"In bed with your husband": reader reviews, summary, critique reviews

The book by Nika Nabokova "In bed with your husband" is a revelation of a young woman who had a difficult fate. She is in the role of a lover. Her story is dedicated to all women, not only women of love, but also to the official soul mates, registered on 14-15 pages of the passport.

Nika Nabokova

Nika Nabokova

The author of the book "In Bed with Your Husband" Nika Nabokova was born on January 30, 1984 in St. Petersburg. Her father was a composer. She lived in a happy family. Parents loved and protected each other. At the age of fourteen, Nick lost her mother. The woman died tragically. According to Nika Nabokova, writing books is the best thing in her life. It is not surprising that from the age of 14 she began working as a journalist. She was educated at the journalism department.

Currently, Nick is the author of several books.

One of Nabokova’s books

Many people are interested in her talent. Someone praises, someone condemns. Despite the many negative reviews, the girl has a large number of fans.

A brief description of the book "In bed with your husband. Notes from a mistress. Wives must read!"

Book cover

Nika Nabokova wrote a book in the first person. As already mentioned above, she talks about how she became a lover, how she suffered and suffered, and how she was able to correct her situation.

The book is written in a simple language that is understandable to all. The heroine discusses throughout the narrative on various topics related to the love triangle, ranging from guilt to hate.

Nika gives practical advice to her readers on how to behave in a particular situation. Women who find themselves in the same difficult situation as she herself. From chapter to chapter, the author solves his problems, and at the same time the problems of millions of people.

At the end of the work, Nina Nabokova manages to solve her difficult situation, to turn her in her direction. As a result, the author changes the status of a mistress to the status of an official companion of life.

The author’s thoughts on the role of a lover in a man’s life

Who is a lover

The book "In bed with your husband" is a book of reasoning with elements of narration. The author does not so much talk about his life as he tries to understand and convey to other women the problems of love triangles.

Nick says that the lover is a kind of outlet in the life of a man. Despite the fact that many people condemn women who engage in romance with foreign husbands, all members of the triangle are to blame for this situation. Of course, more guilt on the man. He took a step to the side. But you don’t want to look at the side from a good wife who is happy with everything.

Nika says in her narrative that the lovebird helps a man in difficult life situations, becomes a support. She is not only a sexy toy, but a full-fledged partner - smart, caring and self-sufficient. A man flees from family, tired of routine and family life.

Unsuccessful justification attempt

About the book "In bed with your husband," the reviews are quite negative. No wonder. Indeed, from the first pages of the work a note of justification begins to be traced. Despite the fact that the author speaks about the guilt of several people in this situation, the guilt is still noticeable. Trying to blame the man first, and then his wife with children, Nick forgets the main thing: she was not called into a family of others, she did not create her, and therefore, has no moral right to destroy. Justifications in the form of "I'm also a woman, deserve happiness, I want a family" are interesting only to her. The rest of the triangle they are not interested. Many readers advise the author not to build illusions, talking about the well-known truth "You cannot build happiness on someone else's misfortune."

Speaking about the fact that lovers are good, kind, successful women who provide moral support to a man, and often financially, the author tries to cover up the very fact of behavior that is abnormal for human society.

Nika Nabokova at the Moscow Book House

Description of the generally accepted image of a lover

The book "In bed with your husband. Notes of a lover" describes the image of a lover that sits in the head of most women. This is a girl of model appearance, pumped up with silicone. This is an evil mercantile person who wants to get other people's money, to take it from the poor spouse and children. This is a woman who knows no other clothes except a peignoir. She constantly sits at home, practically does not get out of bed, while waiting for someone else's man. Occasionally goes shopping and meets with friends.

On the other hand, Nika Nabokova talks about who such lovers are in real life. She says that it can be a neighbor, boss, girlfriend or just a friend. To be a mistress, it is not necessary to have an outstanding appearance, a stunning figure. Often lovers are homely women. Nika casts doubt on the generally accepted notion that a woman’s home boy is always at number 2. She wonders why the man is drawn to the second number.

The image of the wife through the eyes of the author

Nika Nabokova on the pages of her literary work reflects on the image of his wife. She says that once this woman was desired and loved, but everything is not forever in life. And feelings as well.

The author tries to convey to the reader his thoughts that wives often stop attracting men not only externally, but also internally. Everyday debugged life quickly bothers the male representatives. Often it even starts to annoy. Not enough feelings of love, excitement, adventurism.

Nick says that many wives are ordinary kept women. They use the welfare of the spouse, sit at home and do things that are useless for society. Many wives raise children and do not want to work.

Wives, through the eyes of the author, are not at all harmless, loyal to the other half, people. They are cunning and treacherous. They tie a man to themselves, having given birth to heirs, and do not want to let go to meet new love.

