Maine Coon: origin, description of the breed, features of the content

Currently, there are an incredible number of cat breeds in the world. Among them, the largest representatives of the Maine Coon cat family can be distinguished. The origin of amazing cats haunts many generations of breeders. It is probably difficult to find another such breed, about which there are so many legends. How to keep these animals? What kind of diet do they need? What are their features? In our article you will find answers to all these questions.

Legends about the origin of the breed

Maine Coons are famous for their very unusual appearance. Huge cats with tassels on their ears and a fluffy tail have a long history, which goes back to ancient times. The origin of the breed is shrouded in secrets and legends, the appearance of which determined the unusual appearance of animals.

One of them says that the ancestor of cats was a North American lynx, which gave her tassels on her ears. An ancestor can be a raccoon, from which the animal took the color. But from a scientific point of view, the legend is invented, since raccoons and lynxes cannot be crossed with domestic cats.

Maine Coon Homeland

The second assumption about the origin of Maine Coons is more realistic. At the end of the eighteenth century, revolution flared in France. For Queen Marie Antoinette, the faithful captain Samuel Clois prepared an escape, taking all the necessary things and his beloved cat onto the ship. However, the plan did not work, and the captain without a queen fled to America on a prepared ship. Perhaps the royal long-haired favorites gave rise to a new breed on the American continent.

Captain raccoon

Another legend about the origin of Maine Coons tells of a captain named Raccoon who adored cats. He didn’t go to any swimming without a dozen cats of different breeds. Capital traveled the world, and with it his pets. Of course, offspring was born in the voyage, which the traveler handed out to people in the next port. The captain also visited the coast of America, after which a new breed appeared here.

Of course, these legends are just beautiful stories that have nothing to do with reality.

The truth about Maine Coons

The true story of the origin of Maine Coons is more realistic. Start with the fact that no one intended to breed the breed. She formed herself under the influence of the environment. The first settlers who arrived in America were the poor. Therefore, the cats that came with them were the most ordinary. Shorthair cats, although not very attractive, had excellent hunting abilities. In catching mice, they had no equal. In addition, the animals did not differ in effeminacy. Later, wealthier migrants who brought thoroughbred long-haired cats also moved to America. Over time, there was a cross of different feline representatives. The process of natural selection and the interests of farmers had their influence. So the Maine Coon breed appeared. The origin of animals is a natural and natural process that occurred during the development of new territories.

Maine Coon breed description

In conditions of snowy and cold winters, only pets with long and warm coat, powerful limbs and wide paws could survive. On their vast lands, farmers preferred to keep strong and dexterous cats that could independently find food for themselves.

In those distant times, the spirit of rivalry reigned in America. Farmers actively competed with each other, who will grow the largest rooster, cow or bull. Perhaps the size of cats have the same roots.

Maine Coon is considered to be the birthplace of the American state of Maine, from which the breed acquired its name.

Further development of the breed

In the mid-nineteenth century the first public representation of the breed occurred. The cat was brought to a village fair in Maine, where it was successfully demonstrated. At such public gatherings, farmers tried to present everything that had outstanding parameters. And Maine Coons could safely brag about the size of their pets. Large cats very quickly found their fans.

By the end of the nineteenth century, the breed had become incredibly popular. If earlier its representatives were kept only by farmers, using cats for catching rats, then city dwellers gradually appreciated them. In New York and Boston, exhibitions were held in which Maine Coons competed with the Angora. The very first exhibition was organized in 1895 in New York. She was defeated by Cozy's cat, having received the main title. So the breed gradually grew in popularity. Soon, fame spread far beyond their homeland. Maine Coons began to be exported to other countries.

Feed the Maine Coon kitten

The rapid growth in the popularity of animals was replaced in 1911 by a long lull. Perhaps a decrease in interest in them was due to the appearance of more popular Persian cats at exhibitions. It is difficult to talk about the true reasons. However, the fact remains. Over the next forty years, representatives of the breed did not participate in any professional exhibition. Later, Maine Coon lovers got down to business and soon the cats regained the title of champions. In 1953, a club of breed lovers was created in the USA, and later the Association of Breeders appeared. These two organizations have done a lot to restore popularity to animals and establish breed standards.

The appearance of the breed in Russia

Maine Coons appeared in Russia not so long ago. In the early 90s, two representatives (a cat and a cat) were brought into the country. It was they who laid the foundation for the development of the breed in the post-Soviet space. Currently, the country has dozens of nurseries involved in the breeding of these animals.

Maine Coon: breed description

The appearance of cats has its own characteristics, so these animals can not be confused with any other breed. Maine Coons have the following characteristics:

  1. Adult cats are large in size and have a massive body. Males are larger than females.
  2. You are probably interested in the question, to what sizes does Maine Coon grow? On average, the height of the animals is 40 cm, and the weight is 8 kg. Females can have more modest indicators, and the weight of males reaches 10 kg. The body of pets grows up to 3-5 years. Maine Coon kittens at birth are twice as many representatives of other breeds. The weight of the newborn baby is 150 gr. Despite their large size, the animals are very graceful and dexterous. History knows the case when the weight of an adult cat was 16 kg.
  3. The growth of cats is also different from fellow tribesmen. At the age of three, pets reach maturity. By this time, their body length reaches 130 cm, and their height is 30-45 cm.
  4. The head of Maine Coons is large, has an elongated shape, the cheekbones are convex, high.
  5. The ears are set high on the skull, have a triangular shape. Brushes are present at their tips, which makes animals very similar to lynx. On the inner and outer sides of the ears there is pubescence. Large shells are very mobile, which allows animals to catch sounds well in the wild.
  6. The limbs are muscular and developed. Large paws have a rounded shape. Between the claws there are clumps of wool, which is why in the winter the paws of animals do not freeze.
  7. The wide tail is very fluffy and quite long. In winter, he also protects the cat from the cold.
  8. The eyes are oval and set wide. Their color may be different, depending on the color of the pet.


