Mushroom places in the Vladimir region. Where to get a basket?

About 200 species of mushrooms, the most valuable nutritious products, grow on the territory of Russia. The so-called “silent hunt” is not only a pleasant pastime, enjoying the singing of birds and the chatter of grasshoppers. This is a special art. It will take a lot of time to learn to distinguish, for example, greenfinch from sulfur-yellow row or gall mushroom from white. And in order to return after a few hours wandering between birches and pines with a full basket of edible handsome men, you need to study all the mushroom places in the Vladimir region well.

How to pick mushrooms?

Tubular mushrooms, which are used in cooking with a leg, are advised to carefully twist, turning either one or the other. And for lamellar, where only hats are used for food, it is recommended to stock up with a sharp knife. So all the mushroom places in the Vladimir region will be preserved intact. Equally important, in the absence of these lower spore plants, certain tree species are not able to develop normally.

mushroom places in the Vladimir region

A small map of mushroom places in the Vladimir region, compiled by local residents

The village of Sushnevo is a treasured place for mushroom pickers. True, serious competition during the daytime hours violates all the pleasure of a “silent hunt”. But you can collect a lot of boletus, honey mushrooms. There are whites. They get to the station by train, then go to the forest on foot.

In the Orgtrud microdistrict, right behind the apartment buildings, there is a pine forest - there are few mushrooms, but further down there are birch groves where you can get hold of fragrant foxes. And if you are not too lazy, in the depths under the powerful oaks you can find stately white hats. Around - dense thickets of raspberries.

The surroundings of the village of Golovino are rich in mushrooms. The forest begins right behind the bus stop "School". It is enough to arrive there by suburban public transport - and in a few hours your basket will be full of mushrooms.

In Baigushi, not far from residential buildings, a pine forest stretches. If you go a little further, you can stumble upon a chic clearing with oils. It’s easier to get here from another area by the Vladimir-Baraki bus, which runs regularly.

map of mushroom places in the Vladimir region

Little-known mushroom places in the Vladimir region

These places either do not know or do not like because of the forced long walk. To get into the Shepelevo mixed forest, you must first go through the fields. Because of this, only locals drop in here.

Moshoksky forests are shrouded in such legends that it is impossible to make out now what is fiction and what is true. However, the fact that the land here is fertile is a fact. Of course, sharing secrets with the old-timers of the village is unprofitable, which means that they should not really listen to their advice. They can send so far that there will be no chance to get out. But it’s easy to get on your own. On the Murom highway to the village, then, following the sign, towards the village of Red Bush. Attention! The forest is on the right and the swamp on the left.

mushrooms in the Vladimir region

Another map of mushroom places in the Vladimir region is based on division by region. The most attractive: Vyaznikovsky and Melenkovsky (rated by forestry workers at 5 points), Gorokhovetsky and Murom (at 4, respectively). Most mushrooms in the lowlands. Harvest also depends on changeable weather.

Poisonous mushrooms

The most dangerous mushrooms in the Vladimir region are first of all a pale grebe, a pink plateau, a southern chanterelle, a fly agaric, a satanic mushroom, an orange-red cobweb.

Pale grebe can have a bell-shaped and flat, with a small bulge cap with a diameter of not more than 10 cm. The colors are most often greenish, brown-yellow, less often white. Sometimes light flakes appear on the hat. The leg is straight, about 12 cm high, a striped ring. The mushroom is very poisonous. Unfortunately, the forests of the Vladimir region are extremely rich in them. The term for the manifestation of signs of poisoning (nausea, foam from the mouth, pain, hallucinations, delirium) is up to half a day.

forests of the Vladimir region

The cobweb has a brownish smooth hat, a little dry. The flesh is rusty red. Leg is high, yellowish. Red mushroom has been known to everyone since childhood. But his inedible brother, the grebe-like fly agaric, is also successfully disguised as a yellow russula. You need to be very careful not to mix it up.

Mushroom picker rules

And finally: the main law - if there is any doubt about the edibility of the mushroom, you can’t take it, so as not to risk your health. Specialists from Rospotrebnadzor explain the increasing incidence of food poisoning as human indiscrimination. Do not pick mushrooms if there are accumulations of garbage nearby, a railway or a road. Due to this proximity, heavy metals and other substances harmful to the body accumulate in mushrooms. Overgrown copies that have lost their presentation must not be included in the basket either.

And in order not to come home empty-handed, it is recommended not only to regularly travel to proven mushroom places. In the Vladimir region there are still many hidden fertile corners.


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