Filter for the Red-eared Turtle: types, rating, technical characteristics and recommendations

Each owner of a red-eared turtle should know the rules for choosing a filter for an aquarium. After all, aquatic animals strongly pollute the microflora of the environment with waste products, and also feed on food, which quickly deteriorates and pollutes the water. Currently, special devices come to the aid of water animal lovers, which saturate water with oxygen and automatically purify it. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at filters for red-eared turtles and how to choose them correctly.

Pond slider

What are

To choose the right filter, you need to know the technical requirements for them, the types of devices, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Aquarium filters come in two forms:

  • domestic;
  • external.

Types of filtering devices

Both external and internal cleaning devices are divided into five types:

  1. Mechanical. The simplest filter, it is made of a motor and a suction tube with a piece of foam inside. Suitable for small fish tanks.
  2. Chemical. This is a filter in which a filler such as an adsorbent is used. Most often, coal is used for this. Such devices are more suitable for terrarium with turtles than mechanical ones.
  3. Biological. In this filter there is a special compartment in which beneficial bacteria multiply. They have a positive effect on the water in the aquarium, further purifying it.
  4. Combined. A universal filter that combines different devices.


filter for aquatorrarium of the red-eared turtle

The internal devices for aquariums are usually a plastic container with side openings through which water enters. Inside are installed cartridges with filter media, most often a sponge. After time, beneficial bacteria grow in it, and the filler begins to work as a biological filter. At the top of the device is a pump with a diffuser. She pumps water and saturates it with oxygen.

You can install such filters for red-eared turtles in any position both horizontally and vertically. This allows them to be placed in shallow aquariums. When purchasing an internal device, it should be borne in mind that you need to install the filter in a separate compartment, since water turtles can easily bite through the tubes.

Many aquarium owners complain about the poor performance of their internal filtering devices. This often causes them to quickly become clogged. Internal filters for red-eared turtles, as a rule, are placed in small aquariums with a volume of 50-100 liters, which are intended for medium-sized animals.


external aquarium filter

In order to get around all these shortcomings, lovers of aquatic animals should get an external device. They are especially suitable for owners of large turtles with a shell length of 10-15 centimeters.

For such amphibians, a capacity of more than 120 liters is needed. When purchasing an external filter for red-eared turtles, it should be borne in mind that its production should be at least 8-10 volumes of the aquarium per hour. Externally, the device resembles a canister. Water is purified in a container that looks like a tank, and it is attached to the outside of the aquarium. Water is transferred from the terrarium to the filter and vice versa thanks to the pump, as well as the outlet and intake plastic pipes.

Inside the external filter for the Red-eared Turtle there are several compartments for various types of fillers, which perform the function of cleansing. They also reproduce bacteria that provide biological treatment of water. Through the intake pipe, water is taken from the tank. Then it is run through the filter itself with the appropriate fillers, and the oxygen-enriched and purified liquid is poured back into the aquarium.

Pros of an external device

turtles in the aquarium

An external filter for the water-eared tortoise aquaterrarium has the following advantages:

  1. The device significantly saves space, in addition, it does not spoil the design.
  2. Animals cannot break the filter and injure themselves (except in rare cases).
  3. External filter is easy to maintain. It is washed no more than once a month, and in some cases once every three months.
  4. An external filtering device for the aquarium creates a flow of water, mixing it and saturating it with oxygen.
  5. A large number of bacteria develop in the fillers of such filters, which provide biological purification of water from waste products living in the animal aquarium.

Manufacturers rating

For the first time, when faced with the purchase of a filtering device for most lovers of aquatic turtles, the question arises: "Filter for a red-eared tortoise which company should be purchased?" Below is the rating of the most popular manufacturers with customer reviews.

internal aquarium filter

Atman is a Chinese brand. It is believed that the company produces the best Chinese filters. Devices are manufactured in the same factories where JBL and other popular filters are being assembled. Many aquarists have tested the CF line, which leaves a lot of positive feedback. The DF line was created in conjunction with JBL. The devices are fully operational and equipped.

