Knitted blouses: a description of the work

On the eve of the summer, every beautiful lady thinks about adding to or completely updating her wardrobe. But despite the abundance of goods in stores, sometimes it is difficult to find something of your own. And then women turn to the Internet for help. After all, it is there that you can find original and unique ideas that will certainly allow you to stand out from the crowd. But the trouble is that to do the thing you like is not always possible. And the reason lies in a rather banal nuance - ignorance of the subtleties of performance.

In this article, we offer readers a scheme and descriptions of the most interesting and fashionable knitted blouses. Thanks to detailed instructions to make any of them yourself is not difficult even for beginner needlewomen.

knitted lace blouses

How to determine the number of loops?

The question that we have formed in the heading of the current section, beginners are faced. That is why, in order to avoid misunderstandings and disappointments, we suggest finding out the answer before starting to study the topic.

So, in order to determine the required number of loops for knitting a product on knitting needles:

  1. Choose a suitable yarn and knitting size for a knitted blouse for a woman or a girl. There are no strict instructions regarding the first aspect, therefore, each knitter has the right to orient herself to her own taste. But with the needles, the situation is somewhat different. But picking the right one is also quite simple. In most cases, the number of the most suitable tools is indicated on the label of each skein of thread. If it is not, then you should give preference to those knitting needles that will be twice as thick as the thread.
  2. When the preparatory phase is completed, it is necessary to link a fragment of the pattern you like in size of 10x10 centimeters.
  3. Then measure it and record the obtained parameters.
  4. Now, using a centimeter, you need to determine ½ the width of the neck, ½ of the circumference of the chest, the length of the armhole (the distance from the middle of the shoulder bend to the middle of the armpit), the length of the shoulder (from the base of the neck to the shoulder bend), the length of the sleeve (if you plan a knitted blouse with sleeves), the length from the cuff to the middle of the armpit, the girth of a hand clenched in a fist, as well as the length of the product (from the base of the neck to the proposed bottom of the product).
  5. Having written down the received results, we pass to calculations. Divide each by ten centimeters.
  6. Then we multiply the final number (even fractional) obtained by dividing the following parameters by the number of loops in the previously linked fragment: neck width, chest circumference, shoulder length, arm girth. All parameters must be recorded. If necessary, round up.
  7. Next, you should do a similar procedure with the remaining parameters, but multiply the final number obtained by dividing by the number of rows in the prepared fragment: armhole length, sleeve length, length from the cuff to the middle of the armpit, length of the product. And also round and record the results.

Finally, after understanding your own dimensions, you can proceed to the study of models and descriptions of knitted blouses.

Model “What could be simpler”

The first knitwear that we would like to introduce is shown in the following photo.

simple knitted blouse

For its execution yarn of noble dark blue color will be required. Moreover, too thick and woolen should not be chosen. We recommend that you pay attention to cotton, silk or merino yarn. It is better to use circular knitting needles - combined with a rubber tube.

Knitting technology is quite simple. After all, it consists in the alternation of the front and back rows. Therefore, even beginners will not be able to get confused in the process. However, before proceeding with the knitting blouse with knitting needles, it is necessary to calculate the number of loops. How to do this, we described in detail in the previous paragraph.

In addition, it is very important to note that the model is also simple because we do not need to reduce the loops for the armhole and neck. It is only necessary to knit two rectangular cloths, and then sew on the sides and shoulders.

Model with braids

Recently, various openwork blouses have gained incredible popularity. They make the person romantic and attractive. In addition, they go well with jeans, dress pants, a business suit or a light dress.

To brag to friends about such a thing, you should prepare acrylic, nylon or silk yarn of your favorite shade. Knitting needles are also best used circular number two or two and a half. The pattern of a knitted blouse consists of a rapport, presented in the following picture.

blouse pattern

How to connect an openwork sweater with braids:

