How to untie a dog: concept, age for breeding, tips and recommendations of a veterinarian

The question of how to unleash a dog often arises both for novice dog breeders who have decided to breed puppies and for those who simply believe that a pet needs it. On the one hand, the concerns of the owners of their first viscous dog look somewhat strange. The animal intuitively knows what and how to do it, because in nature animals reproduce without human control. On the other hand, unsuccessful untying is quite capable of becoming the reason that the dog will not be able to participate in breeding in the future. Therefore, for owners of highly bred animals it is extremely important that the "first time" of their pet is successful.

What is mating? The concept

Before you unleash a dog for the first time, especially a thoroughbred one that is valuable for breeding, you need to find out what exactly is mating dogs and how it happens.

The definition of this process sounds simple enough. Mating, or mating, mating - this is a set of actions planned by a person, leading to the fertilization of the eggs of bitches with the seminal fluid of dogs under the control of the owners.

Dogs in the castle

This is the difference between mating and natural mating of animals, to which humans have no relation. Also, the breeds of thoroughbred dogs are legally accompanied, in fact, being a business transaction. Owners of animals conclude agreements that state the obligations and rights of the parties, the material and financial aspects of the upcoming event.

What can be knitting?

Most of the middle-aged people, those who had dogs during the pre-perestroika period, when a thoroughbred animal with a pedigree in the country could be acquired only through membership in DOSAAF, imagined mating unplanned and official. In principle, such a division applies to today.

Dogs on the street

From mating carried out outside the plan for breeding the cynological society in which the dog is registered, puppies are born that do not have rights to pedigrees and other documents confirming the origin. The official or, as they often say, planned mating is the mating of animals, after which puppies are registered, registered by the club, receiving a pedigree and other documents.

How is mating understood in breeding work?

What is selection in simple words? This definition, the choice of the most suitable for the animal partner, allowing to obtain offspring with specific characteristics. In how to unleash a pedigree dog, which is of value in breeding, this moment is extremely important.

In breeding work, two types of mating are distinguished:

  • inbreeding;
  • cross.

The term "inbreeding" refers to the mating of animals in closely related relationships. These mating allows you to get offspring with impeccable characteristics that best meet the requirements of breed standards.

Cross-mating involves mating animals that do not have common ancestors in their pedigrees.

Both types of breeding partner selection for a dog have both advantages and disadvantages, which, of course, concern not the mating process, but the offspring. Often owners of pedigree dogs do not consider it necessary to delve into the nuances of breeding work, simply trusting a zoologist from a dog breeding club. Especially often they do not pay attention to the type of choice of a partner in cases when the question of how to untie a dog is decided.

Dogs sniff

On the one hand, this position is justified in some way, because the owners of the bitch have to deal with the sale of puppies. But on the other hand, the offspring of a male is his reputation, a kind of “calling card”. Few owners of bitches will wish to knit their pet with an animal, from which sick or severely damaged puppies are born, even if he has collected all the titles in the world. Therefore, you need to be very careful about choosing a partner from the very first time.

Are there any features in the first knit?

Of course, the first time is special, both in humans and in dogs. However, these features are radically different. Animals do not need to have a romantic atmosphere, but the presence of an instructor will not hurt. The owner can perform its functions, but only if the person has practical experience in mating animals. In the event that there is no such experience, it makes sense to insist that the instructor not only conduct the mating, but also train the owner. This will come in handy in the future, because the pedigree thoroughbred dogs are knitted not one or even a pair of bitches a year.

What is the person’s task during the first mating? To become part of a ritual. The male should calmly relate to the fact that the person touches him, corrects, helps. As a rule, inexperienced dog breeders have a question about why this is necessary. In how to unleash a dog, the participation of people may not be required. But if the animal does not think from the very first time that a person is part of sexual contact, if there are any difficulties in the future, it simply will not let the owners or instructors in it.

Dogs before mating

Of course, if we are talking about small dogs, then this is not a particularly important point. But if we are talking about mating representatives of large serious breeds, for example, mastiffs or shepherds, the habit of involving people is important.

