Shade-loving plants for the home: photos and names

Indoor plants can revive and make any interior more cozy. But far from always in the apartment there is enough light for their full development. How to be in this case? Experienced gardeners know that there are unpretentious shade-loving plants for the home. As a rule, these are inhabitants of shaded places in natural conditions. We will talk about them in this article.

shade plants for the home

We will introduce you to shade-loving plants for home. Photos and their names will help you determine which one will fit better into your interior.

Indoor plants that can grow even in low light conditions without losing the attractiveness of leaves and flowers are extremely popular today. And this is due not only to the fact that they are unpretentious. Not all flowers are adapted to dim lighting, which serves as a decorative accent. Fortunately, there are many cultures among them that are shade-tolerant and shade-loving.

Features of shade-tolerant plants

Immediately make a reservation that without the access of light, in complete shadow, not a single plant can grow. But the requirements for lower light intensity and the ability to grow them using artificial lighting, allows you to select a considerable group of truly universal varieties that can be placed in the middle of the room and shaded corners.

If photophilous plants require a light intensity of 10,000 lux, then shade-tolerant plants cost a significantly lower indicator - from 500 to 1000 lux. You can measure the level of illumination using photo exposure meters or light meters. But experienced gardeners use a simpler method. Even shade-tolerant plants should be placed at a distance of no more than 2 m from the north window and no more than 3 m from windows facing other sides.

shade-loving plants for home photos and names

The ability to adapt to such difficult conditions allows you to choose shade-loving plants for the home. Let's get to know these flowers in more detail.

Chlorophytum crested

Even beginners in floriculture, some names of shade-loving plants for the home are well known. Undoubtedly, chlorophytum can be attributed to them: today it is difficult to imagine the design of a home or office without this flower. An unusually spectacular plant with elegant lanceolate leaves collected in dense rosettes, producing elastic long lashes not only with inflorescences, but also with new rosettes that can take root, belongs to plants that are familiar and loved by many.

shade-like climbing plants for home

It would seem that the usual chlorophytum is no longer able to surprise anyone, but its new varieties that have appeared in recent years, having curly or wide leaves similar to garden chard or spinach, delight even experienced gardeners.

Chlorophytum is equally beautiful both in a pot and in an ampel culture. This plant does not exceed 40 cm in height, although its spreading lashes can cover quite vast areas and create incredibly beautiful cascades. Chlorophytum belongs to those shade-loving plants for the home that can withstand virtually any condition. It carries not only diffused light, but also a complete shadow.

However, if you want your chlorophytum to grow in the shade, you need to gradually accustom it to reducing light: a sharp change in growing conditions can cause a loss of decorativeness. If young plants are grown in the shade, no problems will arise. Chlorophytum feels equally comfortable both in the heat and in the cool, tolerates even very dry air and is surprisingly easy to care for. The only thing worth monitoring is the state of the substrate: it should not be overdried or waterlogged.

Aspidistra high

Very effective decorative foliage shade-loving plant for the home. Beautiful leaves of aspidistra, as if dotted with white powder, look very unusual. But if you plan to grow this flower in the shade, we recommend that you pay attention to varieties that have a plain green color. Unfortunately, in shaded places, the flower loses white patterns.

shade-like climbing plants for the house with flowers

Elongated-oval long leaves with pointed tips emerge from the fleshy crests. They form a beautiful and slender turf. In their form they resemble lilies of the valley. Aspidistra flowers, appearing almost at the very base of the leaves, are at the level of the soil. Despite the pink color, they are rather inconspicuous.

Aglaonema is changeable

This shade-like plant for the house has many varieties and varieties that differ in the shape or color of the leaves. Oval and lanceolate, bright green and yellow with silver, gray, yellow, cream stripes and spots, leaves create amazingly beautiful bushes.

shade-like climbing plants for home bathroom

It seems that a shrub plant with a height of 30 to 60 cm consists only of leaves tightly pressed against each other, which create a beautiful turf, while the stem is almost invisible. Shades of silver and green colors look elegant and fresh. With proper care, the aglaonema blooms even in room conditions, forming the original inflorescences-cobs with snow-white stipule-bedspread. Despite the spectacular effect of silver varieties and their tendency to partially lose patterns in shading, the aglaonema does not lose its decorativeness even in a significantly shaded place.

Shade-like climbing plants for home

Any cabinet, wall, flower stand or bookcase in the apartment can be decorated with vines, which love and grow well, and develop in partial shade and shadow. The list of shade-like climbing plants for the home is as follows:

  • Ivy.
  • The roicissus is rhombic.
  • Green leaf syngonium.
  • Peperomia.
  • Epipremnum.
  • Creeping Callisia.
  • Tradescantia.
  • Scindapsus.
  • Cissus.

Of course, this is not a complete list; we have listed only the most popular cultures.


