Roofing roll material: types and composition

Roofing roll material is the most popular way of decorating the roof of any country house. The modern market offers a wide selection of materials, each of which is good in its own way. What to give preference to and what to look for when choosing?

Main categories

roofing roll material

All rolled materials for the roof are divided depending on the type of base into basic or baseless. By the type of components of the coating composition, they are bitumen, polymer or bitumen-polymer. Cardboard, asbestos, polymers, fiberglass or a combination of materials can act as a basis, and the protective layer has a fine-grained, coarse-grained or fiberglass structure. All these types of rolled roofing materials are widely used in construction. Consider the features of each type in more detail.

Bituminous: cheap and easy

All roofing materials of this type allow you to equip a soft roof. The secret of their popularity is in cost-effectiveness, but because of the short service life (only six years), the material is mainly used to cover temporary buildings, rather than residential buildings. The properties of bitumen-based roll roofing materials are such that they do not withstand the atmospheric effects in the form of sunlight and temperature extremes.

Types of bitumen materials

roll roofing surfaced material

The most popular in the series of bituminous materials is roofing material. It is widely used in country and individual construction, differing in low cost. The service life is a maximum of seven years, but it is widely used by individual developers. Roofing material is a bituminous roll roofing material, which is a roofing board impregnated with bitumen. The upper part has a scaly or coarse-grained sprinkled surface, and maybe even without it. The lower part is dusty or fine-grained. Modern roofing material is roofing or lining. Installation involves bonding with hot or cold mastics or the use of roofing nails.

Pergamine is another material made from roofing cardboard and impregnated with bitumen. The material is thin and less durable compared to roofing material, so it is most often used as a lining.

Surfacing Roofing Materials

The built-up roof is an excellent solution for arranging the roofs of buildings and structures in the field of industrial and civil construction. Such materials are suitable for waterproofing both the roof and the foundation, floors and ceilings. Rolled roofing deposited material is easy to install, so in just a day you can perform a large amount of work. Its peculiarity is that fiberglass or fiberglass resistant to rotting, which increase the strength, are used as the basis.

types of rolled roofing materials

As bitumen modifiers, polymers are used that increase resistance to various influences and increase strength. Rolled roofing deposited material is characterized by high elasticity, flexibility at low temperatures and high heat resistance. An important role in the deposited materials is played by the structure of the upper layer, whose task is to protect the roof. The roofing should serve as protection against heat, ultraviolet radiation, precipitation. To minimize such an effect, a coating is used to sprinkle.

Rolled roofing waterproofing surfaced material most often has a sprinkling of different fractions - coarse-grained or fine-grained, scaly or dusty. As raw materials, basalt, slate, sand, ceramic chips are used. When choosing, it is worth focusing on several factors:

  1. The complexity of the relief of the roof structure, as well as the angle of its slope.
  2. The temperature regime in the region.
  3. The amount of precipitation that falls on average per year.
  4. Possible loads that can lead to deformation.

Bituminous materials for waterproofing

A number of roofing materials serves not only to cover the structure, but also for its high-quality waterproofing. Among them is metalisol. This material has a three-layer structure: bitumen - foil - bitumen. This is a strong roofing, showing excellent performance, with high strength and reliability.

rolled roofing waterproofing surfaced material

No less popular is bituminous rolled roofing and waterproofing material called isol. During production, rubber, mineral sealants, antiseptics and polymer additives are added to it. Such a composition is the key to the fact that the material will show increased heat resistance. Suitable for covering flat roofs and ceilings. Hydroisol is created on the basis of asbestos cellulose, the main difference of which is increased rot resistance. It is widely used in waterproofing basements and areas that are poorly ventilated.

Thus, roofing bituminous roll and surfaced materials - this is a wide selection of coatings that are made in the form of paintings and can be used in various fields of construction. The secret of their popularity is in affordable cost, as well as increased resistance to various influences.

Bitumen-polymer materials

If the lower layer in the form of a cementing component is glued to the surfaced roofing, it will show good waterproofing properties. Rolled roofing waterproofing surfaced material most often has an astringent component in the form of roofing bitumen and fillers in the form of polymer additives, which affect the increase in service life and operational properties.

Oxidation of bitumen leads to increased heat resistance and lower frost resistance of the coating. Atactic polypropylene (APP) or styrene-butadiene-styrene elastomers (SBS) are added to avoid such phenomena. In this way, a rolled polymer-bitumen roofing material is obtained. It costs more, but its excellent performance, combined with high reliability and durability will appeal to many owners of country houses.

Features of bitumen-polymer materials for roofing

roofing bituminous rolled and surfaced materials

Two-component roofing materials in the form of rolls have recently been in high demand. They consist of bitumen and polymer, the volume of which is about twelve percent. The basis for this type of coating is polyester, fiberglass, crumb rubber or thermoplastic. Such a roofing roll material has a number of features:

  1. High ductility.
  2. Resistance to cracking.
  3. Ability to operate in different temperature ranges.
  4. High strength.
  5. Reduced brittleness temperature.
  6. Increased softening point.

The use of bitumen-polymer types of coating is advisable for the construction of a flat or pitched roof with a maximum slope of twenty-five degrees. Otherwise, the coating may slip. Materials roll roofing for the upper layer based on bitumen and polymers are presented in several types.


This is a multilayer material consisting of polyester, film, polymerized bitumen as a base and a coating in the form of ceramic chips. Modified additives can enhance performance. This material has a number of varieties, the most popular of which are Copprflex coatings with an inert copper outer layer and Aluflex with an aluminum outer layer. These coatings are characterized by high heat resistance and durability.