For example, a bitch will reduce muscles while standing “in the castle”. Need help in the release of the dog in the truest sense of the word. If a dog weighs under a hundred kilograms and has a rather severe disposition, it will be simply impossible to approach it without a dart with a sleeping pill. But if the dog immediately learns that the person directs it, is in contact - stroking, tugging on the ears, then the situation will be resolved otherwise and will not become stressful.

This means that in how to unleash a dog of a shepherd or other large breed, the participation of the owner and instructor is not only desirable, but also necessary.

What exactly should the owner do at the first mating?

The answer to this question seems to be simple - to participate. But how exactly do it? Often, owners of animals who do not have experience in their breeding are nervous before the upcoming event as much as if it was a matter of their own wedding. And this is exactly what you can’t do. The excitement of a person is transmitted to the animal. And the dog’s psyche is designed so that when the owner feels nervous tension, the dog tunes in to protect him. Accordingly, he will be wary and aggressive towards the bitch, its owners and instructor.

Knitting process

The very actions that should be carried out by a person are extremely simple. When a dog jumps onto a bitch, that is, does a cage, you need to put his hand on his croup. Directing the animal, without the need for this, is not required. The point of the action is that the dog gets used to it and in case of difficulties does not get scared and does not defend itself. A repetition of this movement is required every time the male begins to cage. When the dogs freeze in the castle, you need to pet the animal, tugging behind the ears, but, of course, without effort. If other actions are required, then the instructor conducting the pairing will inform about this.

Is there any need to do this?

Despite the great similarity of the organisms of dogs and humans, four-legged pets are still different from their owners. Nature conceived so that dogs, like many other animals, have sex quite differently from humans. They do this solely for the sake of procreation, the appearance of offspring. Therefore, the arguments from the series “he wants it” are erroneous. The male will want after he learns what the flowing bitch is and how to deal with it.

This means that after the first mating, others will be required. When considering whether to unleash a dog, you should first think about it. Do not rely on the case, that is, believe that a male, unlike a female, can satisfy his needs with any dog. Physiologically, this is certainly true, but this "any" also needs to be found. Accordingly, you first need to study the demand for knitting in your region.

When to do it?

The animal reaches sexual maturity at the age of 8-10 months. Theoretically, at the same age, the male is ready for mating. In practice, the first mating of animals takes place after a year and a half. This is not connected with physiology at all, but with practical considerations. In order to qualify for the inclusion of a dog in a breeding plan, you need to collect a certain number of awards and titles, estimates of the exterior data. There are few couples of letters for participating in exhibitions in the status of a junior for this, so one-year-old males rarely turn out to be untied.

Dogs for a walk

If we put aside breeding work, then at what age to untie the dog is up to the owners to decide. After reaching puberty, the dog is physiologically ready for mating.

How often do you need to mate an animal?

This is a fairly important question for which there is no single answer. What the dog means is unleashed is not at all that he can fertilize all dogs in the area around the clock. The number of mating depends on many factors and primarily on the health of the dog.

As a rule, young animals, under the age of three, are knitted 6-8 times per year. If the animal’s health and its exterior qualities allow more cases, then this, of course, is not forbidden. Males aged three to eight years are mated 20-30 times per year.

It is imperative not to mate in a row, making a gap of at least a week between them. The dog needs to recover after mating, gain strength, relax.

Advice and recommendations of veterinarians on the preparation of the animal

If in the question of whether it is worth untying the dog, the owners came to the affirmative answer, then it will not be out of place to find out about the preliminary preparation of the animal.

Dog communication

The main preparatory points are as follows:

  • full examination in a veterinary clinic and delivery of all necessary tests no later than a month before mating;
  • obtaining an opinion on the state of health;
  • mandatory preventive treatment for skin and intestinal parasites 25 days before mating;
  • if necessary - vaccination;
  • feeding - 2-3 hours before mating, walking an hour.

With the participation in the process of the invited instructor, the dog needs to be introduced to him in advance and given time to get used to this person.


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