Rhododendrons in the suburbs: planting and care, reproduction

Seeing a photo of a luxurious bush, strewn with large inflorescences, many want to have the same in their summer cottage. However, it is not so easy to grow rhododendrons in the suburbs. Landing and care require serious skill, as well as a huge amount of time and effort. If you do not have this, then it will be much better to plant a less capricious plant, which is guaranteed to take root. Immediately pay attention to the price of rhododendrons. Even a small bush will be quite expensive, but it may not survive the winter.

rhododendrons in the Moscow region landing and care

Choose a variety

Of course, tropical varieties are distinguished by stunningly large and beautiful flowers, but it is strongly discouraged to choose them for your garden. This is due to how difficult it is to grow rhododendrons in the suburbs. Planting and care are complicated by climatic conditions, differences in day and night temperatures, frost and lack of necessary humidity. Our fellow citizens, who moved to England, note that the cultivation of these whimsical plants becomes simple entertainment. That is why we pay attention only to the strongest and most resistant to natural anomalies varieties. Such from a huge number of varieties (about 600) can be counted only about 18, all of them grow on the territory of the former USSR and are on the verge of extinction. Many are listed in the Red Book.

rhododendron care watering top dressing

Seat selection

This is a very important point, since it is impossible to plant where the rhododendron will have to, the result will not be accurate. This plant is extremely demanding on moisture, so it is very good if you plant it next to the garden pond. But to please the royal "rose bush" is not easy. He prefers a place in partial shade, without direct sunlight and drafts. Unacceptable and lowlands, in which there is stagnation of water. This is especially important when rhododendrons are grown in the suburbs. Planting and caring for this capricious plant also requires a lot of attention to the soil. Moreover, if direct sunshine still transfers some varieties, then all varieties are very demanding on the soil. It should be acidic enough, i.e. contain peat. If your soil is clay or sandy, you will have to work a little. In order for rhododendrons to grow well in the Moscow Region, planting and care require the preparation of a peat pit. That is, in the ground you make a wide and shallow pit and fill it with a mixture that includes peat, sheet land and river sand. You can make sawdust instead of leaf humus. It is highly advisable to add complex fertilizer, as well as sulfur, which acidifies the soil.

rhododendrons in the Moscow region planting and care breeding


This is the most crucial moment to which you must approach with all responsibility. In order for rhododendrons to grow and bloom well in the Moscow Region, planting and care must meet the requirements of this whimsical plant. This applies to watering in the first place. Before planting, the container with the young plant must be placed in water so that it is properly saturated with water. The seedling should be watered abundantly, making an earthen roller so that the earth does not leave. At the same time, do not forget that the root neck should not be deepened, on the contrary, raise it above the previous level. Remember that this plant does not tolerate drought, if you can not provide regular watering, it is better not to take up its cultivation.

We will dwell on this topic in more detail, since it is extremely important that you have a beautiful rhododendron. Care, watering top dressing - all this must be done competently. For example, you need to water a young plant daily, pouring at least 5 liters of water under the root. An adult plant can live without watering for two days, but it takes at least a bucket for each plant. During the flowering period, watering should be increased, and the plant should be abundantly sprayed in the morning and evening. There is one more nuance: water should be acidic. To do this, add 2-4 g of citric acid to a bucket of water.

evergreen rhododendron planting and care in the suburbs


The evergreen rhododendron looks especially impressive. Planting and care in the suburbs differ from growing it in the gardens of England or France, but, in fact, you only need to survive the first year, and then the plant will start growing. The most important point is a sufficient level of humidity. Water the plants with soft water. It is very good if you have a rain watering system in your garden, this will benefit your plants. The only limitation is do not turn it on in the middle of the day, plants can get burns.

Today, many plant rhododendrons in the suburbs. Planting and care in the spring are not difficult, and the gardener carelessly leaves the plant to its own devices. And after a while he notices drying leaves and dying shoots. This affects the lack of moisture or air for the root system. From this we draw one more conclusion: the soil needs to be loosened. And they do this very carefully, since the roots are located near the surface of the earth and they are easy to damage. If weeds grow around the bush, they must be carefully pulled out, but not undermined.

