Adenoids in a child: treatment, signs, degrees, photo

Under the influence of various adverse factors, hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil occurs, which in medicine is indicated by the term "adenoids". By it is meant inflammation, in which lymphoid tissue does more harm than good. It is most developed in childhood. As the body grows older, the tonsil decreases in size, and therefore adenoids are detected extremely rarely in adults.

The proliferation of lymphoid tissue not only affects the quality of life, but can also lead to serious consequences. Parents need to be able to recognize the signs of adenoids in a child in a timely manner and trust the treatment exclusively to the ENT specialist. In most cases, self-diagnosis leads to erroneous conclusions. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to assess the condition of the nasopharyngeal tonsil without the use of special tools.

What are adenoids for?

This tissue is located in the junction of the nose and pharynx. It is part of the immune system. When pathogens enter the body, adenoids are the first to recognize them and start the process of combating pathogens, increasing in size. Thus, the nasopharyngeal tonsil has a protective function, preventing the development of many diseases. This explains the fact why adenoids are well developed in children - until about 7 years old, the immune system of any child experiences an increased load, reflecting the attack of previously unknown viruses and bacteria.

Impaired breathing

Causes of hypertrophy

Normally, moderate tissue growth always occurs when an infection enters the body. After successful disposal of pathogens, it decreases to the usual size. Treatment of adenoids in the nose in children is prescribed if the proliferation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is pathological and interferes with the process of normal breathing.

The main causes of tissue hypertrophy:

  • Genetic predisposition. A deviation, characterized by a violation of the structure of the endocrine and lymphatic systems, can be inherited by the child. In the presence of this pathology, not only adenoids are detected, but also thyroid diseases. In addition, the symptoms of ailments are supplemented by lethargy, apathy. Children with a hereditary predisposition to adenoids are prone to fullness, their limbs often swell.
  • Complicated pregnancy, birth injury. The likelihood of hypertrophy increases significantly if in the first trimester a woman suffered a viral pathology. In addition, the risk of adenoids in a child increases if the expectant mother took antibiotics or any toxic drugs. At risk are also children who have been diagnosed with hypoxia or asphyxiation during delivery.
  • Propensity to allergic reactions, including among immediate relatives.
  • Immunodeficiency conditions.
  • Infectious diseases for children. Against their background, repeated inflammation and pathological growth of tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil can occur.
  • Frequently occurring viral diseases. Constant seeding of adenoids with pathogenic microorganisms provokes their growth.
  • Adverse environmental conditions. Most often, treatment of adenoids is required in children (photo below), who live in large cities with polluted air. In addition, the risk of pathology increases with the abundance of household chemicals, toxic plastic products and furniture made of low-quality materials.

Thus, external and hereditary factors influence the development of adenoids. In most cases, the peak incidence occurs at the age of 3 to 7 years. Over time, they gradually decrease in size, and, accordingly, the risk of pathology decreases.

Inflamed and enlarged adenoids


The treatment of adenoids in children (the photo is presented in this material) and in adults is performed by an otorhinolaryngologist. It must be addressed when the first signs of the disease appear.

Tissue proliferation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Respiratory failure through the nose. One of the characteristic signs of adenoids in children. Treating the symptoms does not bring relief. The child most often sleeps with his mouth open, his sleep is accompanied by snoring and sniffling. Often there are episodes of obstructive apnea, characterized by short-term respiratory arrest. During sleep, a retraction of the root of the tongue may periodically occur, because of which there is a risk of occurrence of asthma attacks. In addition, the child is constantly worried about a runny nose, accompanied by the release of a transparent non-purulent secret.
  • Frequent coughing. As adenoids grow, it becomes more difficult to breathe, nearby tissues swell. For this reason, the mucus secreted constantly contacts the posterior wall of the nasopharynx, against the background of which there is a frequent cough and the development of chronic rhinitis occurs.
  • Hearing impairment. In the absence of timely treatment of adenoids in children, a strong proliferation of tissue occurs in the nose. Gradually, it overlaps the openings of the auditory tubes. As a result, the child perceives any sounds worse, he is often worried about otitis media.
  • Gnawiness in the voice. This symptom appears when adenoids grow to very large sizes.
  • Frequent episodes of tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Change face type. His expression becomes indifferent, the child’s mouth is constantly open, the lower jaw is somewhat elongated, the bite is broken.
  • Anemia.
  • Impaired appetite.
  • Upset stool.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Instability of the psychoemotional state.
  • Poor school performance.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Frequent episodes of headache.

