English Bulldog: owner reviews, breed characteristics and grooming recommendations

The appearance of an English bulldog gives the impression that this stocky sturdy is the embodiment of majesty, unwaveringness, firmness of character and fearlessness. He is an aristocrat to the marrow of bones and manages to look down on the outside world, despite his short paws. But at the same time, this dog is very devoted to its owner and is able to capture any changes in his mood. Numerous reviews of the owners of the English bulldog only confirm this fact. The number of people wishing to have a dog of this breed is not only not decreasing, but is constantly growing. Therefore, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the nature, features of upbringing and care before acquiring this bastard.

Appearance description

English bulldog

According to reviews, the English bulldog is a squat broad-shouldered dog with a wide chest and a massive head. With all his appearance, he speaks of confidence and strength. The height of an adult dog when measured at the withers reaches 35-40 cm, and the weight varies about 22.5 kg.

Despite the unusual appearance, the English bulldog is distinguished by its harmonious constitution, all its body parts are proportional to each other. A distinctive feature is the characteristic gait. It seems that the dog is moving in a waddle, while slightly sideways. But despite this, all his movements are free and laid-back.

The head and muzzle of the bulldog are covered with folds, the lower jaw is curved upwards with a bite, on both sides of which are located bryl. If the dog’s mouth is closed, then the teeth are almost invisible. According to the standard, the English Bulldog breed has a short muzzle, which is upturned. The nose is black and the nostrils are wide.

The head of the bulldog has a square shape due to the even part of the skull between the cheeks and ears. A muzzle on the muzzle, which begins between the eyes and extends to the top of the head, halves the flat forehead of the bulldog.

To determine the correct structure of the dog’s skull, you need to attach a ruler from the chin to the forehead. If at the same time the nose also rests against it, then it is believed that all 3 main points are at the same level, and this indicates the correct structure of the skull.

According to the owners, the English bulldog has small eyes, which are located low at a great distance from the ears. Squirrels hide the eyelids, but the rich black shade of the pupils gives the dog an expression of deep thoughtfulness and understanding of everything that is happening around.

It is important that the ears of the thoroughbred dog are formed correctly. They should be small in size, with thin cartilage and have the shape of a "rose", turned back. The shape of the ears is “bud”, as well as the forward, fleshy ears are unacceptable for a purebred dog.

The skin folds on the massive neck of the English Bulldog form a double suspension that ends on the chest. A voluminous body, a wide chest and a tucked up stomach - all in combination perfectly harmonize.

According to the description and reviews, the English bulldog is characterized by strong front legs, the elbows of which are directed to the outside. The hind legs are also strong and muscular. In addition, they are longer than the front, so the lower back is higher than the withers. The front legs are wider than the hind legs.

According to the reviews and the description of the breed, the English Bulldog has a dense, snug, short coat. Its color can be monophonic and with spots, the shade varies from brindle to tan and white. The spots on the hair are symmetrical, and in the monophonic representatives of this breed there is a mask on the face.

English Bulldog Character

The dog is in no hurry

The formidable appearance of the English bulldog creates the erroneous impression of its aggressiveness. On the contrary, this breed of dog is very friendly both to people and other animals.

The balance of character and friendly disposition makes the dog a pet. However, he gets along well with young children. Patiently endures all pranks in relation to him and actively takes part in children's games.

Dog gets along well with children

According to the reviews and description of the breed, the English bulldog is devoted to the owner and is ready to accompany him everywhere. But this breed is not suitable for prolonged physical exertion, and also suffers from overheating and hypothermia, so when traveling together, you can’t leave the dog in the car for a long time.

Resting on the couch near the owner after a short walk is the dog’s favorite pastime. When the dog lives together with other pets in the house, he will easily make friends with them.

According to the reviews and description of the breed, the character of the English bulldog is stubborn, which causes certain difficulties in education. Therefore, when training, it is worth being smart, since the dog will be difficult to get to do something that is not included in his plans. But finding an approach to this English "gentleman" can achieve the desired results.

English Bulldogs - Caring Moms

The attitude to his offspring in the English bulldogs is very reverent. They are wonderful mothers who show care, tenderness and attention to their babies. Moreover, if they put someone else’s puppy on them, they will gladly accept him and render all the love and affection as their own.

According to reviews and character, the English Bulldog is a self-sufficient dog. Intrusive caresses, flood barking - this is not in his style. But if he feels the owner’s playful disposition, he will gladly respond to any caresses and games, as he is able to catch any change in mood.

Care and maintenance

Own sleeping place

When deciding to purchase a puppy of this breed, it is necessary to consider that its presence in the house implies additional chores and inconveniences. Therefore, before you take this step, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of care.

The content of the English Bulldog implies:

  • timely vaccination;
  • periodic cleaning as wool and skin folds become dirty;
  • making a balanced diet;
  • education, training.

For your pet, you should prepare a comfortable sunbed or mattress for medium breeds. According to reviews, the English bulldog is a fan of lying on the sofa near the owner. This habit should be stopped at an early age, since later it will become his usual occupation.

According to reviews, the English bulldog is not suitable for enclosure, as its coat is not able to warm the dog in the winter. Therefore, for walks in the cold, you should buy a special suit that warms the dog, since the English bulldog is prone to colds.

During outdoor activities, you should monitor the condition of the dog, as excessive exercise is contraindicated. It is best to walk at a slow imposing step, which will enable the dog to keep up with the owner. At the same time, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that at any time the dog can decide that the walk is over, and his decision is invariable.