Top dressing

Like all decorative-flowering plants, they are very responsive to fertilizer and rhododendrons. In the suburbs, planting and care, propagation and cultivation of these beautiful plants is due to climatic features, however, with great desire, you can also grow excellent gardens here. Feeding should begin in the spring to activate the growth and flowering of plants. It is best to choose special liquid fertilizers, the price of which is not so high. There are complexes designed specifically for these plants. It should be fed every two weeks, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. By autumn, in order to prepare the plant for winter and prevent the growth of new shoots, fertilizing should be completely removed and watering should be severely limited. If it is rainy, then watering is completely removed.

rhododendrons in the Moscow region landing and care in the spring


Far from the most problematic topic for gardeners is planting. Care, reproduction of rhododendrons is a whole art that needs to be learned. Plants can be planted at any time of the year, as they are sold in closed containers, but transplants can only be performed in spring, but be careful not to wake up flower buds. If you buy ready-made seedlings, then pay attention that the soil is moist, but without mold. If the pot is difficult to remove, then try to cut it so as not to damage the earthen lump. However, if you already have one plant on the site, then you can use it to grow your garden of wonders.


A lot of time, care and love requires a handsome rhododendron. Planting, growing, caring and propagating - all this requires some effort, but how beautiful then these stunning bushes bloom! In order for new plants to appear in your garden, you can use seeds. They are germinated in a small pot, from 5 to 8 weeks. If during this time the plants did not sprout, then the seeds are of poor quality. After the seeds have formed the first two leaves, they should be planted in separate containers.

It is much faster to use cuttings for propagation. It is best to plant them in the fall. All leaves and buds are cut from the cuttings, and they also make an oblique cut. After rooting, the plant is ready for transplantation into the open ground. If you decide to transplant a rhododendron, then know that you now have a chance to get several plants at once without any effort. This is achieved by simply dividing the bush. If the transplant is not planned, just take the lower shoot, slightly incise and trick it near the parent plant. Once the shoot has its roots, it can be planted.

rhododendrons in the Moscow region planting and care of the disease


Usually rhododendron does not require frequent, serious pruning. The gardener most often simply eliminates dead wood or dried inflorescences. Do not forget to perform the last procedure. Since the plant blooms profusely every year, the number of inflorescences may decrease. By removing dry inflorescences, you help the plant to form a beautiful crown. In addition, pruning may be required if it is necessary to reduce the plant in size. To do this, first of all, branches 2-3 cm in diameter are removed.


Most often, our plants get sick due to the fact that we cannot provide them with decent living conditions. No exception and rhododendrons in the suburbs. Planting and care, diseases associated with disturbances in agricultural technology - these are the most common reasons that gardeners refuse to grow this royal plant in their area. Of the insects, garden snails and slugs, spider mites, mealybugs, weevils, and scale insects most often attack it. Insecticides work great against all these misfortunes.

This plant also has more dangerous diseases that can ruin your entire collection. This is vascular wilt and late blight, gray rot and spotting. In order to protect the garden from these misfortunes, use drugs like Inta Vir.

Rhododendron breeding care nursing

Wintering organization

There are a number of varieties that normally tolerate wintering even in Western Siberia. This is Daurian rhododendron and Smirnova, evergreen. In addition to them, I would like to note rhododendron yellow, deciduous and Katevbin, tall. Dense rhododendron, elites, University of Helsinki have also been successfully grown. These plants are not afraid of cold weather, but they should still be covered, as the icy wind can greatly harm them. In autumn, plants need to be watered well, after which they are covered with spruce branches or matting, and also they are protected from the wind, for example, they are tied with straw and covered with a film. So your bush will calmly winter, and in the spring it will give a lot of vivid impressions. However, from the bright, spring sun, it will also need to be dimmed, only then will flowering be rich.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17752/

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