Training cats at home

Pet training is an interesting and difficult task. This requires a lot of effort and time. But, in truth, the result is worth a try. With the training of cats, everything is ambiguous. These are very independent and proud animals that have a fairly complex character. Making a cat do what she does not want is incredibly difficult, and sometimes even impossible. Then the logical question arises: "Is it possible to train a cat at home?"

The world's only cat theater

In the mid-70s, in one circus, spectators saw a performance that later shocked the whole world. The clown Yuri Kuklachev performed with the kitten on stage. The animal sat in a big and bright candy “kitty-kitty”, and when the artist opened it, it jumped out of there and walked around the stage importantly. In addition, Kutka (that was the name of the first cat of Yu. Kuklachev) was able to jump into the hoop, do somersaults and walk on his hind legs. Over time, the artist has another cat, and then another, and then a dog. Every day he became more and more animals. And he decided to seriously train cats. Kuklachev coached them, devised skits and performed with animals around the world. And so the only cat theater in the world arose.

Circus performance by Y. Kuklachev

It turns out that it’s quite realistic to train these animals, and this example is vivid proof of this. There are certain tricks, using which, you can teach a cat any tricks. It was thanks to them that Yuri Kuklachev was able to coax all his favorites. What is his secret?

The most important rule

Despite the fact that at present many pets know a lot of tricks and successfully perform them, the cat training school is a rarity. This is due to the fact that these animals are very loyal to their owners and are difficult to train in an unfamiliar place, and even more so with an outsider.

Cats are very different from dogs, so the methods of training should be different. If for a doggie it is very important that he feels that you are the boss in the house, then for kitty the main thing is love and care. A proud and independent animal never obeys anyone. Before you begin to train a cat at home, you should establish a relationship with her. Never offend or hit her.

Give a Paw Team

Not so long ago, collars for training cats appeared on sale. The principle of their action is based on the fact that when the animal does something wrong, the collar shock him. Yuri Kuklachev, like many others involved in animal training, believes that such an accessory should not be used. The electronic collar involves violence against the will of the animal, and the cat is unlikely to agree to such mockery. Its use may cause the opposite effect. The animal will cease to love you and will begin to do the opposite.

Cat selection

Some people tend to believe that only certain animals are suitable for training. Training Bengal cats is considered the most promising. Yes, perhaps this breed is one of the most intelligent and easily trained, but despite this, other cats can be no worse. When choosing an animal should be guided by their feelings. As practice shows, the most loyal and obedient cats are the most common and not purebred. Kuklachev found most of the talented pets on the street. He cured them, raised them, and they paid him for this with excellent performances on the stage.

Chic bengal cat

Cats and children

The famous clown Kuklachev believes that animals are very similar to children. They also require attention, affection and care. It is very important that the cat feels your love for him. Of course, attention does not appear in the form of a delicious lunch or dinner. You need to talk with the cat, praise it and be sure to play with it. Before you start training an animal, you can conduct such an experiment. Tie a bow or a toy mouse to the ribbon and play with the animal for 1-2 minutes. This must be done at least every 3 hours, for several days. After a while, you will notice that the animal itself will begin to bring you a toy and ask you to play with it.

Also, in the store you can buy a special set "School of cat training BONDIBON." In it you can find various balls, elastic bands, ribbons and beads. These accessories will help not only to have fun, but also to make the training of the animal successful.

Cat Fishing Rod

Watching a cat

Since these animals are very independent and it is almost impossible to force them to do something against their will, special care must be taken. Before you start training, determine what your kitty is more willing to do. Maybe she likes to jump on cabinets and shelves or runs very fast? Or maybe she likes to walk on a thin fence or sleep in a saucepan? So, one of the most famous Kuklachev’s reprise was “Cat and Cook”. And she arose completely unexpectedly. Once, returning home from the circus, Kuklachev noticed that Strelka is nowhere to be seen. When he went into the kitchen, he found that she was sleeping peacefully in one of the pots. He shook her from there, but she climbed back again. So the thought ripened in his head to include such a reprise in the performance.

