An exception confirms the rule: when is it true and who is the author of this statement?

The phrase, in which its beginning and end are illogical, baffles many. “Exceptions only confirm the rule” - is that right? Often it becomes a kind of "trump card" in disputes. When the opponent gives an example of the fact that refutes the judgment of another, then they say a similar aphorism, sometimes without thinking how correct its use is. What historical detail underlies the statement, who said it? What do these words mean and how to use them correctly?

Phrase meaning

First of all, to argue that an exception confirms a rule is possible only when the rule has been studied and proved. The first thing that comes to mind is the rules of the Russian language, where there are words that are spelled incorrectly. They contradict all conditions, and their spelling just needs to be remembered. A similar situation happens with other laws and regulations, but most often other laws simply begin to act on them.

Pink Lake is an exception

An example of an exception to the rule that spiders are predators is one species that eats fruits and leaves with pleasure. Another example in nature is the pink lake of Hiller in Australia. Even the water from it in a glass will be pink. This is an exception, as ordinary water is always transparent, and all water bodies have different shades of blue and blue.

Appearance story

At first glance, the most absurd combination of Cicero did not say, but it was he who used this principle first when defending Lucius Cornelius Balba. Balba, a native of Kadesh, was friendly with Pompey, and he gave him a second citizenship, Roman. To warm up the political debate, detractors accused Balba of dual citizenship. The fact is that there was a clarification in Roman law: representatives of certain nationalities could not have dual citizenship, that is, it was impossible to be both a Gaul and a Roman at the same time. But at the same time, a general ban on dual citizenship did not exist.

From this, Cicero made a logical conclusion: if you need to specifically specify exceptions, then there is a rule to which these exceptions apply. In this case, this meant: if there is a list of nationalities that cannot receive dual citizenship, then this clarification applies only to the listed nationalities. This is an exception. And all other peoples not mentioned in the list can obtain Roman citizenship without giving up their native. This is already a general rule, although it has not been formulated. After all, if dual citizenship were banned in principle, why then write a separate list, and rather short one?

Phrase author

Cicero pointed out that Kadesh is not on the "prohibition list", which means that Balba can enjoy all the benefits of dual citizenship. This is how such thinking was born.

Examples in society

The above examples of understanding that the exception only confirms the rule can still be called the principle of "not banned - then allowed." This is used by society, creating its own rules. Due to the fact that they are not registered anywhere, they are cyclical and often succeed after reforms in the government. So, the exception confirms the rule during the Stone Age, but may already be an independent rule in our era.

Exceptions to the rules of society

A modern example found in educational institutions: students who are “excellently” more difficult to adapt to in society than those who do not keep up with the program or those who were at an average level. Individuals refute this, but for the most part the rule works. A major role is played by the contrast of these “exceptions” and those to whom it acts. So why does the exception confirm the rule?

Why the phrase is correct

Precisely because the number of those on whom it acts significantly exceeds the number of exceptions. The phrase that the exception confirms the rule is similar to the 95% law. There are a very large number of cases when it acts and creates a rule. But it is precisely the exceptions that emphasize and allow one to see how much this principle is needed, where it is applied and how rarely it is possible to get out of its coverage area.

Flightless birds - exceptions to the rules

So, it is customary to believe that birds are flying creatures, and they need wings to fly. But what about chicken, penguins, ostriches in this case? With these examples, no one says that the rule is wrong and the birds do not fly. On the contrary, the vast majority flies, and the part that does not obey the above statement emphasizes the rule and makes it clear the necessary conditions for its implementation.

Exception to the rule: when not valid

A gross mistake, leading a discussion with an opponent, will refute all his arguments with the fact that these are only exceptions. Somewhere there will be a limit when there will be more of them than situations where the rule is in effect, and then the lack of knowledge in this matter will be obvious. It is categorically impossible to hide behind this statement, since it is not a universal argument in disputes.

And on the contrary, when the proposal is formulated correctly, the phrase itself suggests itself: students “excellently” in most cases do not adapt well in society, birds are mostly considered flying, the vast majority of spiders are predators, although other species are found.

Thus, the full phrase “Exception confirms the rule” is not some lost ending, but Cicero’s speech itself. It was built on logic, and it is she who should be guided when it is necessary to use an aphorism. This is not a weapon in dispute, as many use it, but a beautiful statement, which itself has become the rule, of course, with its exceptions.


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