Mineral wool roof insulation: layout, material selection, execution technique, necessary tools

In our small material, we will try to consider the procedure for insulating the roof with mineral wool from the inside out with our own hands. This is a very important process, which during the operation of the house will help to significantly prevent heat loss, not only in the attic, but in all rooms of the house. The most popular insulation material for use on roofs is mineral wool, since it has zero moisture absorption, it is resistant to large temperature differences, and its performance is very high - much better than that of foam. And now let's take a closer look at the process of insulating the roof with mineral wool from the inside with our own hands.

Where can I use mineral wool

Mineral wool is widely used for warming not only roofs, but also other structural parts of buildings. This material can be used in the following cases:

  1. When arranging floor structures.
  2. When insulating walls for applying plaster.
  3. When arranging ventilated hinged facades.
  4. When insulating indoor walls.
  5. During insulation of the roofing system.
  6. During installation of insulation in attics or balconies.
  7. When using three-layer concrete panels.

As you can see, insulation of the roof of a private house with mineral wool is not the only case when this material is used. It is very popular among builders and for good reason. When insulating the attic roof of a private house, mineral wool can also be used - this is almost a universal material.

The benefits of mineral wool

Minvata insulation of the roof of the attic

Among the advantages, the following points can be distinguished:

  1. On sale you can find a wide range of products - both in the form of mats or plates, and in rolls. Therefore, when carrying out insulation work, you can choose the most optimal option, which is best suited for a particular case. It is also worth noting that mineral wool differs in terms of density. The material in rolls is light weight, and the maximum density of the material in the plates.
  2. The resistance of mineral wool to weathering and high humidity is simply fantastic. Therefore, this material can be used both with internal insulation and with external.
  3. A high rate of thermal insulation is an important plus. Mineral wool has a porous structure, it consists of a number of layers, therefore, not only excellent heat retention, but also a high degree of sound insulation is provided. When warming the roof of the attic from the inside with mineral wool, use the tips that we provide in our article.
  4. The material is fireproof - no matter how you try, you will not set fire to mineral wool. Also, it does not spread fire, so it can be used for insulation of floors between floors. But you need to consider that some manufacturers claim that mineral wool can withstand a maximum of 900 degrees.
  5. There is completely no tendency to deformation - this is an important parameter, it is he who is responsible for the degree of shrinkage. Minvata simply do not have it, therefore, cold bridges do not form, which worsen thermal insulation indicators.
  6. Frost resistance is very good, so the material can be used when warming the external elements of buildings that are located on the street.
  7. Environmental Safety. Mineral wool is very often used for insulation in children's rooms in private homes, in sanatorium and medical organizations.

You can save a lot by choosing mineral wool for home insulation, as the material has a very high density.

Material flaws

Mineral wool roof insulation technology

But, despite all the advantages, it is possible to highlight some disadvantages of using mineral wool:

  1. This material has a fairly low level of strength, since mineral wool has high porosity.
  2. The insulation can provide reliable thermal insulation only if it is combined with other materials, for example, a vapor barrier membrane or a waterproofing film.
  3. Please note that fiberglass and mineral wool cannot be combined, as various formaldehydes are added to the materials. And they can be hazardous to health.

Estimated cost of acquiring materials and performing work

Now let's look at the prices for the work and the purchase of materials. For example, we mentioned roll materials above. So, mineral wool 100 mm thick and 5 m long will cost you about 700 rubles. The width of the material will be 1.22 m. Therefore, if you plan to insulate the floor in the attic with an area of ​​about 60 squares, you will have to pay about 7,500 rubles for thermal insulation materials.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the roof from the inside with a mineral wool step by step

But you can use cheaper stoves, costing 560 rubles. for 5 pieces. They are usually used to warm the space between the roof rafters. If the total roof area is 180 squares, then you will need as many as 60 packages of materials. The total cost will be about 34,000 rubles.

Integrated insulation will cost about 400 rubles. per square meter, and this is only the execution of work. As you can see, the cost of work is quite high, so many can decide to do everything on their own. Therefore, we will continue to consider in the article what the technology of insulation of the roof with mineral wool looks like with our own hands. It is possible that all of our recommendations will be useful.

Roof insulation recommendations

Quite often, the heat leaves the house through the roof areas on which there is no insulation. Therefore, even if no one lives in the attic, the roof must be insulated. In this case, you can reduce the maximum level of heat loss, as well as extend the life of all materials that are used in the decoration of the attic.

Mineral wool can be used as you like. The installation of cotton wool on the roofs of non-residential premises can be considered the most optimal and simplest option. To do this, you need to acquire material in the plates, they need to be mounted on the floors of wood or concrete. The procedure is very simple, you do not need to bend the rafters. For insulation, it is best to use hard plates, the density of which is the highest.

Insulation of the attic roof of a private house with mineral wool

But it must be borne in mind that such a procedure needs fitting joints. In order to ensure complete thermal insulation, it is necessary to lay plate material with a thickness of about 25 cm.

Flat roof

Flat roofs can be either ventilated or non-ventilated. There is practically no place for arranging an attic on it, so you do not need to install only one heater. In order to insulate a ventilated roof, it is necessary to follow the same technology as when working in a non-residential attic.