  1. To begin with, we knit a fragment of the figure so that we can familiarize ourselves with it in more detail and calculate the required number of loops and rows.
  2. Then we collect loops on the knitting needles and proceed to knitting. However, before moving on to the pattern, we recommend knitting ten to fifteen rows with a 2x2 elastic band (two face and two wrong) to make the edge complete.
  3. So, we have come to the point where it is necessary to tie out an armhole. We need to start reducing loops. To do this, back to our records and divide the number of loops equal to the length of the shoulder by the length of the armhole. Then we find out how many loops should be reduced in each row.
  4. Next, it is important to decide which goal you want to make. This model is best suited V-shaped. For him, you need to climb ten rows from the beginning of the armhole and divide the canvas into two parts, performing them separately and gradually removing an equal number of loops.
  5. When the front of the knitted blouse is finished, you should tie the back in the likeness.
  6. Sleeves can be made "inflated." To do this, measure the girth of the widest part of the hand and calculate the desired number of loops. First, knit ten to fifteen rows with a 2x2 elastic, then go to the pattern. Having reached the desired length, begin to knit the upper part of the sleeve. First, on each side, close seven loops, and then reduce in each third row two loops.

We sew the finished parts with a needle and thread, steam off a knitted lace blouse and boast to friends.

Model with bows

If the previous pattern to beginner knitters seemed very complicated, we offer them a simpler option.

knitted blouse

To make it, you can take the same threads and knitting needles that have been proposed for the past. The general technology of knitting is the same. But the pattern is much easier to perform. But it looks more gentle and feminine.

Model with rhombuses

Another interesting idea will help to implement the following scheme.

blouse knitted pattern

However, there are some clarifications about it that we would like to tell the reader about. So, to begin with, rapport - a repeating pattern motif - is sixteen loops. They are marked in the diagram with two vertical red lines. But in order for the drawing to be completed, it is necessary to include in it the ornament presented outside the rapport. For this, it is important to correctly calculate the number of loops for a knitted blouse for summer, spring or early autumn:

  1. First, we knit a fragment of the pattern.
  2. And we calculate the required number of loops.
  3. Now we subtract eleven loops from them, and divide what is left by sixteen. If the total number is integer, proceed to knitting. If fractional, we add or reduce the excess or missing number of loops.

Rhombus zigzag pattern

In order to make the next knitted blouse for a girl, girl or woman, you will need microfiber yarn of any color you like and knitting needles number 2.5 or 3. When the necessary tools and material are ready, you can proceed to the study of the picture proposed below.

how to tie a blouse

It depicts a diagram of the pattern, the rapport of which is twelve loops. But to get a complete picture, an additional twelve loops should also be considered. It is necessary to calculate the total number of loops in the same way as described in the previous paragraph, still focusing on the previously prepared fragment of the figure.

Intricate Pattern

If our reader would like to relate something really unusual, we recommend that he pay attention to the following diagram. Rapport - twelve loops, additional - fifteen. Symbols and their interpretation are shown in the picture.

interesting blouse pattern

So, in order to make such a knitted blouse for girls, you should prepare silk or cotton yarn. The color is best chosen from a blue-green range, then the product will look as spectacular as possible. But it is important to be guided by your own color type. For example, a girl with blond hair will be decorated with a blouse of a purple hue, and with red hair - a marsh one. Almost all colors, especially recommended, are suitable for brunettes.

Three Quarter Sleeve Model

The model shown by the girl in the next photo looks very interesting.

fashionable knitted blouse

If our reader liked it, then you can find a detailed description of the necessary actions. But first, we'll talk about what knitting needles and yarn are needed. Let's start in order. Knitting threads can be selected both woolen and lighter. For example, yarn from an Angora rabbit can be distinguished from the first. And from the second - silk, nylon, acrylic or hemp. Knitting needles should be selected in proportion to the yarn purchased. However, too thick threads and knitting needles should not be used, because the loops will be too elongated, and the pattern is invisible.

