Veterinary clinic of the Timiryazev Academy: address, list of veterinary services, reviews

Everyone who has pets, knows how important it is to find a good veterinary clinic, where they really help to cope with any problem. Sometimes the health or even the life of a pet depends on the professionalism of veterinarians and the quality of the services provided, so do not go anywhere. It happens that a veterinary clinic has expensive repairs and high-quality equipment, but the level of training of specialists leaves much to be desired. It is more correct to choose a well-known and proven clinic. In this article, we will talk about the veterinarian at the RGAU-Moscow Artists Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev.

Veterinary clinic at RGAU-MSHA them. K. A. Timiryazev

The Vetklinik at the Timiryazev Academy was opened in 2002 on the basis of the Department of Pet Hygiene, Obstetrics and Veterinary Medicine. Since then, there are a variety of services for animals. Those interested can always consult with experienced veterinarians on any issues. By the way, there are no random people among the staff of the veterinary clinic.

Dog at the veterinary clinic

Its founders and attending physicians are certified specialists who can easily diagnose and cure almost any disease in your pet. Among the specialists of the veterinary clinic there are candidates of veterinary sciences. The head of the clinic Dyulger Georgy Petrovich has the title of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, and is the author of books and articles on the physiology and pathology of breeding dogs, cats and farm animals.

The veterinary clinic at the Timiryazev Academy is located at: 49 Timiryazevskaya Street, Moscow. Nearest metro stations are Petrovsko-Razumovskaya and Likhobory.

Vetklinik at the Timiryazev Academy: veterinary services

In this veterinary clinic you can give your pets all the necessary vaccinations. There, your pet will also be provided with urgent help in case of injury, dislocation or fracture, a diseased tooth will be removed, and castration and sterilization procedures will be carried out. If necessary, you can call a veterinarian at home. The cost of a call within the MKAD is 2500 rubles (plus you will have to pay for veterinary services). This, of course, is a little expensive, but then you will not need to carry a sick pet to the clinic.

Dog treatment

In addition to the procedures described above, the veterinary clinic at the Timiryazev Academy provides the following veterinary services: clinical examination, specialist advice, general or local anesthesia, if necessary, ear treatment, clipping, intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous injections, blood and urine sampling, wound surgery, suture treatment, surgical care for pathological birth, hernia removal, reduction of dislocations, veterinary passport, ultrasound, x-ray. And this is not a complete list. If you decide to go to the veterinary clinic at the Timiryazev Academy, then you can be calm. Your pet will definitely be helped there!

Sterilization of cats: price and features

Many are afraid to get a cat in the apartment and prefer a cat. This is due to the fact that cats very often give birth to kittens. You can keep your pet locked up and prevent her from meeting cats, but then she will be very worried, nervous, rush to the owners. The reproductive instinct can be suppressed by sterilization. During this procedure, the cat's ovaries are removed. Often, the uterus is also removed, then the process is called "ovariogysterectomy".

Cat photo

When sterilized by surgical method, an incision of less than 2 cm is made on the animal’s stomach. Naturally, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. After sterilization, the cat will need to put on a blanket, and it will also take some time to process the seam. There is no need to be afraid of this procedure, because it will help you to permanently solve the problem of sex drive in your cat.

The cost of sterilizing cats in a veterinary clinic at the Timiryazev Academy is 3,500 rubles. Almost the same cost for this procedure is observed in all clinics in Moscow.

Surgical procedures

Surgery is very well developed in the veterinary clinic at the Timiryazev Academy. A complex procedure is performed there - osteosynthesis, during which reposition of bone fragments is done using various fixing devices. The result is a successful fusion of animal bones.

Maine coon cat

Use of anesthesia

Most operations and interventions are performed with general anesthesia, but sometimes, in order to minimize the toxic effect, veterinarians at the Timiryazev Academy use local or epidural anesthesia. I want to note that after the intervention, the animal is under observation for some time, because the veterinarians must make sure that everything is in order with it. In some private clinics, animals are given to the owners in a sleepy state after the operation, but this is not the case at the veterinary clinic at the Timiryazev Academy. Specialists wait until the patient wakes up, and after that they let him go home.


