What is a hijab? Definition, description and photo

Oddly enough, in the modern world, where men and women have equal rights, there are prohibitions. First of all, this concerns the Islamic religion, where, according to the Qur'an, every girl is obliged to cover herself with traditional clothes.

To the question: "What is a hijab?" - Many will answer that it is a scarf or fabric covering the head of a Muslim woman. Accept this too simple explanation of the term for a religion such as Islam. Indeed, many people know that the detail of clothing that is sacred for Muslims must comply with Sharia standards, which means that it should not attract attention, nor be transparent and tight.

what is hijab

Woman in hijab: head to religion

If in Islam it is any clothing that completely covers the female body from head to toe, then for a Westerner it is a shawl with which Muslim women cover their head and neck. The Qur'an says that the hijab is a robe that fully complies with all Sharia norms, that is, it is long, not defiant, and does not fit the female body.

What is hijab in terms of spirituality? There is a definite answer to this. As one Muslim woman said: "A woman in a hijab is comparable to a vessel closed with a lid. If she is not there, then everyone knows what is inside."

Hijab is not a woman’s style, but a life position, and to come to the decision to wear it is a very bold step, especially if you are not in a Muslim country. But for the Islamic religion, being a woman does not mean wearing long clothes and covering one’s head. First you need to put on an “inner hijab” (cover your soul), and the need to wear an “outer hijab” will come over time.

children in hijab

Hijab as art

Despite Sharia’s many prohibitions on the proper wearing of hijabs, Persian Gulf residents have turned a traditional Muslim outfit into real art. They prefer an abundance of shades and decorations in an evening or home look, and the output is a plain hijab or abaya.

Since lightning-fast economic growth began in the Gulf states, the most famous fashion houses began to work on the look of traditional Muslim clothes, turning the wearing of a hijab into a real work of art.

Now clothes have a more complex style, a variety of inserts and embroidery, scarves are trimmed with rhinestones and stones, including precious ones. Unfortunately, foreign designers and fashion designers still can’t get used to the fact that the hijab should completely cover the body, so the models show their hair and their hands are decorated with henna drawings and jewelry.

Such a Western vision of a traditional Muslim outfit appealed to young fashionistas, and many of them began to abandon Islamic bans in favor of the style proposed by fashion designers.

woman in hijab with her head

Perfumes, makeup and hijab

Many will agree that the interest of the Russian people in the East increased during the show of the series "Clone". Everyone remembers how our mothers, grandmothers, and sisters eagerly awaited the evening, in order to find themselves in mysterious oriental luxury for an hour. Most of us admired the beauty of Jadi: a girl covered from head to toe with traditional Muslim attire. The only thing that was open to the eyes of others was her perfectly made up eyes. And few people know that, according to Sharia law, girls in a hijab do not have the right to use cosmetics and perfumes before going out. After all, aroma and makeup will attract men's attention.

The only authorized cosmetic for eye contact is antimony, and the use of henna is allowed for hands.

Muslim cosmetics

In Islam, another concept of beauty, and such a concept as the cosmetics of a Muslim woman, explains the subtleties of this religion in the best possible way. For the lips, the woman uses only truth and sincerity, for the voice - the mention of the Almighty (prayer), for the eyes - a modest and warm look, for the hands - useful things, and for the body she finds patience and chastity. This is what a hijab is in the concept of a true Muslim.

Jewelry ringing

Jewelry in combination with a hijab is a separate issue, where permissibility depends on what they are and how much they are. But compared to cosmetics, you can find a compromise. A woman in a hijab should not wear only those types of jewelry that attract attention. For example, it is strictly forbidden to wear jewelry on the ankles, since during walking they will make a sound. What is the point of wearing a hijab if in this way a woman will notify the opposite sex of her presence?

wearing hijab

How mandatory is hijab for children

This question is quite common, but perhaps many mothers of their daughters have not yet figured it out completely, since they believe that their child is still not enough to wear a hijab. In fact, it is. Under Sharia law, a child under the age of majority is not responsible for his actions, that is, his actions are not considered haraam. But this does not mean that he should do whatever he wants, and his parents will not pay attention to him.

True Muslims (and not only), despite their age, explain the basic principles of religion to a child: the prohibition of deception, profanity, theft, and envy. They should also tell him about the need for fasting and prayer.

Allowing the child to commit haraamic acts from childhood, parents condemn him to the fact that when he reaches adulthood, he will consider this the norm, and it will not be so easy to retrain him. Explaining to the little Muslim woman what is forbidden and permissible, the family will be sure that a personality with the correct religious concepts is being formed in her.

Muslim parents who take care of their children will instill in their children a Shariah clothing culture. But this is provided that the mother herself follows all the instructions of the Quran regarding appearance. Having a model in front of him, the child will begin to perceive Muslim clothing not only from a theoretical, but also from a practical point of view.

woman in hijab

Many children in hijabs have a feeling of tenderness and gratitude to their parents. Before coming of age, a girl has the right to wear what she wants, especially since many collections for small Muslim women are being created in the world. Thus, a girl from a young age will begin to get used to long dresses, skirts and scarves. in accordance with Islam, a girl becomes an adult when one of these three signs appears:

- menstruation;

- pollution;

- the appearance of hair around the genitals.

How to wear a hijab (photo)

First you need to take a stole or any other fabric and cover it with your head, securing the edges of the edges with a pin. The result should be a hat with long ends. Then one end is transferred to the opposite shoulder and secured with a pin, thereby covering the shoulder. Do the same with the second end of the scarf, just fix it not on the shoulder, but in the temporal region.

hijab photo


Summing up and understanding what a hijab is, we draw conclusions:

1. Each woman should cover her aurat - unprotected places, that is, her whole body, except her hands and face.

2. The hijab should not shine through, fit the figure and have a bright color.

3. Cover should occur in the soul and only then go to the body.

4. Before going out, a girl in a hijab should not use perfumes and cosmetics.

A Muslim woman should understand that covering her body with a hijab is not an infringement of her rights, but a defense of her honor and dignity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17834/

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