To make a knitted blouse with needles for summer, spring or autumn, you must perform the following manipulations:

  1. Link a fragment of the pattern and calculate the approximate number of loops from it, focusing on the parameters obtained by measuring ½ of the chest circumference.
  2. Then, given the pattern repeat, which is twenty loops, determine the total number of loops.
  3. Then dial the stitches on the knitting needles and start knitting the product. But first, it is recommended to knit twenty-five rows with a 2x2 elastic band.
  4. Knit the front of the product until then, until we reach the level of the beginning of the armhole.
  5. Then close five loops on each side and calculate the number of loops most suitable for reducing (determine as described in the paragraph “Openwork model with braids”).
  6. Then proceed to knitting the armhole of a blouse, knitting for girls, girls or women.
  7. After forty rows, it is necessary to divide the total number of loops into two, and then close two loops in the middle of the front part.
  8. Tie out the armhole and reduce in the left shelf two loops in each row, continuing this way until the end of the knitting.
  9. Do the same manipulations with the right shelf.
  10. Then put the front part to the side and proceed with the back. This item fits almost the same. The exception lies only in tying the gates. To do it right you need to skip fifty-five rows from the beginning of the armhole. Then in the middle close six loops, and then reduce three loops in each row. We reveal the left, and after the right side of the back.
  11. Now we just have to make the sleeves for the blouse with knitting needles (summer, spring or autumn). To do this, measure the width of the arm at the location of the intended end of the sleeve. We determine the necessary number of loops in a familiar way and proceed to knitting. We collect loops and knit twenty-five rows with a 2x2 elastic band. After we proceed to the execution of the pattern scheme. We knit until we get to the armpit. Then we close five loops on each side and continue, reducing in each successive row the loops in the same way as we did when we knitted the armhole.
  12. When all the details are ready, we take in our hands sewing threads of the appropriate color, a needle and sew all the parts together. To complete the autumn, spring or summer knitted blouse, we need a hook number six and stocking knitting needles under the same number as circular ones. Moreover, it is best to give preference to iron, they will provide the necessary slip and ease of knitting. Such knitting needles come in sets of five, we will all use them.
  13. So, first we need to calculate the total number of loops in the neck. Divide the resulting number by four. And with a hook, pull new loops along the neckline. Transfer them to the four prepared knitting needles and start knitting 2x2 elastic. When the first row is ready, go to the second. But every four loops one decrease. In the third, you also need to reduce the total number of loops. Only after two loops. In the fourth and fifth, through one. Then knit two rows and close all the loops.

Crochet pattern

Many needlewomen do not know how to knit or prefer a hook to them. For this reason, we can not ignore the product made with this tool.

So, in order to please yourself, daughter or girlfriend with an original knitted blouse, the hook should be prepared at number six or eight. We also need yarn. The best option is cotton, but acrylic, nylon or silk will do. Choose color yourself. Then we proceed to the study of the scheme.

simple blouse pattern

As you can see, the pattern repeat is seven loops. Therefore, after we crochet a fragment of the selected pattern and calculate the necessary number of loops from it, we need to divide this number into seven. And thereby check whether we get an even set of rapports. If not, then we need to add or reduce a few loops in order to achieve the desired goal.

After that, you can safely proceed to the execution of an interesting and beautiful thing:

  1. First, we make with the hook as many air loops as needed, according to previous calculations.
  2. Then we knit a small cuff. To do this, we extend new loops, making a simple single crochet. So we continue about fifteen to twenty rows.
  3. And finally, we proceed to the execution of the selected pattern. We rise to three air loops and knit, focusing on the scheme proposed above.
  4. Having knitted one rapport in height (it is shown in the picture), we repeat it as many times as we want, achieving the desired length of the product. However, do not forget to tie out the armholes and neck.
  5. Then, in the likeness, we make the second part of the sweater, and then the sleeves.
  6. Sew, steam and try on the finished product.

Spring blouse made of square motifs

According to mothers who love to pamper their babies with their own things, children's knitted blouses should include not one, but at least two colors. That is why we offer the reader a look at the next version of the pattern. Make it very simple. It is only necessary to follow the scheme.

crochet blouse

However, the interesting thing about this product is that it will be made of individual fragments shown in the diagram. Calculating their total number is very simple. It is only necessary to measure the first part and divide by the obtained number the length of half the circumference of the chest. And then divide by the same number the distance from the lower edge of the product to the armpit. And now we know how many fragments should be prepared in order to fill the main part of the blouse with them.

Now it remains only to make armholes and a neck, so we turn to the description of a knitted blouse. In order not to complicate your life, you can make both holes square. To do this, just step back a couple of ornaments from the edges of the product. And then select the gate, also removing excess fragments. However, it is important to remember that the neckline on the back should be smaller.


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