The most expensive things in the world

Expensive things are not only jewelry, sports cars and huge villas on the coast. Especially valuable objects can be found in various areas of our life. Some will make you smile, others will envy you, and still others will cause irritation. Like, "now the rich have nowhere to put their capital." Anyway, everyone will be interested in learning about the most expensive things in the world.

The most expensive products in the world

expensive things for home

Do you think that expensive products are black caviar and foie gras? Undoubtedly, their cost is far from cheap. But these delicacies simply fade against the background of other edible substances presented below:

  • White truffles. If you used to associate truffles exclusively with the look of sweets, then it's time to find out that they are actually mushrooms. And very expensive. One pound of this product costs $ 2,000. The high cost is due to the special taste and the fact that mushrooms are not so easy to collect (they grow at a depth of 10-30 cm). For the search, trained dogs and even pigs are used, whose faces are bandaged with a strap.
  • Saffron. You can confuse the names "saffron" and "sage", but only until the moment when you see the value of these spices. A gram of saffron is priced at $ 11. It is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine.
  • Sushi. But from the ready-made dishes, you can recall the sushi prepared in 2010 by an eminent chef from the Philippines. Their cost of almost $ 2,000 is due to the decor in the form of leaves of gold and a placer of diamonds.

Precious materials: substances that are more expensive than gold

expensive things of high quality

When it comes to the most expensive things, one cannot fail to mention a special category - substances and materials. As a rule, their value lies in exceptional rarity. Therefore, do not be surprised that you do not recognize at least half of these names:

  1. Rhodium. Better known in the automotive industry. The substance is valued at $ 1,270 per ounce.
  2. Rhino horn. Did you know that these amazing creatures are on the verge of extinction? The reason is precisely in their horns, which are valued at $ 25,000 per pound. Surprisingly, such a demand is due to some healing properties of the material. Moreover, doctors have officially denied stupid speculation. However, the horns of these animals are still considered particularly valuable.
  3. Plutonium. The substance, named after the former planet, is used in the nuclear industry and astronautics. It is not surprising that its price is impressive - $ 4,000 per gram.
  4. Californium. Previous materials will easily “overwhelm” this one. It is not so important to delve into its properties. The main thing, remember its cost: $ 27,000,000 per gram.
  5. Antimatter. Semi-mythical material that is not yet sold or bought. Nevertheless, they were already able to evaluate it. Perhaps he leads the list of “Most Expensive Things,” because it costs $ 100,000,000,000,000 (one hundred trillion) per gram.

Priceless vehicles

expensive cheap things

Enumerating especially expensive things, one cannot but recall the means of transportation. The undisputed leader among private transport can be called the prince's plane from Saudi Arabia. The original price of an airbus was an impressive $ 300,000,000. However, the “basic configuration” of Al-Valid bin Talalu was not enough. Therefore, the A380 was “upgraded,” which cost another $ 200,000,000.

Offices, salons, and private rooms occupying two floors are comfortably located on board the aircraft! By the way, the capricious prince did not appreciate such efforts and was not satisfied.

How much is the contents of your cosmetic bag?

It is believed that very expensive things are a men's prerogative. This belief can be debunked simply by looking into ... a women's cosmetic bag.

  • La mer cream will not take first place among the most expensive items in the world, but the price of $ 70 per gram is still quite impressive for the cream. It is designed to improve skin regeneration processes and rejuvenate. But if you consider the statement “all expensive things are quality” an axiom, you may be disappointed. Most of the women who tested this tool did not notice much effect.
  • Guerlain lipstick also can not boast of any magical properties. However, the tube will certainly not go into the bin after the agent runs out. The fact is that the case is decorated with 2.2 carat diamonds in an amount of 199 pieces. An impressive luxury that costs owners $ 62,000.
  • Varnish with a life-affirming name I do may not look so luxurious. However, in the composition it contains a valuable and rather rare substance - platinum powder. It is this component that explains the cost of $ 55,000.
  • If the above-mentioned expensive items from women’s cosmetics bags haven’t really struck your imagination, what can you say about the H. Couture mascara + lipstick kit? Its total cost is $ 14,000,000! The reason is 3,700 pink and blue diamonds used to design the package.
  • Do you want a truly precious look? If you have an extra $ 15,000, you can become the owner of lenses from a limited collection (only 3,996 pairs were produced). I wonder how comfortable the eye is inlaid with gold and diamonds?