The description of the Maine Coon breed would not be complete, if not to mention the beautiful animal hair, which is thick and fluffy. It is practically waterproof. But the length of the coat is heterogeneous. It is short on the shoulders and head, and more magnificent on the neck.

Maine Coon breed origin story

In the abdomen and on the hind legs, the wool is very long, outwardly it resembles “panties”. In some places there is undercoat. This thick and long coat protects cats not only from the cold, but also from the possibility of mechanical damage. Silky hair is very pleasant to the touch.

Pet color

Representatives of the breed can have a very diverse color: red, black, white. Wool can have various shades, except lilac and chocolate. Three types of cover ornament are distinguished: spots, stripes, marble.

Maine Coon cat breed features include not only ponytails on the ears, but also an incredibly large mustache. In length, they reach 15 cm. Maine Coon cats are centenarians. Their average life expectancy is 12-20 years.

Maine Coon cats breed features

Pet character

Representatives of the breed amaze not only with their wool and large size, but also with a wonderful character. Owners of cats can spend hours talking about the virtues of their pets. It is worth noting that giants are no less playful than smaller feline representatives. Because of their size, cats look pretty funny during the game.

The nature of the pets is flexible and affectionate. They are always happy with the owners. Natural curiosity makes them show interest in any activity. Do not be afraid that the cat may release its claws. Affectionate and tender animals are generally not prone to aggression. Maine Coons are loving and complaisant cats. Such a pet will certainly become your friend.

When discussing the nature and habits of Maine Coons, one cannot help but recall the mind and intellect of pets prone to contemplation. All their actions are reasonable and consistent. Very often, Maine Coon intelligence is compared to canine.

Animals of this breed have excellent memory. They easily remember teams and willingly execute them. Maine coon even react to intonations, so there are no problems in raising pets.

To what sizes Maine Coon grows

Animal habits

Representatives of the breed are very clean. Maine Coons behave perfectly in the absence of the owners, they are not afraid to leave themselves at home. Pets will not bother with boredom. They find something to do. However, they do not create chaos in the room.

Large cats will never climb into cabinets or on the mezzanine, because they are afraid of enclosed spaces. They need room. Pets get used to new owners incredibly quickly. If there are guests in the house, Maine Coons behave with restraint or do not pay attention to a stranger at all. If you show a little interest in the animal, then very quickly it will take a stranger for his own.


Many people wonder how to feed a Maine Coon kitten. Only proper nutrition will ensure the healthy growth of the animal. It is worth noting that the first two months of kittens are fed by a cat-mother. If the female does not have enough milk, then you can start to introduce complementary foods. A kitten can be offered to taste quite a bit of raw beef. It must first be frozen for a couple of days in order to protect against helminths.

Gradually, low-fat cottage cheese can be introduced into the diet. It is strictly forbidden to give kittens the following products:

  1. Fatty meats.
  2. Bones.
  3. Food with dyes and non-natural additives.
  4. Fatty dairy products, cream, yogurts.
  5. Do not offer your pet food from your table.

At the age of 2-4 months, kittens can already be offered greens, boiled vegetables, sea fish. Food can be lightly salted. During the period of active growth, it is necessary to remember about fortified nutrition and minerals.

A growing pet needs to gradually increase the amount of calories, but you should not overfeed it. Often, representatives of the breed themselves limit themselves to food. Such foods should always be present in the kitten's diet: cereals, chicken liver, cottage cheese, whey, fermented milk products, fish. At the age of seven months, the pet's diet should be the same as that of an adult cat. The difference is only in the frequency of feedings.

Maine Coon is a very kind cat

What food to prefer

Each owner decides for himself which food to give to the Maine Coon kitten. There is no consensus on this. Of course, it is preferable to organize your pet food based on natural products, not forgetting about complex vitamins.

If you spend a lot of time at work, you can use dry and wet food. In the case of choosing the first option, the pet should always have plenty of water so that he can quench his thirst at any time.

Animals like wet food more. However, the purchase of feed does not mean that the pet can not be fed with natural food. Ordinary food should always be present in your pet's diet. In this case, it is difficult to talk about a full and balanced diet.


Description of the breed in the Maine Coon reviews is mentioned most often. Each owner can watch his pet for hours. Owners enthusiastically write in reviews about the size of cats that impress everyone they know, about tassels on their ears, about a fluffy tail. Breeders note the cute and cheerful nature of the animal. Ease of maintenance makes the breed very comfortable to maintain. Maine Coons in any home very quickly mastered and feel like full members of the family. A cute creature, despite its large size, is characterized by mobility and will not let its owners get bored. But at the same time, Maine Coons are not prone to mischievous tricks, after which the whole house is upside down. The breed is good in many ways, for which it deserves universal love.


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