The finale of the sensational work

The book by Nika Nabokova "In bed with your husband", the reviews of married women about which are quite negative, ends with a happy ending for the author. The heroine married her lover, because of whom she suffered for a long time. In her book, she described the positive aspects of her lover status. She herself, like any other ordinary woman, wanted to become a wife. It turns out that her status as a separation woman did not suit her.

Book Reviews

Nika Nabokova blew up the public with her literary work. Reviews about the book "In Bed with Your Husband" are quite diverse. The public was divided into several "camps". Some people are categorically against the author’s statements, but many support her. Someone is neutral.

Readers are not only women, but also men, who also leave numerous reviews.

Reviews of women who "must read"

Book that blew the public

Many women who have read the book and are married, note that the author writes about obvious things that are already known to everyone. Moreover, they consider the author an immoral person.

The book "In bed with your husband," reviews of which are quite diverse, describes marriage through the eyes of an outsider. Man from the side, superfluous. It is similar to instructions on how to destroy a family and take away someone else's husband. Many women completely disagree with the thoughts voiced by the author. She is trying by any means and ways to justify the behavior of a woman who wants to get her happiness at someone else's expense, at the expense of someone else's family.

The torment and suffering that a woman-breaker experiences while lying on a cold tile are the result of her own actions and decisions. No wonder they say that a person’s life is in his own hands. When deciding to connect her life with a married man, a woman should understand that in addition to romance and positive, there will be negative in such relationships.

Like it or not, the mistress is in any case in a disgusting position. She knows about the presence of a beloved other woman, a constant, beloved. She has to put up with this fact, at a time when the legal spouse may not suspect treason. A man protects the feelings of his wife, because often the novels on the side are an ordinary short-term affair. A man can assert himself in this way. It is not for nothing that they say that the representatives of the stronger sex are polygamous in nature. The man thinks of feelings of the mistress last of all. Her pain and despair rarely interest him.

The author openly says that mainly wives are empty uninteresting women who are needed for washing, ironing, cooking and raising children. That is, for the comfortable existence of a man. Nevertheless, not every woman of honor succeeds in bringing her business to its logical conclusion, to divorce. A rare man leaves his family for another woman of his own free will. Basically, the spouse, learning about treason, breaks off all sorts of relationships.

A spouse is not a servant or household item for a husband. In the modern world, almost every woman works. Many are building successful careers, doing business, while remaining loving wives and mothers.

What do men think about the book

In men, thinking is different from female. Oddly enough, representatives of the stronger sex also read the book "In bed with your husband." Reviews of men are not very different from women. As mentioned above, many husbands consider lovers to be a means of raising self-esteem. An outside woman provides an opportunity for self-assertion to a self-doubt man.

Many men believe that loving adventures on the side even strengthen the marriage. After a strong emotional shock, the relationship of the spouses is improving. They again begin to appreciate each other, to show attention and care. After all, emotional shaking helps to wake up long-forgotten feelings. At such moments, the spouses begin to understand the importance of what is happening. The fear of losing a loved one wakes up. Not every person is ready to give his love to another. Basically, a woman begins to fight for her happiness, for her place in the sun. With the help of a lover, a man achieves precisely shake-up, emotions.

Some husbands openly condemn Nika for her immorality. They say that you need to look for a person who is free from any obligations. Do not look for happiness in a strange family.

Psychologists reviews

The book "In bed with your husband," reviews of which are diverse, has interested many psychologists. All, as one, they argue that the author of the work is a person with a psychological education. Some say that Nika Nabokova can be a self-taught person who has read a lot of relevant literature.

She sets out simple truths that everyone knows in plain language. The book is easy to read. Between the lines you can see some psychological tricks that are used to convince.

In general, the book is not a masterpiece of literature or psychology, since the author was not able to tell the reader anything new. The problem of love triangles has existed since the creation of the world. It is relevant at all times.

Psychologists note that the topic is chosen perfectly. In addition to the topic, the name also did not disappoint. After all, a person who sees such a provocative name will definitely want to know what is at stake.

Despite the last sentence in the title of the book “Women must read!” Psychologists say that the author cannot tell anything new and unusual to married women. Everyone knows about the problem of lovers.

Other books by Nabokova

Nabokova's works

In addition to the book "In bed with your husband. Notes from a mistress. Wives must read!" Nika is the author of several more literary works.

List of books by Nika Nabokova.

  1. "How to Stop Being a Sheep. Getting Rid of Sufferers. Step by Step."
  2. "Confession of the former mistress. From wrong love - to the present."

Nika Nabokova is a young author, popular and extraordinary. She writes about pressing issues in a simple and understandable language, not embarrassed to call a spade a spade. Readers were divided. Despite the fact that many people call the book "In bed with your husband" immoral, the work gained considerable popularity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17737/

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