Precious art objects

very expensive things

Describing the most expensive beautiful things, one cannot fail to mention objects of art. More precisely, a record-high value painting entitled “Algerian Women”. It was created by an artist whose name is familiar to everyone - Pablo Picasso. The work of his authorship was estimated at an incredible amount - $ 179 million. At the moment, this is the most expensive canvas in the world. The alleged owner who purchased the artwork at the famous Christie auction is the former Prime Minister of Qatar.

The painting is in a private collection, and connoisseurs can only sigh perplexedly: why hide art in bins? In addition, Algerian Women is considered not the best work of the artist.

The most expensive jewelry in the world

expensive things in the world

  • "Pink Star" - a ring that is considered the most expensive jewelry in the world. Its value in 2013 amounted to more than $ 80,000,000. This amount turned out to be too large even for an anonymous buyer who purchased the jewelry at the auction, but could not pay all the required amount of banknotes. In the ring is an oval diamond of impeccable cut and quality. It has a very impressive weight - almost 12 grams, which corresponds to 59.6 carats.
  • But the anonymous buyer of the Panther bracelet in 2010 paid the entire amount of $ 12,400,000 at the Sotheby's auction. Previously, the decoration belonged to the Duchess and was a gift from the English king Edward VIII. Rumors attribute the purchase to Madonna, but the singer herself did not confirm gossip. "Panther" is made of onyx, inlaid with diamonds is also used.
  • Who does not know about the pendant "Heart of the Ocean"? This decoration was featured in the cult film Titanic. More precisely, a real necklace was made by a skilled jeweler precisely as a replica of a jewel from a disaster movie. Blue diamond has a weight of 15 carats and is considered perfect in terms of quality. This beauty is valued at $ 20,000,000. And those who wish can purchase copies of “simpler” at some auctions - for only $ 3,500,000.

And how much is your pet?

the most expensive things

How much is your dog? Many pet owners will answer that their pet is priceless. But one modest Chinese coal tycoon may announce a specific amount: $ 1,500,000.

Such an amazing price is explained by an extremely rare breed - the owner has a red Tibetan mastiff. Dogs of this "kind" have long become a sign of a special status of the owner. In addition, taking them out of Tibet is a very difficult task that makes animals even more desirable.

Trinkets "worth its weight in gold"

Expensive household items, a gold toilet, diamond dusting on a shoe stand - what odd things can be found on the list of the most expensive items in the world?

  • Gold cards for playing poker is not the most practical thing, but very respectable. Only $ 5,160, and they are yours!
  • Do you love your dog enough to buy her designer outfits? What about a festive dress adorned with four thousand Swarovski crystals worth $ 6,000? A pet in such a robe should be worn solely on his hands, from time to time counting pebbles.
  • The world's most expensive iPhone 10 iPhone 4 smartphone case is definitely a stupid waste. After all, this model has not been in use for a long time, is it? Although an item made of pure gold a priori cannot go out of fashion.
  • Have you ever heard of a precious tea bag? And in Britain they created one by encrusting with diamonds (280 pieces). The price of an unusual item is no less than $ 15,000. The reason for its release was still - the 75th anniversary of the leading tea producer.

How to pamper a child if you have unlimited capital?

expensive things

Toys, clothes and shoes - purchases for a child, as a rule, are always especially expensive. Few people will agree to buy cheap things to their beloved child, especially if the hens do not peck money, as they say. But some parents clearly go too far in an effort to please the baby.

  • For those who are not versed in Japanese animation, Gundam is a robot. This character was “famous” due to the fact that one jeweler recreated a toy figure from pure platinum. The toy received a significant weight of 1.4 kg and an outstanding price of $ 41,500.
  • Remember the love for Sheldon Cooper trains from the Big Bang Theory? But even he would hardly have bought such a toy for $ 179,140. This is exactly the price of the vintage Märklin train, created back in 1906. He used to decorate a storefront, but now it is a valuable exhibit of a private collection.
  • For older kids - Crystal Edition bike. The creators thought upholstery made of expensive leather, inlaid with gold and Swarovski crystals (600 pieces were used). However, the question remains: where to ride this? Apparently, many are set by this, since so far only 3 out of 10 bicycles have been sold.

Sometimes the most expensive things are not even things

In 2003, one of the charity auctions sold a special product for a tidy sum of $ 50,000. It's about ... a kiss with Sharon Stone! Oddly enough, the woman turned out to be the buyer. This item was put up for charity: all proceeds from the auction were sent to help AIDS patients.

The most expensive things - this is most often something that does not come in handy in everyday life. You can consider them as a monetary investment, you can as a whim. One thing is obvious: it is impossible to remain indifferent to these unusual objects.


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