Watch your animal too. What does he like to do the most? It is from this that it is worth starting a cat training. In the book "Yuri Kuklachev and his 120 cats", the author describes the funny situations that happened with his animals, and some ways of training.

The simplest teams

Many experts in the field of animal training recommend starting with the simplest exercises. These commands include: “sit”, “give a paw”, “lie down”. In order to teach an animal this, it is enough to praise it and give it a treat every time when performing a certain action. If you are determined to go in for training, then the treat should always be in your pocket. So, when the cat has sat down, pet her and say the command “sit, sit, sit” several times, and then give her a treat. After several repetitions, the cat will understand that the word “sit” is associated with the action, and for this you can even get a treat. The same thing should be done with other actions. In the case of “give a paw”, one should gently take the animal by the paw, pronounce the command out loud and encourage the cat to treat.

Kuklachev and his cats

Pet care

Even the children know a quote from the allegorical tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “We are responsible for those we tamed.” In order to have a warm and trusting relationship with a cat, she needs special care. It is necessary to feed an adult no more than twice a day. Nutrition should be varied and balanced. Show attention and care to her, and then the training will be successful.

Cats, like humans, experience depression, fatigue, and drowsiness. It all depends on nutrition, weather and general health. The animal should not be forced if it is not in the mood. Wait until the cat himself wants to play with you. Remember one more important rule: cats love freedom very much. They do not like it when they are constantly carried on their hands, squeezed and “squeezed”. They themselves choose their owner, they themselves come to his hands. Purring is one of the cat’s strongest feelings. And if he turns back to you and raises his tail high - you are credible for him.

Training Methods

Trainers claim that cats can be trained in tricks in two ways. The first is a treat. For example, you can place three chairs at a distance of 1 meter between them. Put the kitten on the first, and bring a treat to the second, say: “Ap, (name of the animal).” When he jumps, do the same with the next chair, and then in the opposite direction. So the “up” team will be associated in the animal with a jump. But not all cats are ready to jump for food. For such animals, there is another way.

If a cat really likes to play with a ribbon, then you can teach him to jump just after it. Make a kind of "fishing rod". Tie a bubble on the ribbon and connect the entire structure to the end of the stick. Now place the cat on the first chair. Play with it "fishing rod", interest the animal. Now sharply move the structure to an adjacent chair. Most likely, the cat will follow the toy. Do not forget to say the command: "Ap, (name of the animal)."

Cat is jumping

This way you can learn a lot of tricks. Consider the most popular of them.

The Snake. This command is very common in training with dogs. So, a person takes slow, wide steps, and the animal at that time passes between his legs. Cats can be taught this trick using a treat. So, you take a step, bend down and try to make the animal pass between the legs. Then another step, and again the same actions. The team has such a name, because when the cat passes between your legs, it will move like a snake.

"Gopher". How often do our animals stand on their hind legs to ask for food? But it turns out that in this way the animal can be trained, and then it will carry out the gopher command. It is very important that the cat just sat on its hind legs, without bouncing or begging. Keep the treat at eye level. In addition, the team can be reinforced with any gesture. Before you treat the animal, try to make sure that it does not stand, but is sitting on its hind legs. Also, this team is called "serve" or "hare."

"Vote". You can try such a common command for dogs on a cat. To do this, you need to choose a good moment when it meows. At the same time, you need to say "(name of the animal), voice!" and treat him with something tasty.

The cat gives "five"

"High five". Learning this command is very easy. Put your pet in front of you. Take a yummy fist and bring it to the cat (let him smell). The animal will first try to open its hand with its muzzle, but you do not give in. Wait until it tries to do this with the foot. Only now you can treat the cat. Do not forget to repeat the command: “Give the paw, (name)”.


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