It is important for parents to understand that a doctor’s consultation is necessary already at the stage of respiratory failure through the nose. In this case, the treatment of adenoids in a child passes quickly enough. Ignoring the problem leads to even greater proliferation of tissue, which entails the development of dangerous pathologies.

In addition, it is important to distinguish this disease from adenoiditis - inflammation of adenoids in children. The otorhinolaryngologist is also involved in the treatment, but it is fundamentally different from that which is prescribed for the growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. With adenoiditis, the inflammatory process develops in the tissue itself. It is accompanied by: fever, weakness, swollen lymph nodes, and other signs of a viral infection.

Adenoids in a child


To draw up the most effective treatment regimen for adenoids in a child, the doctor must obtain information regarding the stage of development of the disease. As a rule, it is determined during the endoscopic examination.

Doctors distinguish several stages of the development of the disease:

  • 1 degree. It is characterized by the proliferation of adenoids, in which there is a blockage of the respiratory tract by about 30-50%. At this stage, the quality of sleep is deteriorating: it becomes restless, accompanied by snoring and sniffling. In the daytime, the child in most cases can breathe through his nose. Treatment of adenoids of the 1st degree in children is carried out by conservative methods. Surgical intervention at this stage is impractical.
  • 2 degree. As a result of tissue growth, about 60% of the lumen of the nasopharynx is blocked. The child breathes through the mouth almost constantly: not only at night, but also during the day. A nasal voice appears in his voice, his speech becomes illegible. Judging by medical reviews, the treatment of grade 2 adenoids in children is successfully carried out by conservative methods. This stage of tissue growth is not an absolute indication for surgical intervention.
  • 3 degree. Adenoids significantly increase in size and the tissue blocks almost the entire nasopharyngeal opening. In this case, the child always breathes through the nose. In most cases, treatment of grade 3 adenoids in children is carried out by various surgical methods.

In some countries, doctors classify the disease into 4 stages. In this case, to the last degree, there is a complete overlap of the lumen of the nasopharynx.


A doctor should be consulted when the first alarming symptoms appear. It is impossible to independently detect the growth of lymphoid tissue, the diagnosis is confirmed only after a full examination and the results of laboratory tests, and not on the basis of available signs. Treatment of adenoids in a child (the photo indicates the severity of the situation) is also prescribed exclusively after all diagnostic measures have been completed. This is due to the fact that the nasopharyngeal tonsil increases with inflammation, which is a normal process. After recovery, she again takes its original size.

For the diagnosis of pathological proliferation of tissue, the following laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • General and biochemical blood tests.
  • PCR diagnostics to confirm or exclude the presence of infection.
  • Clinical analysis of urine.
  • Bacterial culture from the nasopharynx.

In order to assess the severity of the disease, doctors use the following diagnostic methods:

  • Inspection using mirrors. The simplest and at the same time effective way to detect adenoids. The doctor assesses the condition of the tonsils using a small mirror, the diameter of which is approximately 10 mm. During the study, he examines the nasopharynx in areas inaccessible to the naked eye. In addition, the doctor may suggest the cause of hypertrophy. Tonsils may be swollen, sore, with pus or mucus. In such cases, the treatment of adenoids in a child comes down to the use of conservative methods of therapy. If during the examination the doctor did not find inflammatory processes, and the tonsil almost completely blocked the lumen of the nasopharynx, the question of the appropriateness of the surgical intervention is resolved.
  • Endoscopic examination. A highly effective diagnostic method, the essence of which is as follows: a thin flexible tube with a miniature camera and backlight at the end is inserted into the nasal passage. The doctor monitors the research process through the monitor. In fact, this is the same inspection, only it is not carried out with mirrors, but with the help of modern equipment. In the process of diagnosis, the child does not feel pronounced discomfort.
  • X-ray examination. This method is considered obsolete, but still finds practical application. Shades of adenoids are visible in the images obtained, but it is extremely difficult to distinguish the inflammatory process from hypertrophy from the images. Thus, the method is not only uninformative, it is also associated with irradiation of the child.

For a long time, doctors practiced only digital research to diagnose adenoids. This is a highly effective method, but is currently being phased out. This is due to the fact that during the study, the child may experience a deep shock caused by pronounced unpleasant sensations. In addition, palpation in most cases provokes vomiting.

