Deep breath, arms wider, or Morning exercises in the older group of kindergarten

Each educator knows how difficult it is to bring a baby back to life from morning suspended animation. Especially in the autumn-winter period, when the inhibition of all organs and systems is visible to the naked eye. And especially in the older group, where children no longer just play and communicate, but also master the first educational skills, and this is serious work. Therefore, morning gymnastics in the older group is not just an event for show, it is a vital necessity for both the child and the teacher.

morning exercises in the senior group
In addition, this is not an easy job for the teacher.

It’s not easy to make up a morning gymnastics complex, but if you approach the matter not formally, but creatively and with love for the kids, then it’s clear that you can’t do with one complex. There should be several. And they must either be memorized, or carefully outlined, which also takes time and effort.

Of course, today you can easily find many different morning gymnastics complexes for children on the Internet, but if the teacher is sick at heart, then he will not take random exercises. If you are a real educator, you have an older group, a morning gymnastics summary is the work of only your hands, mind and heart.

We make an abstract of gymnastics on our own

Of course, one can and should take someone else’s achievements as the basis, one can and should draw someone’s ideas, but one also needs to remember that morning gymnastics in the older group is not at all the same as charging at home or warming up in a sports school . It is distinguished, first of all, by a professional and individual approach to the needs of all children, no matter how strange it may sound. You could even say that morning gymnastics in the older group is a combination of the physical and psychological education of the child.

morning exercises in the senior group

What should be taken into account when preparing the complex?

What is morning gymnastics in kindergarten primarily aimed at?

  1. Awakening a child. That is, the removal of residual sleep phenomena.
  2. Activation of all vital organs and systems of the child’s body.
  3. General recovery of the child. In this sense, morning gymnastics in the older group is an invaluable phenomenon.

morning gymnastics in senior group

How to make a complex?

Of course, you need to consider guidelines.

  1. Start with exercises for the muscles of the neck, and end with exercises for all muscle groups.
  2. Exercises must be performed to the music. It not only helps not to stray from the rhythm and sets the mood. Music helps the teacher to organize the guys, and the guys to enjoy the process.
  3. It is better if the complex is composed in poetic form.
  4. At the end of the gym, it is very useful to have a short game. Children always play very joyfully, because these are endorphins that improve the activity of vital systems.

In order to streamline their work with a view to its subsequent analysis and related improvements, a morning gymnastics file cabinet should be compiled. Thanks to morning exercises, the older group of the kindergarten will more easily overcome the transition from childhood to school life.


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