First you need to install a layer of insulation, the thickness should be about 25 cm. If the roof is not ventilated, then before the start of thermal insulation it is necessary to lay a film for vapor barrier. Next, you need to install mineral wool plates, to fix them you need to use dowels. You can also use bitumen mastic, which improves adhesion between the surface and mineral wool. Roofing material must be laid on top of the coating.

Pitched Roofs

It is rather difficult to lay mineral wool on pitched roofs that have a rafter system. In this case, the required amount of material is significantly increased, as well as the time for its installation. The heat insulator must be laid directly in the crate between the roof rafters.

Insulation of the roof of the attic from the inside with do-it-yourself mineral wool

Pay attention to the density of mineral wool, it should not be heavy, as in the end it will very heavily load the roof structure. To overlap the joints you need to lay mineral wool in two or even three layers. Installation of the material should be carried out at a temperature of no more than 22 degrees, humidity of about 35%. Also, drafts should not be present during installation work.

Methods of mineral wool insulation

In order to get a high-quality insulated roof, you need to carefully calculate the thickness, quantity and type of material. It is also necessary to observe all technological features of the process. In order to minimize heat loss in the premises, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Insulate the attic. This room is a barrier that prevents warm air from leaving the rooms. In the event that you do not conduct insulation in the attic, all the heat from the rooms will fall into it, and even if the roof is insulated qualitatively, the rooms will still feel cool.
  2. Qualitatively insulate the roof. This is the second stage, which will protect the house from heat loss. But you need to take into account that for the quality of the insulation work, you will need to strictly observe all the instructions and rules that are characteristic of specific heaters.

Attic insulation

In order to make interfloor, as well as attic floors, reinforced concrete slabs or wooden beams are used. If you have reinforced concrete floors, then the insulation must be placed directly on their surface. If the attic is made of wooden beams, then the insulation material must be installed in the space between them.

But you need to consider that for insulation, you must first lay the material for vapor barrier. He will be able to protect the insulation from moisture and steam. When laying a vapor barrier, you must carefully study the instructions for use. The vapor barrier film has one-sided functionality, if it is not correctly placed, this will lead to the fact that it will not be able to fulfill its function.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the roof from the inside with mineral wool

You can also use sawdust to conduct roof insulation. This material is commonly used in a mixture with sand, clay, lime or cement. The solution perfectly protects the roof, allows you to provide the most healthy microclimate in the room, as well as have an antiseptic effect.

Often, for the insulation of attic rooms, expanded clay is used. This is a natural material that is made from clay. It has a very large number of pores that perform the function of warming. It is worth noting that for conducting insulation work with expanded clay, a minimum investment of funds will be required. But it is necessary to choose a method of insulation, based on data on the materials from which the building is made, height, area, as well as other parameters.

Insulation of the pitched roof

In order to insulate such a roof with mineral wool, you need to make a multilayer warm design. It includes steam and waterproofing, as well as insulation. The pitched surface of the roof should consist of a kind of "pie" in which there are several layers. It should be installed both inside the roof and outside. When insulating the roof from the inside with your own mineral wool, step by step you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Install a vapor barrier, it will prevent air saturated with moisture from entering the space under the roof.
  2. It is recommended to use mineral wool as the main ingredient for this “pie”. And it will be very good if it turns out to be stone wool.
  3. To protect against moisture and the effects of atmospheric precipitation of the entire system, waterproofing must be installed.
  4. To form a ventilation gap, you need to fill the counter-grill. It will also allow condensate to be removed.
  5. Carry out the installation of the finishing material of the roof.

Perhaps this is all the actions that must be performed when warming the roof of the house with mineral wool with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in these works, you just need to follow the instructions. And the insulation of the roof of the attic with mineral wool will last more than one decade.

Internal insulation

So that there are no errors when warming, you need to follow all instructions as clearly as possible. Below we provide recommendations that must be observed when performing work:

  1. Make sure that the insulation does not block the ventilation openings.
  2. In the event that a superdiffusion membrane is used for insulation, it is necessary to lay the insulation as tightly as possible to avoid overlapping the ventilation gap.
  3. If you use a standard film for the roof, you will need to make the lower and upper gaps.
  4. Insulation plates, which are stacked in rows, should differ in that their joints are not the same, not coinciding with each other.
  5. In order to insulate the rafters as evenly as possible, you need to use a material whose width is slightly larger than the distance between the elements.
  6. Pay attention to the fact that the insulating material should fit as tightly as possible to each other.
  7. If you choose mineral wool for insulation, you must install waterproofing. You also need to monitor how well the film connects, and also to prevent the formation of joints.
  8. In order to fix the mineral wool plate as reliably as possible, you can use either a wire stretched between the rafters, or self-tapping screws.

Stages of work

Mineral wool roof insulation

Similar manipulations must be performed when warming the roof of the bath with mineral wool. Before you begin, you need to perform a series of actions:

  1. Check the roofing system and all its components. If there are defects, dampness, traces of decay, then all the elements that have been damaged must be replaced and eliminated.
  2. Treat the roof with antiseptic agents.
  3. Check if there are communication systems such as water or electricity.

In order to carry out the insulation of a pitched roof, you need to use rolled or slab material. They fit very well on the crate. But you need to take into account that the vapor barrier material is installed first.

Leave a small distance between the insulation and the roof, this will provide ventilation. And when laying the insulation on the rafters, you will not only make the insulation, but also provide a high degree of sound insulation. As you can see, mineral wool roof insulation is an effective way to save on heating in winter and cooling in summer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17808/

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