X-ray adenoids

Conservative methods of getting rid of hypertrophy

Some doctors, after the examination, raise the question of the removal of adenoids in children. Treat or agree to an operation? In such cases, it is recommended to consult another specialist, since conservative methods of therapy are always a priority. The decision to remove adenoids is always made on the basis of the results of the examination, laboratory tests and the ineffectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

Currently, the following methods exist, in most cases avoiding surgery:

  • Remediation. In the process of its conduct, the secretion of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is removed. This is necessary so that the effectiveness of the use of local medicines is as effective as possible.
  • Laser Therapy Currently, this method is widely used in practice. Laser treatment of adenoids in children is both effective and safe.
  • Reception of homeopathic remedies. A safe method of treatment, but its effectiveness is purely individual. Specialists advise turning to homeopathy, since there will be no harm from such therapy in any case, and it can also be combined with the use of traditional drugs.
  • Climatotherapy. It is very useful for a child with adenoids to undergo treatment in sanatoriums of the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, as well as the Crimea.
  • Physiotherapy. The choice of method is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s health and the course of the disease.
  • Massage.
  • Taking medications that strengthen the body's defenses.

Of particular importance in the treatment of adenoids in children is given to breathing exercises. Before carrying out it, you need to clear the nasal passages of mucus. Gymnastics is performed as follows: the child closes one half of the nose, and the second breathes (10 breaths). Then it blocks another passage and repeats the procedure. After that, you need to make 10 deep breaths and exhalations with both nostrils. This exercise must be performed 8 times daily.

Homeopathic treatment

Surgical intervention

With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, an adenotomy is prescribed - surgical removal of hypertrophied tissue.

In addition, indications for the operation are:

  1. Frequent relapses (4 or more times a year).
  2. The occurrence of episodes of obstructive sleep apnea.
  3. Complications of the disease (disruption of the musculoskeletal system, vasculitis, kidney pathology).
  4. Frequent occurrence of otitis media and SARS.

Adenotomy is performed either by the classical or endoscopic method. In the first case, a special curved knife is brought to the nasopharyngeal arch through the mouth, and hypertrophic tissues are cut off in one motion. Endoscopic adenotomy takes longer, but is a less invasive intervention. In the process, a device with a cutting tool is used. The operation can be performed both under local and general anesthesia.

Surgical intervention is carried out after a thorough examination of the child. This is due to the presence of the following contraindications for an adenotomy:

  1. Blood pathology.
  2. Diseases of an infectious nature (in a child, treatment of adenoids with the surgical method is carried out after recovery).
  3. Serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, adenotomy is not performed at the peak of an influenza epidemic.

It is important to know that surgery can have the following complications:

  • Relapses. Occur if the surgeon left a small part of the tissue.
  • Bleeding. To prevent them or stop them quickly, all doctor's recommendations must be strictly observed.
  • Fever. It is forbidden to bring it down with preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid. This is due to the fact that this substance increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Gnawiness in the voice. As a rule, it disappears 10 days after an adenotomy.
  • Vomiting with blood clots, stool disorders, pain in the epigastric zone. These conditions are associated with the fact that the child swallowed a certain amount of liquid connective tissue. Their presence is not a reason for seeking medical help.

After the operation, solid and hot foods should be excluded from the child’s diet. The consistency of dishes should be mashed, products - fresh, high-calorie and containing vitamins and minerals.


Folk ways

There are effective methods for treating adenoids in a child at home, but before using them, you must consult your doctor. This is because all natural components are potential allergens and in some cases can aggravate the situation.

The most effective recipes for alternative treatment of adenoids in children:

  • Washing. Pour boiling water over 2 tbsp. l horsetail. Put the container on fire. Boil for 6-8 minutes. After cooling with a decoction, you need to rinse the nasopharynx twice a day for 7 days.
  • Nasal drops. Grind the pericarp of a walnut and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Put the container on fire, bring the liquid to a boil. Cool. The resulting broth to dig in the nose three times a day for 6 drops. The course of treatment is 20 days.
  • Inhalation. Prepare 1 tbsp. l crushed buds are ivy. Pour boiling water over the grass and place the container on a slow fire for about 10 minutes. After this, you need to breathe over the broth for about 5 minutes. The procedure must be carried out three times a day.

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Herbal treatment


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  • Pathology of the internal organs. This is due to the fact that the enlarged tissue becomes a source of infection.
  • Hypoxia
  • Frequent headache.
  • Psycho-emotional instability.
  • Inattention, restlessness.
  • Improper breathing leads to a change in the facial skeleton and chest.
  • Speech impairment.

Thus, the disease can provoke the appearance of many serious consequences.


The term "adenoids" is understood to mean the pathological proliferation of lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. The disease has several degrees of severity, to one degree or another, worsening the quality of life of any child. Treatment of adenoids at home in children can improve the course of the pathology, but it does not eliminate the need to consult a doctor. A competent specialist will draw up a therapy regimen and will monitor the condition of the child. With the ineffectiveness of conservative methods, surgical intervention is indicated.


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