What do the fruits of ash, maple and linden look like?

Ash, maple, linden and elm - representatives of different genera of trees. What unites them is that they are all deciduous, and each has its own fruit. All these trees coexist beautifully next to each other. Their fruits are similar - each tree has a lionfish, carefully protecting the seed inside the pericarp. We will learn about what are similar and how different are the fruits of the above trees in this article.

What do ash fruits look like?

Common ash-tree loves light and moderate watering. The maximum height to which a tree can grow is 40 meters. But life expectancy differs significantly - ash can grow up to 300 years. The branches of the tree stretch to the sun, the crown is wide and always high. Buds of ash ash are black. The leaves are opposite, composed of 7-15 leaves, smooth, have a dark green color. Ash blossoms in May; the flowers have no cups or corolla. Flowering lasts until the first leaves. What do the fruits of ash look like? These are lionfish, which can reach a length of up to 5 centimeters. The lionfish is first green in color, eventually turning into brown. Lionfish collected in inflorescences, which are called panicles. Seed ripening occurs in August - the seeds become flat, wide, with a slight narrowing from the bottom.

What else can you learn about ash fruits?

Ash is considered an indispensable tree for landscaping cities - it is unpretentious and grows quickly. The wood of the tree is dense and durable, in quality resembles oak. In ancient times, ash was considered a tree of war, because spears, clubs and other weapons were made from it, which were light in weight but durable.

ash fruits

Also made of ash made dishes, rockers, sledges, wheels, souvenirs. Ashen boards were widely used in shipbuilding. The fruits of the ash tree were also distinguished by their properties. Few people know, but because of the high fat content, in a number of countries the fruits of the tree are eaten. For example, in the Caucasus, the following dish was widely used: unripe fruits with vinegar and salt. After ripening, they are collected, carefully chopped and canned, and then served to the table as a seasoning for meat or fish dishes.

Medicinal and other properties

Ash seeds are used to make dark green oil, which is widely used in the manufacture of paints and soaps.

fruits of maple ash and linden

It is worth knowing that this plant is considered a poisonous tree, so you can use the root, bark, leaves or fruits of ash for medicinal purposes only under the supervision of a doctor. The direction of action of decoctions and tinctures is very large - these are diuretic properties that help to remove excess fluid from the body. This is a treatment for the respiratory tract, even in the chronic stage. Tinctures against cough are excellent, and kidneys, radiculitis, and even dysentery can also be treated. Suffering from diseases of the nervous system, tincture of ash is prescribed as a sedative and excellent sleeping pill. The collection of fruits for harvesting for the winter is carried out in the fall, after they have fully ripened.

Maple and linden

The fruits of ash, maple and linden are similar - they all are lionfish, differing only in the shape of the structure. Linden, like ash, is very fond of the sun, as well as abundant watering. It grows to 30 meters, and life expectancy can vary from 150 to 1200 years. Linden blooms in June and blooms in just a few weeks.

what are the fruits of ash

The fruits of linden are small rounded nuts of a slightly elongated shape. The nut is surrounded by a dense shell, under which a seed is hidden. Lime begins to bear fruit in August and September.

Maple grows up to 15 meters tall. The lifespan of this tree is 250 years. Maple blooms in April-May, flowers fly around after two weeks of flowering. In September-October, fruiting begins. The fruits of maple are lionfish with extended wings, the take-off of which reaches 3.5 centimeters in length.

Useful properties of linden and maple fruit

What are the fruits of ash, maple and linden - we learned. Now let's talk about the useful properties of the last two. Maple infusions also have diuretic properties. Vitamin C content has a general strengthening effect on the body; maple decoctions are also known for antiseptic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory effects. Almost everyone knows about the medicinal properties of linden. The collection of flowers begins at a time when they are not yet fully opened - it is advisable to pick off only the buds starting to unfold. Useless in their properties will be flowers that have already begun to bloom. Linden, like maple, is a wonderful honey plant; its honey is extremely useful. Fruits of linden have been praised in cosmetology. Decoctions from the fruits are used to cleanse different types of skin, they soothe irritations without overdrying the skin. Also, a decoction of linden fruits is useful for hair - they become stronger, gain shine, lose brittleness and cease to split.

Interesting Facts

What the fruits of ash, maple, linden look like - we have learned. But not everyone knows what was attributed to both the fruits themselves and the trees corresponding to them. For example, the linden among the Slavs was considered a sacred tree. She was closely associated with the goddess of love, so it was believed that the linden has strong energy. Lipa is able to absorb negative energy, restoring vitality. After contact with a tree, a person feels peace and an unprecedented surge of strength. That is why many families kept bags of dried fruit. Maple also belongs to the legendary trees. It was believed that maple is a son bewitched by his mother for his disobedience. If you make a violin out of it, then its sounds will resemble the crying of a person who talks about his misfortune. Its fruits helped maintain peace in the family.

ash tree fruits

Also, the maple guessed the weather and the presence of a nearby water vein. Therefore, the fruits of maple, ash, elm, linden also endowed with magical properties.

Ash - tree of rebirth and renewal

A lot of interesting facts have been collected about ash. Our ancestors were sure that the tree is able to connect the worlds of people and gods. Ash inflorescences were compared with a bunch of keys that could open any door to another world. For this purpose ash fruits were collected in special bouquets. The Slavs were sure that such a bouquet would help “lighten” the house, enclosing it from the onset of troubles and misfortunes. And in the ash forest you can clearly feel for yourself how light this tree is.

what are the fruits of ash

Ash passes a lot of sun, ash forests are filled with light, they are always easy to breathe. The fruits of the ash were collected in winter for craft amulets, which not only brought good luck, but also helped to find your love in life. But the soaked fruits were placed in a vessel near the patient’s bed, significantly accelerating his recovery.

A little more about ash

The people call ash ash holly because of all the good neighbors (elm, maple, linden) ash is best combined with oak. Ash and oak were observed from early spring. If the oak tree first blossomed, people would prepare for the dry summer. What are the fruits of ash - we learned what properties they have - too.

ash fruits in winter

But the ancient Greeks were sure that a decoction of the fruits of this tree helps a man restore sexual strength. The broth was poured into drinks in order to enhance sexual desire. Ash fruits had similar properties in dried form, so they were harvested in advance and in large quantities. Ash was also a symbol of wisdom and life. Therefore, every second Slav certainly carried a bag with dried fruits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17807/

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