Aquael is a Polish manufacturer. Here it is worth paying attention to the models UNIMAX 250 (650 l / h for aquariums up to 250 liters) and UNIMAX 500 (1500 l / h for aquariums up to 500 liters). The advantages of the devices are the built-in mechanism for pumping air from the tubes and the filter, the fillers in the kit, the function of adjusting the performance, in addition, they are very quiet. Consumers leave negative feedback about the following company filters:

  • Aquael UNIMAX 150 (canister, 450 l / h) - may leak from under the lid;
  • Aquael Unifilter UV (500 l / h) - poorly cleans water.

Eheim is a well-known manufacturer. The company makes expensive, but very good devices. The brand is considered the best in terms of noiselessness, reliability and quality of water purification.

Hydor (Fluval) is a manufacturer from Germany. Fluval filtering devices are available in the lines 105, 205, 305 and 405. In the negative reviews it is mentioned: grooves, weak clamps, rubber bands require lubrication. Of the successful models, you can select the FX5, but it is more expensive.

JBL is another German manufacturer. Two filters are worth highlighting here: CristalProfi e900 (900 l / hr for aquariums of 300 liters) and CristalProfi e1500 (1500 l / hr for tanks of 600 liters). Devices are ready to use and are fully equipped. These filters are positioned as reliable and practical. In addition, they have a modern design. Of the minuses, only a complaint is noted about a very tight pumping button.

Jebo is a Chinese manufacturer. Devices for filtering water in the aquarium of this brand have many positive reviews: the degree of contamination is visible, copes well with the cleaning function, the lid is conveniently removed.

Tetratec is a German company. The manufacturer has two models of filters that you should pay attention to: EX700 (700 l / h for aquariums of 100–250 liters) and EX1200 (1200 l / h for aquariums of 200–500 liters). The devices are fully operational and equipped with filter materials and tubes. In these models there is a button for pumping water, which facilitates the start. The reviews indicate the quiet operation of the filters and good equipment. Of the minuses: in the early 2000s, the company released a series of defective devices (loss of power and leakage), which greatly spoiled its reputation. Currently, everything is in order, but buyers still look at the filters of this brand with caution. When servicing these devices, it is recommended to additionally lubricate the rubber bands for sealing in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

ReSun is a Chinese brand. Has the worst reviews. The filter has a weak plastic - it can last a year and leak. Experts do not recommend purchasing devices from this manufacturer.

How to mount the internal filter device

aquarium filter

The internal filter for the aquarium for eared turtles is installed as follows:

  1. To start, the aquarium is half filled with water.
  2. All parts of the filter part are dried before assembly.
  3. The device is immersed in the aquarium from the opposite side of the turtles (at this moment it should not be connected to the outlet).
  4. Using suction cups, the device is attached to the walls of the terrarium, while the filter should not touch the bottom.
  5. Tubes for air intake are brought out.
  6. After doing all the procedures, the device is plugged in (a water flow should appear).

How to mount an external filter device

external filtering device

The external filter for the aquarium for red-eared turtles is installed as follows:

  1. The ends of the hoses for the release of water and its intake are lowered in opposite directions of the aquarium.
  2. The device is filled with water for the aquarium: for this, the water intake pipes are connected to the threads on the filter cover, then the tap opens and water is poured.
  3. An outlet hose is attached to the device, and water is poured through the free end, after which it is attached to a plastic outlet in the aquarium.
  4. After the done manipulations, both taps on the filter open at once, then the device can be plugged into the outlet (the water will begin to mix).

It should be noted that any filter for the Red-eared Turtle must be cleaned once every 1-2 months, since these amphibians leave an abundance of waste in the habitat. Do not use detergents to clean the aquarium itself.


It is very important to choose a quality filter device for the aquarium. This will help not to worry about breakdowns during prolonged use, which will save the owner’s nerves and money. It is best to give preference to external filters from trusted manufacturers.


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