Applications for children 3 years. Paper applications for children 2-4 years old

In paper classes, some of the favorite things for kids are applications. For children 3 years old, it is very important to learn how to perform simple operations with scissors, to perform work in accordance with the task assigned to them. It develops patience, perseverance, perseverance and instills skills in working with cutting tools.

Initial applique classes

The first steps in this kind of art are recommended to be done at the age of two years. Of course, you should not immediately pose serious tasks for the kids. It is enough to base the initial applique classes for children 2-3 years old on the development of the skill of sticking pieces of already cut paper onto a sheet with a finished image outline. You can also offer the baby himself to tear pieces from colored sheets. It is best to choose an animal for the application. Children really like it when a colorless image is converted under their hands into a colorful look. Before starting work with glue, it should be explained to the children that the tasks are carried out carefully, hands are wiped with a napkin, not clothes, the glue is closed with a lid after work so that it does not dry out.

applications for children 3 years

Pointed way to run applications

You should not immediately put before the kids the task of gluing the piece completely. Let the part be fixed with one corner or side. And in the composition, where the object is shaggy animals or birds, you need to discuss this point in advance. After all, imitating fluffy fur and feathers is just appropriate with the help of a point arrangement of glue on small details. It is only important to add that the animal should not have a “bald spot”, otherwise it will freeze. Therefore, let the pieces overlap each other, "overlap" each other. It is most convenient to stick them in rows, starting from the bottom. The eyes and nose of the animal are made after its “fur coat” is made on top.

In the same technique, compositions with grass and leaves can be performed. This gives them volume and vividness, makes the picture more realistic.

Scissor skill development

After the child has mastered the method of sticking paper pieces, it is recommended to move on to more complex manipulations in working with paper. Now the kids should be given the initial skills to work with scissors. The ability to independently prepare material for applications for children 3 years old tremendously enhances their self-esteem. Let the child try to cut the paper pieces from a whole sheet of colored paper on his own.

However, a safety conversation should first be held with the children when working with scissors. It is also extremely important to use a tool with rounded ends.

applique children 2 3 years

Designs for 3 years old children

From birth, each person has a creative potential. To give an opportunity to show your imagination is one of the main tasks of the educator. Therefore, it should be proposed to perform applications for children 3 years old according to the plan already in the very first lessons. It can be still lifes or landscapes, plot pictures. And let the trees first have rectangular crowns, and apples - the shape of an unevenly torn piece of paper, they must be praised, because all artists are so important moral support!

Children like applications from ready-made pictures cut from magazines and old unnecessary textbooks that they use in their compositions. These details can be cut both strictly along the contour, and in the form of rectangles - it all depends on the skills of the child himself and his imagination.

Application "Aquarium with fish"

applique classes for children 2 3 years old

Story paintings can be taught to create on a background with a drawn outline and some elements drawn. The teacher draws an aquarium on the cardboard with algae and stones at the bottom, inviting the kids to "run" into the capacity of the inhabitants. With great interest, such an application is being carried out. Children (2-3 years old) are happy to cut and paste on a template a wide variety of animals: jellyfish, worms, snails, mollusks, fish. Although very small, you can offer ready-made parts for gluing. And let, in the eyes of adults, some fish and some circles and polygons swim in the aquarium, for the creators themselves this will be the most beautiful applique! Children (2-3 years) have unlimited imagination, so they should play along with this.

Application "Repair an umbrella!" for children 2 years old

paper applications for children 3 years old

But fantasy is fantasy, and developing the skill of accurately completing a task is also necessary from early childhood. This is exactly what the task “Fix the Umbrella!” Contributes to, in which the children are invited to stick the top of the umbrella, already cut out by the adults, on the handle drawn on the template so that the finished applications are made of paper. For children of 3 years, this is usually not difficult. Yes, and two-year-olds are quite easy to cope with this task.

Task “Make a rain!”

applique for children 2 3 years old umbrella

You can complicate this work on the application with an umbrella, using the previously acquired skills. Application for children 2-3 years old “Umbrella” can be complicated by the task “Make a rain!”. Let the children cut small triangular pieces from a whole sheet of paper of blue or blue color and stick them on their own. Kids usually with great pleasure prepare "rains", which are randomly placed on cardboard. However, one point needs to be clarified: there should be no rain under the umbrella itself! After all, the task of this item is precisely to protect the holding umbrella from rainfall.

Multicolored umbrellas

application for children 3 to 4 years old

Alternatively, a composite application for children 3-4 years old can be offered in this subject. Here, the guys are faced with a more difficult task: independently cut 4 identical triangles from different colors of paper and make the top of the umbrella out of them. You can draw a pen in advance on a template, or you can offer to draw it for the children themselves - draw, cut or paste. You can also complicate the task of cutting and pasting rain.

Application "Tulips"

application for children 3 to 4 years old

By March 8 or Mother's Day, you can prepare a flower arrangement as a gift to mothers and grandmothers. Such an application is proposed for children 3-4 years old. The teacher distributes to the kids cardboard cut-out patterns of details of flowers and leaves, which they must circle, attaching to a sheet of colored paper, and then cut it out on their own. With details on cardboard, children develop spatial thinking, logic, and accuracy. After all, it is very important to stick all the details so that they do not overlap the others, so that there are no voids between them. You can offer the composition “Flowers in a Vase” or “Flowers in the Garden”, you can let the children add other flowers to the tulips, which they will draw, cut and paste onto the composition as they wish.

Applications on the topic of literary works

application for children 4 years

Children love to portray their favorite characters after reading a book or watching a movie. Therefore, it is appropriate to offer them not only to draw something on this topic, but also to make an application. A ship that suddenly stumbled upon an uninhabited island in a vast ocean , or a funny and loyal Friday Robinson, may well serve as objects for the picture. Do not hold back children's imagination with only paper applications. Let the children draw something, stick something with plasticine, glue pasta or real feathers, after painting them with paints.

Applique classes develop imagination, help to reveal the creative potential of children, learn to see the whole in parts. Skills in the use of scissors and glue are also extremely important, so they are laid already in early childhood. And it should be noted that any manual labor brings accuracy, perseverance, perseverance and teaches to achieve the goal.


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