Unusual plants of the world. Predatory beauty or useful unusual

A huge number of wonderful works of art created by nature, keeps our planet. Fantastic waterfalls, huge mountain cliffs, resting against a defenseless sky, amazing atolls, a magnificent variety of the underwater world, entertaining animals and unusual plants - this can be truly proud of every inhabitant of the planet. Almost every continent has in its open spaces one or more of such representatives.

As a rule, not everything beautiful is safe. So, unimaginable in its beauty unusual plants can bring death to many insects. One of such dangerous predatory representatives of the flora is the Cape sundew. Its Latin name sounds like "drosera capensis". This seemingly pretty plant accumulates a sticky liquid on the ends of its hairs, which is a deadly trap for insects. The sundew also takes advantage of this, folding hair and eating the victim. This instance grows in South Africa.

unusual plants

In general, Africa is a huge territory on which numerous unusual plants of the world grow. Here, boevia curly found its shelter, the bulbs of which in diameter can reach 20 cm, while being very poisonous.

unusual plants of the world

Also, Africa is the birthplace of a plant that exists exclusively in very arid areas - the Welwitschia is amazing. What is really surprising is that this representative of the flora can grow 2000 years, while the length of the leaves can reach 8 meters.

most unusual plants

Unusual plants growing in Africa, even scientists can be confused by their properties. Pollia condensata is a fantastic plant with bright blue fruits. It is noteworthy that, as such, there is no coloring pigment in the berries of this fruit. As there is no such pigment in peacocks, scarab beetles and butterflies.

unusual plants

Of course, another corner of the world rich in unusual plants is Asia. So, the giant flower of Rafflesia found refuge in the rainforests of this part of the world. Over 1 meter in diameter and over 5 kg in weight, this beautiful plant grows along the elephant trails. At the same time, animals advancing on it, transfer spores to new places. Rafflesia has no stem and leaves. And the smell coming from it cannot be called pleasant: rotten meat, whose aroma is saturated with petals and the core of the flower, attracts only numerous insects.

unusual plants of the world

The most unusual plants may also be the most useful. For example, rambutan is a tropical fruit that grows in Southeast Asia. Numerous admirers of this tropical hairy say that under the soft studded cover hides an amazing pulp, giving a long life. It can be consumed both fresh and canned, which the Europeans enjoy using when purchasing jams from rambutan.

most unusual plants

Another fruit representative of unusual plants is the dragon fruit. Growing in the same place as rambutan, this delicious fruit is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In addition, pitaya (as this fruit is called in the homeland) allows you to normalize blood pressure and stabilize blood sugar and cholesterol.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17845/

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