How many eyes does a spider have, and what types of spiders are there?

Most people are afraid of spiders or treat them with disgust, but in vain, because these are very interesting and unexplored earthly creatures. Many call them insects, but this is not so. Spiders are ancient arthropod animals.

In all spiders, the body consists of the abdomen, cephalothorax, four pairs of paws and a spinning unit. But how many eyes a spider has is a separate issue. The lifespan of these creatures reaches 30 years, and I must say that most of them do not die from natural causes. The smallest spider has a size of no more than 0.5 mm, and the largest reaches almost 30 cm. To date, there are about 42,000 species of spiders that live now, more than one thousand fossil species, in addition, new ones are constantly being discovered.

Types of spiders - photo

how many eyes does a spider have

types of spiders photo
spider eyes
All known species of these animals are predators. But Bagheera Kiplingi is 90% fed with plant foods. They live on acacia and feed on special structures located on the ends of leaves, in which there are a lot of proteins and lipids. And only during a severe drought can they eat each other.

Let's get back to the question of how many eyes a spider has. To begin with, the eyes of different families of these animals are very different. Some of them need vision for catching prey, while others do just fine without it.

The eyes of a spider that hunts without the usual web are very well developed. He has eight of them, and his field of view is almost 360˚. Two main eyes are located in front and look straight, another pair is looking forward and sideways. The next pair is directed to the sides, and the last is located at the back of the head on the sides. This variety includes representatives of horse spiders and wolf spiders. If anyone is interested to see how many eyes a spider has, a photo is attached.

spider eyes

But cave spiders live in the dark. They either see very poorly or do not see at all. Everything depends on sensations and sounds. Orbiting spiders have very small eyes, since they practically do not need eyesight. They have a well-developed sensory mechanism that responds to movements of the hunting network.

A variety of spiders is represented by families, each of which consists of many species. The first such family is the ctenizid spiders, which mainly live in the tropics and subtropics. During the day they sit in their minks, and go out to hunt at night.

Linifia is another family. It includes small spiders that weave nets around their home and hunt with their help.

Only one species belongs to the water family, which lives almost everywhere. Such spiders inhabit the coastal zone, where there is dense vegetation.

Representatives of a vagrant family lead a rather active lifestyle, they like to change their habitat. They do not have a home, therefore they also do not set traps, and they simply pounce on prey, as they have good eyesight. And how many eyes does a spider of the stray family have? This predator has four pairs.

Another family is wolf spiders. There are more than 2 thousand species. They got their name because they live in holes and eat their own kind.

Megalomorphic spiders are a family that is also called diggers. These representatives live in minks. And one of the species builds itself a three-chamber hole. The entrance to each chamber is carefully covered with a lid from the web, and if someone penetrates into one of the cameras, then the spider runs to its other β€œroom”.

About these representatives of our fauna can talk endlessly. There are too many of them, they all lead a different lifestyle and are the oldest inhabitants of our planet. A cobweb was found in the frozen amber, which is at least 100 million years old.


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