Shade-like climbing plants for the home, the photos of which we posted in this article, are distinguished by simple leathery leaves. At scindapsus they are decorated with yellow and white stains. At home, this plant grows rapidly. In order for the liana to be luxuriant and look good, it must be periodically trimmed.

The plant tolerates partial shade, needs high humidity and abundant watering on hot summer days.


In the world there are a huge number of varieties of this plant with a very different color of leaves. In order for the tradescantia to maintain its decorativeness, it needs partial shade or diffused lighting.

shade-like climbing plants for home photo


This shade-like climbing plant for the home is known to many of our readers under a different name - indoor birch. Curly shoots cover green leaves, which are very similar in shape to birch. On the shoots you can see the curved antennae, with which the plant clings to the support.

Cissus is suitable for office, home and children's rooms. It grows well on supports and in flowerpots, creating a real green wall. The plant is unpretentious. It does not tolerate bright lighting - the sun's rays can cause fading of sheet plates.

shade-like climbing plants for home listing

Shade-like climbing plants for home bathroom

We have already said that indoor plants can decorate any room. However, they are rarely installed in the bathroom . It would seem that the conditions in this room favor the addition of colors to the interior, but there are some nuances.

Both high air temperature and high humidity, characteristic of this room, are favorable for plants, but the lack of light can complicate the adaptation of colors. In addition, plants here for a long time stay not only in the dark, but also in fairly cool conditions. They are affected by the chemicals used in the room (cosmetics, cleaning products, aerosols). These features must be considered when selecting plants and placing them in the bathroom.

shady plants for home names

It's no secret that rarely bathrooms have windows and are large in size, but flowers can be placed even in a very small room without a window, if you select the plants correctly and install phytolamps. Having decided to grow flowers in the bathroom, you should first of all organize proper lighting.

Among plants that are able to adapt to difficult conditions, often choose curly flowers, for example, philodendron, epipremnum, and even more often - ivy. In addition, large plants (fatsia, monstera) can be grown in the bathroom, of course, if the area allows. In such conditions, bush plants (aspidistra, aglaonema, chamedorrhea) feel great themselves.


A wonderful shade-loving plant with variegated stellate or green leaves has long been a favorite among many gardeners. This flower can grow very quickly and entwine support. Grow it on a moss support, giving the form of a tree, or in a hanging planter.


There are many species of this plant, but in the shade the syngonium is green-leafed. The spectacular liana has succulent leaves that, closing together, form a cascade that can decorate any interior. It grows very quickly, and on a support can form a tree. Needs regular watering and spraying.

Flowering climbing plants

Without exception, all creepers are very beautiful, but flowering plants are especially attractive. They create coziness and enliven the most austere interior.

Hoya (wax ivy)

This large shade-like climbing plant for a house with flowers has large leathery leaves, unusual star-shaped flowers are very beautiful. At home, in partial shade it grows to three meters. Flowering can continue for several months. At this time, you should not turn the plant and rearrange it from place to place - the hoya can stop flowering and lose buds.

shady plants for the home unpretentious


These evergreen creepers are grown to decorate the home, office, child care facilities. Passiflora has very unusual flowers that have a brightly colored double perianth with crosswise stigmas and bright straight or curved threads.

At home, the three-lane and blue passiflora are most often grown, which is a vine with deeply dissected leaves and single flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. Trephine passiflora on dark leaves has grayish-purple stripes. Her yellow-white flowers reach 4 cm in diameter.

shade plants for the home

Flowering plants

Among shade-loving flowers, there are many beautifully flowering flowers, so you can decorate with magnificent colors both the northern windows and the shaded areas of your home.


This plant does not tolerate bright light. Clivia grows annually under the condition of a full winter rest, during which the plant is rearranged in a cool room (temperature below +12 ยฐ C), watering is minimized and fertilizers are stopped.

shade-loving plants for home photos and names

Bell-shaped yellow, orange and red flowers are collected on a high peduncle in inflorescences. They look very impressive.


For growth and development, this exotic flower needs partial shade from spring to autumn and diffused light in autumn and winter. Flowering begins from mid spring to late August. The plant needs regular, but moderate watering, compliance with the temperature regime (+15 ยฐ C).

shade-like climbing plants for home


The well-known begonia belongs to flowering shade-loving plants. Its magnificent bright flowers in the summer and winter delight lovers of indoor plants with their views. There are almost two thousand varieties of decorative-deciduous and decorative-flowering begonias. All of them are undemanding in care and prefer partial shade.

shade-like climbing plants for the house with flowers


โ€œFeminine happinessโ€ is the name of this flower among the people. This shade-tolerant houseplant has beautiful pointed leaves and white flowers resembling a sail.

shade-like climbing plants for home bathroom

Gradually the veil of the flower changes color to green and is lost on the background of foliage. By regularly cutting away wilted inflorescences, flowering can be prolonged for a while. At room temperature, regular leaf spraying and heavy watering are necessary.


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