Care and growing. Pansies

Who does not know the flower with the affectionate name "pansies"? This plant can be found in almost every garden, and even in city beds they are simply mandatory residents. But, like for any plant, for pansies there are also certain conditions that must be met for longer flowering and decorative appearance of the plant.

Care, cultivation. Pansies - Garden Plants

growing pansies
Pansies, or tricolor violet, are perhaps one of the favorite flowers from childhood. These flowers are very appreciated because of their ability to bloom when many spring plants are only growing. They are quite resistant to spring frost and unpretentious to the place of position.

Seedlings. Growing

It is not difficult to grow pansies in the seedling method. For this, special containers are prepared in advance, filling them with a moist substrate. It consists of leaf or sod soil and compost. In the prepared soil, small grooves are made, where the seeds of the plants are carefully laid, then lightly sprinkled with earth and pressed. Shoots appear within about two weeks. After the appearance of three or four real leaves, seedlings are planted in separate pots. You can plant young plants on the bed no earlier than a month later. Before transplanting to the garden, you must not forget that the seedlings need to be hardened. About a week before planting, flowers begin to be taken outside, first leaving for half an hour, and then increasing the time by an hour every day.

Seeds Growing

pansy seed growing
Pansies can be grown in two ways: one-year and two-year crops. In order for the plants to bloom in the spring, the seeds begin to sow at the end of February. If the method of growing a two-year-old culture is suitable for you, then flower seeds should be planted in June.

Proper care and growing

Pansies - plants are quite resistant to frost. Therefore, the most common mistake gardeners are planting seedlings at an earlier time than recommended. This is fraught with the fact that young plants freeze and begin to hurt. They bloom, as a rule, by the end of summer. Having given all his strength to the flowering process, young plants meet the winter completely weakened and very often do not survive it, just freezing.

There are two known methods of propagation of pansies: seeds and cuttings. The second method is used in May or June, when the flowers are already in the open ground. Small shoots are cut off from them, which must necessarily have 2-3 nodules. Cuttings are planted in the ground at a short distance from each other, abundantly watered and sprayed until they take root. Only next year, pansies will bloom.
pansies care and growing
Growing from seeds is a more popular method. Using this method, it is possible to achieve early flowering of plants, in addition, it allows you to plant stronger seedlings in the garden. True, when propagated by seeds, plant bushes tend to grow quite strongly, but this is a fixable thing.

Pansies, care and cultivation of which is carried out properly, will certainly thank you with a long and plentiful flowering. Such flowers are just a decoration of your garden.


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