Caring for an English bulldog is straightforward. It consists in wiping the skin folds on the face from dust and dirt, which helps prevent the development of infection. It is also recommended to comb hair 2-3 times a week with a massage mitten or comb with frequent teeth of medium hardness. This procedure is especially important during molting.

If during the walk the pet is dirty, it is necessary to wash the contaminated area in the shower. It is necessary to completely bathe an English bulldog 3-4 times a year, using a special dog shampoo for this. The water temperature should be at the level of 34-36 degrees. It is best to carry out this procedure the night before bedtime, after which the dog should be wiped dry. And before morning, the pile will fully recover, which will allow taking the pet out for a walk without fear for his health.

Based on the structural features of the skeleton, English bulldogs have difficulty during childbirth, as the heads of puppies are not able to pass normally through the birth canal. Therefore, for successful delivery, you have to resort to a cesarean section. Therefore, you should take care in advance and call the veterinarian for help.


Food should be balanced, as the bulldog does not suffer from a lack of appetite, which leads to overeating and gluttony. This is due to a slowed metabolism in this breed.

According to dog reviews, the English bulldog is prone to allergies and dermatosis, so you should not feed him food from your table. His diet should also not consist of one raw meat, as this contributes to the development of urolithiasis.

Complete nutrition includes high-quality meat and dairy products, and greens, boiled vegetables, offal, and vegetable fats should also be present. Eggs to a pet can be given no more than 1 time per week. According to reviews, food for the English bulldog should be varied and fresh. And next to the food should always be a bowl filled with clean water.

In addition to the main nutrition, you can not forget about the mineral supplements and vitamins that can be purchased at the veterinary pharmacy. But their use should be consistent with the development and age of the dog, so you should first consult your veterinarian.

Parenting and training

According to reviews, the English Bulldog is a smart and intelligent dog that can be trained. But the process of education should be carried out taking into account the waywardness of the dog. Therefore, it is necessary to have patience, since this breed is distinguished by a fine organization of the psyche: before proceeding with the assignment, the dog must make a good sense of it.

You can achieve the desired result in training with the full confidence of the pet in you. Therefore, screams, threats only anger the dog. It is necessary to build the educational process so that the pet was interested in completing the tasks.

It is only necessary to start the development of a new task after the previous one has been completed. At the same time, the pet should be praised and given a small piece of goodies, so that he understands that the performance is followed by a reward.

To accustom the pet to the correct behaviors is necessary from an early age.

Puppy selection criteria

English bulldog puppy

When buying a puppy to participate in exhibitions or as a pet, you need to pay attention to compliance with the breed standard and its health.

Key criteria to consider:

  1. The puppy should have a neat appearance, its coat shines. The dog's eyes should be clean, with no signs of inflammation or nitrous. It is best to inspect the room in which he was previously held.
  2. Skin folds cannot be excessive, as this will subsequently lead to complications in care.
  3. The puppy should not be tall or short. Everything should be proportional, that is, he looks sturdy with strong paws gathered in a lump.
  4. Difficult movement, lameness, loose fingers are signs of joint disease and muscle weakness. But do not confuse them with the characteristic gait inherent in the English Bulldog.
  5. The shape of the ears at the age of 1.5-2 months should already meet the breed standard.
  6. A kink of the tail is a characteristic feature of the English bulldog, but at the same time it should be freely retracted. An ingrown tail or its absence is unacceptable.
  7. The puppy must have a document confirming its thoroughbredness. Otherwise, expectations may not be justified.

What to look for?

The peculiarity of the English bulldogs is that they are capable of making unpleasant sounds. This is expressed by snoring, sniffling, panting, flatulence. Therefore, when choosing a puppy of this breed should be aware of this.

According to reviews, the English bulldog is characterized by abundant salivation due to the structural features of the jaws. Traces of saliva can be on the furniture, and you need to be prepared for this.

Possible health problems

Visit your vet regularly

Veterinarians identify a number of diseases that are inherent in this breed of dog. This is directly related to the anatomical structure of the animal and a tendency to allergies:

  • hypothermia, overheating;
  • atopic, interdigital dermatitis;
  • third century adenoma;
  • obesity;
  • bilateral cataract;
  • brachycephalic syndrome.

You can prevent many dog ​​health problems by observing all the rules of maintenance and care. When the first alarming symptoms appear, a veterinarian should be called.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Before making a final decision on choosing a puppy of this breed, you should consider the pros and cons of the English Bulldog.

According to the reviews of the owners, the main advantages are as follows:

  • goodwill towards adults and children;
  • friendliness to other pets;
  • does not require a lot of space;
  • not barking for no good reason;
  • has a fierce look that scares off intruders;
  • does not require special care.


  • independence, which makes learning difficult;
  • laziness;
  • increased appetite, which must be controlled.

This breed does not lose its popularity among those who want to get a companion dog.


The opinions of dog breeders on the breed agree that despite the ferocity of the appearance, the dog is very friendly and faithful. But the breed English Bulldog, according to owners, is not suitable for outdoor enthusiasts who are waiting for a quick reaction from a pet. In this case, it is better to abandon the thought of acquiring this puppy, as its power will annoy them.

True reviews about the breed English Bulldog indicate that the dog is quickly mastered in the new conditions, so he needs to immediately show who is the boss in the house. Otherwise, deficiencies in education can subsequently be a serious problem. Therefore, you should not be lazy from an early age to instill a dog with a sense of respect and humility, only in this case he will become a reliable defender and a true friend.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1775/

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