the plant into it for several minutes.

Plant the bush so that the root neck protrudes about 25.3 cm above the ground. A plant placed in a hole is gently covered with soil and slightly compacted loosened soil. Interestingly, after compaction of the earth, the root neck of the rose should be below ground level. This technique will help stimulate the growth of additional stems above the vaccination site.

After planting, the bush is watered under the root, the settled soil is sprinkled if necessary. The soil around the seedling is mulched with peat.

Features of flower care

The basic rules for caring for a rose Astrid Carafe von Hardenberg is:

  • in systematic loosening of the soil;
  • removal of weeds;
  • in the prevention of rose diseases;
  • regular top dressing;
  • seasonal pruning.

In addition, despite the drought tolerance, roses still need to be watered sometimes, especially young bushes.

Rose shrub astrid decanter von hardenberg

The subtleties of growing

Growing a rose variety Astrid Decanter von Hardenberg, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • In the first year of life, it is necessary to monitor the flowering of bushes, in no case preventing the premature onset of this process. So, the buds from the bushes are removed until the last summer month.
  • In August, 1-2 faded buds are left on each of the shoots of the bush. Thus, the formation of the rose fruit Astrid Decanter von Hardenberg is achieved. Reviews of gardeners indicate a more magnificent flowering of plants in the next season, if the recommendations are followed.

Using the above rules, you will definitely be able to grow healthy and lush rose bushes, pleasing to the eye.

Rose astrid decanter von hardenberg rose encyclopedia


In spring, roses scrub Astrid Carafe von Hardenberg is fed with nitrogen, in the summer with potassium and phosphate mixtures. Such a fertilizer scheme contributes to more magnificent flowering throughout the season.


This procedure is not difficult. There are several stages: spring, summer and autumn.

In the first case, with the onset of heat, when the buds of roses begin to swell, the bush is inspected and the non-overwintered shoots are removed. In the summer there is a need to remove blooming roses, thereby stimulating the next flowering cycle of the bush. In autumn, the bushes are put in order, cutting off the extra sprouted shoots and those that were damaged by the fungus.

Shelter of roses

Bushes grown in Central Russia, Astrid Decanter von Hardenberg, require shelter for the winter. The procedure begins with the onset of persistent frost. Covering, bushes spud earth.

After the roses are securely covered, a frame is mounted over each of the bushes, a heater is laid, and a film is pulled on top, leaving side spurs for ventilation.

Place of roses in landscaping

The variety of colors and types of these flowers allows you to plant a plant in any corner of the garden, creating an individual single composition or use roses for a group of garden and park design along with other plants. This is a universal material for decorating the garden, suitable for landscaping, made in any of the styles.

Rose astrid decanter von hardenberg

The hedges formed from these beautiful roses look interesting.

Gardeners opinion on Astrid Graffin von Hardenberg

Flowers have earned their popularity due to the amazing color and splendor of the buds. Gardeners note that this is one of the most common rose varieties in the region. Rose adapted to climatic features rose Astrid Decanter von Hardenberg Schrab. Reviews of gardeners and landscape designers confirm the claimed characteristics of the seedlings and note that the cultivation of this variety is especially beneficial. Because Astrid bushes are so popular.

Rosa Astrid is an amazing and majestic flower, without which your garden is unlikely to seem perfect.


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