How to bathe a Corella Parrot: Owner Tips

Personal hygiene is important for every organism. Pets are no exception. This is necessary both for them and for you. Birds also require water procedures and, intending to make a bath for a winged neighbor, many owners begin to wonder how to bathe a cockatiel parrot.

Corella Bird Photography


By nature, parrots love to swim a lot. They do this in natural pools with rainwater or in grass with copious amounts of dew. For bird water procedures, special baths are used, but you can bathe a parrot in a regular plate or bowl. Such water tanks can be installed both inside the cage and in the room, outside. It does not matter where the bath will stand - on the floor, on the table, or, in general, be in limbo. Let's find out how to bathe a Corella parrot.

Basic bathing rules

So how to bathe a cockatiel parrot ? The water in the container should be slightly warmer than room temperature and always clean. This is due to the fact that during bathing the bird likes to drink. It is important to remember that any parrot prefers to spray heavily with water, so determine the capacity away from the feed.

The depth of the water in the container should be no more than two centimeters, because the Corella is quite capable of drowning in a large amount of water. It does not depend on the size of the bird. While swimming, check the absence of draft in the room, because it is very harmful for the parrot. If this procedure is regular, then take the responsibility to control the cold and hot air currents so that your bird does not get sick.

Parrot splashing in the bathroom

Game moments of swimming

Another question that many owners have is how to bathe a Corella parrot if it does not want to. In fact, by nature, birds want and should take a bath, he just doesn’t like something in the conditions that you provided him. To make this procedure more attractive, place the mirror next to the container, and also throw your favorite bird toy into the bathtub.

Very attractive for bathing are lettuce, cabbage or other greens, located in the container. This creates an atmosphere of natural grass with dew.

Well-prepared young bird for swimming home water spray. The spray from the atomizer will interest an adult parrot. Simulating rain will also create a play moment for the pet.

A cockatiel cockatiel can also swim under a water stream in the sink. But this only happens if the owner is in a trusting relationship with his bird. It is important to take care of the temperature and pressure of water in advance. They must be gentle. Just bring the bird to the stream, and then carefully place the body under the water.

Some useful information

For those who seek to learn how to bathe a Corella parrot at home, it is necessary to find out some points. For example, if a bird was taking a bath outside the cage, it is very important to provide extra control because wet feathers become heavy and can harm your pet.

Corella birds are sitting on a perch

If the corella is very cold and cannot quickly warm up, put it closer to a conventional incandescent lamp (for example, a table lamp). In no case do not blow dry your parrot, it can be deadly for him!

If you notice how a pet sprinkles itself with water from its beak or actively plays with a drinking bowl, then it “hints” at the need for swimming.

Short list of rules

If you put a bath for a pet, but he ignores the presence of water in it, and toys, and even greens, then here is a step-by-step instruction on how to bathe a cockatiel parrot:

  1. Carefully pick up the bird. Do not push too hard, because the pet's bones are very fragile and delicate.
  2. Set the water jet in advance - check the temperature, pressure. Prepare it so that the flow is not very small, but also not strong. The stream should not hit the bird’s tender back.
  3. Gently spray water on the wings of the parrot, then gradually bring the body of the cockatiel under the stream.
    Corella bird and chick
  4. After you wet all the feathers, use a small amount of special shampoo.
  5. Massaging gently, lather the back, and then rinse under running water.
  6. Make sure that there are no soap traces on the surface of the corolla. Then gently wrap the bird in a soft towel, being careful not to damage the paws.
  7. Periodically transfer the corella to a dry part of the fabric so that moisture is absorbed faster into the fabric.
  8. When the bird has dried out a little, you can release it into the cage (preferably clean). There, the pet will begin to clean itself additionally.

Such manipulations are important to do when your pet is dirty with something harmful and poisonous, as well as in the presence of fleas.

If the bird became dirty

Many people wonder - is it possible to bathe Corell parrots? The answer is yes. And it’s not just possible, but necessary. Sometimes taking a bath becomes a vital procedure.

For example, if your bird is soiled with paint or fuel oil, then before washing off harmful substances from the cockatiel, it is necessary to carefully cut off the “dirt” with scissors with blunt ends so as not to injure the feathered pet.

The parrot is sitting on a perch

Why does a bird need a bath

This is surprising, but science gives us extremely little information about why it is important for birds to swim. Amateurs conducted their own investigation and found out that all the birds were incredibly serious about bathing procedures. Birds often even engage in battles to secure access to water.

The main feature is that birds rarely swim in dirty water. Often they choose the pond from which you can also drink plenty.

Outdoor bird bath

The most important reason birds love swimming is the wetting and drying of incorporeal feathers. Water provides proper care for them. That's because feathers are a bird's lifebuoy: they are insulated, waterproof and, of course, provide flight power.

Feathers are updated once or twice a year, and in the meantime they need to be kept in good condition. The sun, chewing mites, and bacteria adversely affect feathers. A good bath can keep them in top condition for as long as possible.

Another version of why birds like to swim is that with the help of water they provide their body with thermoregulation.

How often to bathe a parrot

You can bathe your pet at least every day, but it is very important to monitor the absence of drafts in the house. It is advisable to do this in a warmer season, when the room is not too cold.

At the same time, it is not necessary to bathe the cockatiel under a stream of water, because it is enough to let it out of the cage and then put a shallow container so that the bird can frolic, spraying drops in different directions, then shaking off excess moisture to turn into a beautiful fluffy bird pet.

The main thing is that your corella begins to trust you. So you can play water games with the bird and spend more time together.


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