Material rolled roofing "Isoplast" consists of polymerized bitumen and a base in the form of polyester or fiberglass. It is available in two varieties - roofing and lining. The top layer has a coarse powder on the front side and a plastic film on the other, and the lower layer is a plastic film that is coated on both sides with a fine-grained fraction. Such a device of the material contributes to the fact that it gains flexibility, resistance to breakage in bending and cracking. The polymer film below serves as a protection for the coating and a guarantee of its safety.

Other bitumen-polymer materials

properties of rolled roofing materials

Any roofing rolled material based on bitumen and polymers has several advantages:

  1. High quality binder component is the key to reliability in any temperature changes.
  2. High elasticity affects improved flexibility at low temperatures.
  3. The coating has good grip on the sprinkle.

Among the materials popular in construction, rolled roofing of the Tekhnoelast series can be noted. They are produced by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder onto the base of polyesters or fiberglass. It, in turn, consists of bitumen, an SBS modifier and a mineral filler in the form of talc or dolomite. A protective layer is created on the basis of sprinkling different fractions and polymer films. Coating is widely used in the creation of a roofing carpet in various buildings that are operated in any climatic conditions.

Polymeric rolled roofing materials

Rolled polymer roofing material is created on the basis of petroleum resin or rubber. These varieties of coatings belong to a new generation and have durability and high reliability. Their service life reaches twenty years and above, and they can be covered with roofs of any configuration - flat, pitched, gently sloping and even with round slopes. Laying is carried out by means of strip or continuous gluing based on adhesive mastic, and the preparation of the base plays an important role. Some materials are attached by weight or mechanically.

Polymer membrane

This is a modern roofing roll material, which is increasingly used in the repair and decoration of the roof. Its popularity is due not only to high reliability, but also to a wide range of color solutions, resistance to temperature changes and durability, which reaches forty years. This innovative material is a single-layer roof, which is made from flexible polyvinyl chloride by hot air welding. This roofing is different:

  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • immunity to the most adverse weather conditions;
  • resistance to various bacteria, chemically aggressive substances;
  • resistance to decay and decay;
  • the possibility of creating a coating with a breathable effect.

All this distinguishes this material roll roofing (GOST is installed in the technical documentation) from others.

Types of polymer membranes

PVC-based membranes are the most common in Russia. They consist of polyvinyl chloride, to which plasticizers are added. Their purpose is to increase frost resistance and give elasticity. A special reinforcing base gives reliability and durability, and at the same time, the sections of the seams are strong and tight.

bituminous rolled roofing and waterproofing material

Membranes based on thermoplastic polyolefins are an innovative material in which components are added that improve the fire and operational properties of the surface. Such membranes are distinguished by a combination of the advantages of PVC and rubber. Therefore, they are better combined with bitumen. And this, in turn, affects the greater strength of the material.

EPDM-based membranes have high elasticity and the ability to operate for a long time in the most extreme conditions. They are produced reinforced and unreinforced, which is necessary to increase the strength and reliability of the material. Moreover, any variety is characterized by elasticity and strength. The package consists of additional parts with which you can waterproof complex areas - sealants, fasteners.

Roofing materials by class

Depending on the durability, all roofing bitumen materials are divided into several types:

  • premium (service life - 25-30 years);
  • business (service life - 15-25 years);
  • standard (service life - 10-15 years);
  • economy (service life - 10 years);
  • subeconomic (service life no more than five years)

Premium materials include the Tekhnoelast series. Features of these coatings - the ability to create a breathable roof, from which moisture will be removed, which has the ability to reduce the durability of the roof. Using materials of this type, it is possible to equip a single-layer roofing, solving the problem with swelling and making the installation itself easier and more convenient. To equip the lower layer of the roofing, you can use "Technoelast Fix", which makes it possible to mount a roofing carpet on the base. The roof will be resistant to deformation and able to withstand heavy loads. The operational features of the coating are such that it can be used in regions with any climatic conditions.

Among the business class materials, two can be distinguished - "Uniflex" and "Ecoflex". The first is good because it serves as an effective protection against moisture penetration, contributing to the durability of the structure. Both the one and the other materials are a waterproofing sheet that provides ventilation to the roof. Ecoflex is an excellent solution for waterproofing roofs and underground structures. This roofing roll material is advisable to apply in regions with high temperature conditions. Due to the quality and reliability, it will serve as a roof protection for quite a long time.

Among the materials of the standard class, Bipol is in demand. It has a strong non-decaying base, which is coated on both sides with a high-class bitumen-polymer binder. Based on this material, it is possible to equip a roof with a small slope, to waterproof the foundations of buildings and structures.

Economical types include Linocrom K, with which the upper layer of the roofing carpet is arranged. It can be used as vapor barrier material in the lower layer of the system. Its protective layer is made of fine-grained sprinkling or a polymer film.

Bikrost is a popular material, which is a waterproofing sheet with a solid base based on a bitumen binder. It is used in the installation of the lower layer of the roofing carpet. The protective layer is provided with a fine-grained powder or film. The cheapest roofing roll material is glassine. It is a roofing cardboard, which is additionally impregnated with oil bitumen. Based on this material, it is possible to repair and equip roofs with a maximum service life of five years.


As you can see, modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of roofing roll materials. Each of them has its own technical and operational features, each is designed for a specific roof structure. That is why it is so important to consider the composition, application features and climatic conditions of one's own region. All this together will allow you to choose the most suitable building material for specific conditions.


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