We learn how to embed a lock in the interior door

Your home is your own fortress. In any case, it is definitely a place for rest and relaxation. In many ways, this is influenced by the interior of the room. So, if the house is dirty and there is no decent repair, you can hardly achieve comfort in it.

how to embed a lock in the interior door
A significant element of any modern apartment is the interior doors, which allow zoning of rooms, closing the most private rooms from prying eyes. Naturally, in this case, it is important to have some kind of reliable locking device. Therefore, today we’ll talk about how to embed a lock on an interior door.

We take into account the type of door

Beginners often do not pay any attention to this circumstance, but in vain. So, if the door leaf is made of solid wood, then a lock of suitable dimensions can be embedded anywhere by placing it at least five centimeters from the floor.

If you (like many of our fellow citizens) chose the “budget option” from MDF or “cardboard”, then one important circumstance must be taken into account. The fact is that a timber beam there is located only at the end part, often passing only in its middle.

embed the lock in the interior door
And further. Before you embed the lock in the interior door, purchase high-quality feather drills. We advise, guided by our sad experience: in the manufacture of door leafs it may happen that some obscure “craftsman” drives several large construction staples right into the place where you make a hole in the lock. If the drill is made of low-quality material, you immediately say goodbye to it.

We take measurements

Before you embed the lock in the interior door, you must measure the thickness thereof. So, if it is less than 40 millimeters, then there is no point in the castle. It is better to put the latch, as an attempt to insert will lead to damage to the canvas.

Move on. As a rule, any normal manufacturer of locks puts in a box with products a special piece of paper with a marking. You will use it, marking the cut pattern on the door. As a rule, it is applied to the butt, bent, and then in two places they make piercing with a nail or something similar.

If you bought the simplest mortise lock (especially from domestic manufacturers), you will have to apply it to the canvas and circle it with a pencil.


embed a lock on a wooden door

Since you can’t get a lock in the interior door without a normal set of tools, we won’t talk about the importance of acquiring it for a long time. So, you have marked the places where you need to drill holes. Using a pen drill of the appropriate diameter, first drill the front of the door. Exactly! If you first make a hole in the end, then you can well say goodbye not only to the drill, but also to the drill chuck, which simply can not withstand the sharp jerks that are inevitable with a sharp violation of the homogeneity of the material.


We start to embed the lock in the wooden door. First, a “dog” is inserted into the end hole. Immediately you need to cut a groove under it to "drown" the device in the tree: this way it will not scratch the jambs. After that, the main part of the lock is inserted into the frontal openings, fastened and checked in operation.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to embed the lock in the interior door .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17797/

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