Some owners believe that vaccinating a pet is not necessary. But this opinion is erroneous. The vaccination procedure is necessary for cats and dogs in order for immunity to dangerous diseases to appear in their body. Vaccinations are done according to a schedule drawn up by a veterinarian. During vaccination, a weakened antigen is injected into your pet's body, which is not capable of harming it. In response to this, antibodies begin to be produced in the body. Thus, when bacteria or viruses re-enter, the immune system gives them a quick rebuff. It is not necessary to be afraid of vaccination, because usually there are no serious complications after it. Your pet may be drowsy and lethargic for several days, his appetite may decrease, but soon it will pass. In the veterinary clinic at the Timiryazev Academy, you can vaccinate your pet with an imported multivalent vaccine, as well as be vaccinated against rabies. What is good imported vaccine? It is less likely to cause allergic reactions than domestic.

Dog vaccination

Why castration is needed

When you start a small furry pet at home, you rarely think that after a while your pet will feel the urge to breed. What to do in this situation? Naturally, you will not let the animal go for walks alone, and it’s very difficult to organize mating for him. According to experts, a healthy cat should mate with a cat about 8 times a year, that is, this will be the norm for him. But if this does not happen, then your fluffy can turn into a monster. First, cats and dogs that are sexually attracted begin to tag everything. Secondly, the character of the animal is changing for the worse: a good dog can unexpectedly bite its owner, and a cute cat can tear a new sofa. The reason for this is hormones that are responsible for procreation. To solve these problems, you need to castrate the animal and deprive it of the ability to breed.

Veterinary clinic of the Timiryazov Academy

Castration and Pet Care

During castration, the cat or dog removes the testes or gonads. This operation is not at all dangerous, since it belongs to the category of simple. After the procedure, your pet will lose the desire to reproduce, and he will again become calm and affectionate. Many people wonder at what age it is better to castrate a puppy or kitten. Veterinarians recommend doing this at the age of 8-9 months. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Preparation for surgery is only that you should not feed your pet for 12 hours before castration. In a veterinary clinic at the Timiryazev Academy, castration of a cat costs 2000 rubles. This procedure for males costs differently, the price varies from 2500 to 5000 rubles and depends on the weight of the dog. After castration, it is necessary to closely monitor the pet for several days. It is important to choose the right diet and give your pet more fluid. In addition, you do not need to allow the animal to jump, because after the operation complications can occur.

Dog photo

Treatment of diseases of the oral cavity

Specialists of the veterinary clinic provide services for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity: removal of milk and molars, sanitation of the oral cavity, removal of tartar using an ultrasound scaler.

Cancer treatment

Unfortunately, pets can develop cancer. In this case, it is important to diagnose tumors as early as possible, so you can not close your eyes to a pet's malaise. If you notice that your pet’s behavior has changed dramatically, he became lethargic, lost his appetite, then you need to contact a veterinary clinic and take tests. Specialists of the veterinary clinic on Timiryazevskaya have extensive knowledge that helps to prolong the life of animals with cancer. Successfully performed surgical treatment of tumors. However, veterinarians of a veterinary clinic do not always carry out surgical interventions for oncology, because there are cases when they can only harm the patient.

Dog got sick

Customer reviews

Reviews about the veterinarian at the Timiryazev Academy are mostly positive. Many express gratitude to the specialists of the clinic and claim that after the first visit they are regular customers. Visitors pay attention to the cleanliness and order in the offices, and also note the attentive attitude of the staff to patients. Many people write that the clinic does not have a good expensive repair, but real professionals work here.

Veterinarian with patient

And finally ...

Now you know where high-quality and effective treatment of animals is carried out in Moscow. By the way, the cost of services in this veterinary clinic is much lower than in some private ones. The clinic at the Timiryazev Academy is a veterinary care center where your pet will be treated, and you will be correctly advised on any issues related to the health of pets. Treat your pets with professionals, do not risk their health, because it is priceless!


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