Shibori technique - jewelry for beginners. Step-by-step description, master class and features

Many interesting and unusual types of needlework come to us from other countries. For example, the Shibori technique. Jewelry for beginners and professionals in this area of ​​creativity is very interesting and incredibly beautiful.

Fascinating confusion

Due to the fact that many unique types of needlework came to us from other countries and cultures, after centuries of improvement and development, we often confuse their names, terms, and features. Now the same thing is happening with shibori. For modern needlewomen, Shibori is the manufacture of jewelry using silk ribbons dyed in a specific technique, beads and beads. But in fact, shibori, or, if you say it right, shibori - this is exactly the technique of batik - a way of dyeing those ribbons from natural silk, which are then used in the manufacture of jewelry. There is a little confusion in concepts, but most needlewomen who do not touch the Japanese art of dyeing fabrics with the Shibori method believe that shibori is the art of creating jewelry with ribbons.

Shibori Technique Decorations for Beginners

What do you need for shibori jewelry?

You can create jewelry in many ways, and one of these areas is the Shibori technique. Jewelry for beginners who want to learn this type of creativity, can plunge into the world of shibori, as they say, with their heads. Indeed, at first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated in such creativity - buy material and create as you want. But you need to start with the fact that handmade shibori jewelry is the finest creation of silk ribbons and decorative elements for them, hand-assembled with a thread and a needle. Therefore, work will require a lot of materials:

  • shibori ribbons;
  • beads and beads;
  • decorative elements - cabochons, medallions, pendants;
  • accessories for jewelry - bales, earrings, cuffs, settings and much more.
  • genuine leather or suede as a inside out;
  • glue, transparent and reliable;
  • threads in tone and a fine needle.

Another element that is often used in creating jewelry with shibori ribbons is soutache.

japanese technique shibori jewelry for beginners

The price of creativity

Those who are truly engaged in creativity, any kind of needlework, striving for mastery and perfection, know how expensive this pleasure is. Moreover, it is not a matter of time, but precisely the cost of all the materials and tools necessary to create beauty. Any kind of needlework is an expensive undertaking, and the Shibori technique is no exception. Decorations for beginner Shiborist masters initially involve cash costs. Indeed, silk ribbon itself is an expensive material. The finest natural silk, cut into thin strips, manually coated with a special compound that allows you to hold the tape shape, then manually dyed - this makes the shibori tape a truly semiprecious material. In addition, all the accessories and decor are used high-quality, often with a precious spraying, cabochons - semiprecious or precious stones, beads, beads from reputable manufacturers at the corresponding price. Even for the wrong side of the decoration it is necessary to use genuine leather or suede, in extreme cases - high-quality artificial leather, which is also not cheap. So it's expensive - Japanese shibori technique. Jewelry for beginners is no exception.

Shibori technique jewelry for beginners step by step

The larger the more beautiful

The Shibori technique, jewelry for beginners, among others, requires scale. Why? All the beauty of the source material - the tape will be visible only if the tape itself is painted, painted with sibori, embossed in small folds, bordered with beads and beads, complemented by suture paths and cabochons. Therefore, this needlework - a decoration using the Shibori technique - is quite large-scale in comparison with jewelry, for example. The manufacture of such products allows imagination to unfold, because the shibori tape itself is a unique material that simply requires that it help to reveal its full amazing potential.

needlework shibori decoration

Where to begin?

Any creativity begins with an idea, every master will say it. Even if the idea in the process of changing its direction, the original idea should be sufficiently clear, best fixed on paper. A sketch is the basis of any kind of needlework. Shibori technique is no exception. Jewelry for beginners, step by step made from the very beginning, will be beautiful and unique, despite the inexperience of the master. And the beginning is a paper sketch. It is necessary to provide for everything if possible - the dimensions of all the main elements, their location relative to each other, the transitions and bends of the tape, its fastening and opening. Therefore, the sketch should be made in full size, directly on a sheet of paper, applying all the components of the future masterpiece. In addition, the sketch can be corrected if new ideas appear during work, and in accordance with it it will be easier to do a beautiful job.

handmade shibori jewelry

Small work - quality result

The whole process of creating jewelry using the Shibori technique comes down to several main stages:

  • sketch creation;
  • placement and fastening on the basis of sibori tape, cabochons, basic decorative elements;
  • filling the product field with soutache, beads and beads;
  • ribbon decor (if necessary);
  • device of a wrong side and fixture;
  • decoration edge decoration.

Any master class on making Shibori jewelry will include these stages of work. Each of them requires accuracy, because shibori tape, cabochons are expensive materials that are attached to the base either with glue or thread. But silk is a thin fabric, the puncture site on it will be noticeable if the thread is removed. Semi-precious cabochons should be glued in place, even if settings are used for their fastening. What can we say about working with beads or soutache, when small stitches are the basis of quality work. So all the Shibori technique is a very delicate and painstaking work.

master class on making shibori jewelry

Uniqueness is an advantage

Undoubtedly, each type of needlework allows you to create unique products. But some types of creativity make it possible to copy, for example, the same knitting or embroidery, and some do not. And the creation of jewelry using the Shibori technique belongs to the latter. Shibori ribbon itself is unique - the source material for this type of creativity. There are no two identical pieces of tape, painted not only by hand, but even with the help of technology. If you look at the work of experienced shiborist craftsmen who create jewelry, rather than silk fabrics themselves, then paired products will differ from each other, for example, earrings - they will be similar, but they will never be completely identical. After all, this type of creativity does not tolerate copying, it is simply impossible a priori.

Shibori Technique Decorations for Beginners

Shibori jewelry allows each owner to feel their unique charm - the unique color of the ribbon and high-quality decorative elements make each product a real masterpiece.


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